How tricky would it be to add refrigerators, which prevent all rotting, as put in houses that actually still work, or as mounted on vehicles with a much smaller holding volume.
"prevent all rotting" would be easy but totally unrealistic.
"greatly slows rotting" is much more complicated, and is being worked on, along with having ambient temperature influence rotting speed. e.g. eventually you might be able to clear out an ice lab and use it as a giant freezer, along with supplies in the ice lab potentially staying fresh for significant amounts of time (woo reason to take on ice labs).
The linked doors are cool*, they have a "linked doors" flag, such that opening or closing one opens/closes all adjacent ones, recursively. The VW bus amuses me greatly, as there's a big fan of them in my neighborhood, he has *five* of them.
Libraries got a HUGE buff, I think it was something like 30 new books.
Ninjaquestion'ed: I'm not sure what you mean by "how much liquid", do you mean a measure like mL? I'm not actually sure we have a decent way to tell that, different liquids have a different volume/"charge", which is very confusing. I'd like to rework everything such that volume is standardised, and different things consume a different volume instead of standardising charges and varying volume.
There are several options for looking around depending on what you're trying to do.
If you're scanning for items, there's a menu brought up by 'v' that displays all nearby and visible items.
If you want to keep an eye on a particular direction, you can use HJKL (caps) to persistently shift your view around, the concept of where your screen is centered is separate fom what your character can see.
If you want to look at monster or terrain details, x is your best option.
Hrm... v menu should be able to list monsters too...
*You can assume if I praise a feature instead of just describing it, I didn't write it