Again, looking at everyone's domains:
Alrezar: Wind, Ice. Wings or icy abilities.
Azaroth: War, Fire, Destruction. Attack abilities.
Azem: Earth, Fire, Wealth. If we make golems, start it here.
Cupitas: Lust, Restraint, Pain. Use your imagination.
Draco: Law/Justice, Light, Peace. Spackle, lasers, glowy bits, and an Aura of Peacefulness (augmented by Jim to keep prisoners fine with their situation).
Inithis: Afterlife, Death, Duels. Some sort of soul-capturing ability??
Javier: Death, Disease, Trickery. Maybe zombies? Maybe give them illusion abilities?
Jim: Persuasion, Creation. Maybe a mind-affecting ability to keep them persuaded to not escape?
Usael: Defense, Contracts. Some defensive abilities? Making them follow their contracts better?
1. Any being, whether a power, a servant to a power, a mortal, or whatever may be condemned by a 2/3 or greater vote of the organization; a condemned being may be absolved by a simple majority vote.
2. A condemned being which has not subsequently been absolved is subject to any punishments agreed on by a majority of the group.
3. Any rules may be changed by a two-thirds majority vote after a suggestion by a member power. The same process may be applied to alter rather than add laws.
4. No being may be prosecuted for punishing said being's own servants for infractions of the being's laws or orders.
5. If any two members of the Synod wish to go to war, and both agree to it, the Synod will not disapprove and may not act as a body to end the war or punish the members. Any collateral damage which harms nonparticipant parties may still be prosecuted.
We will construct an "Alcatraz" to hold the most dangerous of criminals.
Members: (9)
GreatWyrmGold (Draco)
Gman (Jim)
Inithis (Inithis)
Javierpwn (Javier)
Kashyyk (Azaroth)
Rancor (Usael)
Scapheap (Cupitas)
Vgray (Azem)
Wwolin (Alrezar)
The Condemned:
Jebyg, To be punished with dAIDS
A. A proposal to execute Jebyg [FAILED]
Due to the great threat the slumbering god poses, we ought to execute him posthaste rather than let him slumber. Requires a two-thirds majority.
Votes: 2/6
Aye: GreatWyrmGold, Vgray
Nay: Javierpwn, Rancor, Wwolin
Abstain: Gman