wait, we dont even know our status is on supplies and other stuff.
You don't? Strange. It appears a part of the post got lost. I'll repeat the message, and get to fixing the stats. First of all, influence denotes the percentage of people/economic power/ military power that you can manipulate. It doesn't indicate the power you have by law, or at this very moment. If you were to declare a revolution, the percentage given is the amount of people that would try to follow you. (Note: Declaring a hopeless revolution will most likely kill your support.) As such, it's not noted in absolute numbers for most of the time.
Things you can do in the game are the discussions in this sort of proto King controlled Parliament.(Even nonplayers are welcome), any legal action following your functions, or "illegal" actions using influence. (Triggering strikes, embezelling money, staging protests, stuff like that.)
((Oh, so we're going to die of starvation. Great. Or become cannibals.))
3) It's acceptable to recycle any available organic material for more food. Including cannibalism
They are.
Besides, the food problems aren't that big. There's only a food problem in the sol system, which is partly mitigated by the illegal farming activity. On Earth, now, present day, 1.2 billion people suffer food problems. In the sol system, there's only an 8% food shortage. Which is pretty manageable.
Oh, and most importantly. The Order of life doesn't believe in the spreading of life throughrough the galaxy*, they believe that each planet is sacred, and should be left alone. More like some kind of Scientific contamination prevention protocol gone Rogue.
1. All life is sacred, and will not in any way be harmed, manipulated or destroyed for the purposes of wealth,sustainance or other material things.
2. Each planet forms is a temple to the creator, and must not be disturbed by outsiders. The creators has plans for any and all of us, and it's not our place to interfere in his affairs.
3. The body is but the vessel of the soul. When the spark of life has withered, that which has been borrowed must be returned.
4. These rulings are universal. All beings will obey them. It's the task of any goodminded believer to reconcile each sinner with the true faith, and to maintain the order of life.
I hope these are vague enough to allow for some creative manipulation of religion, and loophole manoevers;
*At least, mainstream religion doesn't.
Edit: Also, don't be afraid to ask questions about the setting if you want to, or feel a bit lost. I know that the start of the game was more confusing than it could have been.
Edit 2: Stats fixed
Edit:3 Science note: Plants need sunlight, not heat to survive.