Hello. I downloaded this game today to give it a try. Me being me, I started with the tileset, but actually switched over to ASCII after noticing how many tiles seem to be missing; it looks much better this way. So, my games have basically been me stumbling from disaster to disaster, getting killed by zombies, spitters, and the occasional fat man (and on one memorable instance, a very angry moose right outside the shelter doors) in my desperate search for water, discovering the hard way that leaving pots or other containers outside in the rain won't make them magically fill with rainwater, making it to night with precisely one character only to nearly freeze due to the early spring chill, and generally me demonstrating why I will never survive the apocalypse. It's quite entertaining, really; I'm loving it. ^_^
There is one minor issue, though. I downloaded the latest experimental build as far as I can tell (Main website, click "Windows Console" under Experimental Builds from the right menu, click "Cataclysmdda-0.9.zip"), but I've been running into some odd errors. Reproduced from the debug log:
src/item_factory.cpp[417]: Missing item (check item_groups.json): honey
src/item_factory.cpp[417]: Missing item (check item_groups.json): mre_hotdog_box
src/item_factory.cpp[417]: Missing item (check item_groups.json): mre_4finger_box
The honey error appears with the crafting screen from one of the starting recipes that calls for honey, and the MREs popped up when I got too close to a military surplus store that had spawned with one of those. At first, I assumed it was just a beta issue, but I haven't been able to find anyone else on the forums here or there who are encountering this issue. I went into the JSON files to see if I could fix it, but I couldn't figure out where to start; while honey isn't present, the two MREs are already there. Since no one else seems to have mentioned this error at all, did I download the right file, or is this just user error?