Large number of beasts will destroy our ecosystem, we'll get surprises even worse than this werewolf problem... And I have a feeling that someone assume that this is some kind of Spore) Let's make as many bizzare creatures as possible
Where to spend Mana?
1) Make megaproject or fortifications that will aid in defense is a good option, too... If we plan to be a defensive god, fortifications of any kind is much more useful and cost effective than more troops. Preferably ones that don't need resources to maintain (No alive things)
2) Helping the dwarves to get a trade partner, ally, fire skill, knowledge about our combat abilities, fame ( You need to show force to attract worshipers) and maybe even some new worshipers if we play our cards right
3) Upgrading existing forces. Like arming all villagers with fire based equipment or upgrading corrupted trees
4) Cynical: Make high quality, well defended afterlife. Then, even if all our worshipers will get killed in the lost war, we'll survive and will keep getting some mana income
5) We may try to invade someone's else afterlife.. For example the one of the former village owner. Priest should now something about it... It is populated by souls of former villigers, some may be very, very useful
I beg coplayers to stop making new creatures, we have other options, game is not a creature designer. It's just getting boring and repetitive, let's use other ways to make us stronger