So I tried the static spawn option and it's so awesome that I only play static spawns now. The zombies are actually fun to take on now, and you have to get much more creative. You can actually carve out sections of the town, rather than having to drain the entire thing as a singular unit. I think it should become the default option, but it needs some work. You can not heal or find food and water fast enough while fighting a cougar, then Bear, then wolf pack every map tile. If you take time to heal, you will die of starvation/dehydration. The character needs to eat/drink twice as much as he should, which is less of an issue when in normal mode you can scavenge a starting stockpile of food/drink at the start and empty a town in day. The food/drink rate makes static spawns impossible to survive because it takes that much longer to clear out an area, then secure a fraction of the food/water and heal.
-Nailboard traps need to be a 0-skill trap you can make with a rock.
-Lawnmower machetes and halberds are a little underpowered.
-Nailboard weapon is possibly slightly overpowered, considering it becomes the defacto starting weapon and is still pretty good against most weapons you find shortly after.
-Steel spears should be made with steel wire, not string. Metric ton of wire available, few uses for said wire right now, makes more sense than string regarding durability and construction. Possibly only require one steak knife instead of two as well.
-Butcher's knife needs to be useable in some recipes. I don't think there's a single recipe that actually uses it. Xacto knife as well?
-Craftable sling and/or atlatl for throwing skill. No range bonus from skill, range bonus from sling/atlatl and strength.