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Should we mod the new world?

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Author Topic: DF2014: The Succession World! At Long Last!  (Read 107180 times)


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #285 on: March 16, 2013, 06:07:23 pm »

thank you hugoluman i knew it was in df 2013 i just didn't see what all the new features were i'm going to check it out now to see if it answers my other questions

Yuli Vlasi

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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #286 on: March 17, 2013, 04:23:36 am »

Welcome at Bay12 hairypotatoes :P I'm adding you and lwCoyote to the list.
I've always been pronouncing dwarven names in a russian accent/pirate speak mixture anyways, so I don't see why we shouldn't implement new names. It would give our world a unique flair. Can someone provide a list of all dwarven names so we can come up with alternative versions? I can't find it.
Of course we should decide if we really want to do it first.

The succession list:
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Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"

Eric Blank

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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #287 on: March 17, 2013, 04:57:01 am »

I'd think changing the dwarven names would be silly, but if you wanted to, look in language_dwarf.txt. Like Hugo pointed out, the nicknames feature would work just fine to accommodate your custom rusky names.
I make Spellcrafts!
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Yuli Vlasi

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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #288 on: March 17, 2013, 06:06:52 am »

I looked into language_dwarf.txt and recognized some of the dwarven names. Am I right if I assume every word is used for dwarven names? If that's so we shouldn't change the raws. Artifacts, mountainhomes etc. would have some weird names if we did. Using the nickname feature sounds like a better idea. Then again, nicknaming every single dwarf gets boring after a while. Just nickname the dwarves you want to nickname however you want them to be called and it's going to be fine.

Tosidchow and Mengski.
Take command. Lead your men. Hide in booze stockpile. Weep, and everyone weeps with you.
Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #289 on: March 17, 2013, 01:57:12 pm »

Every word is potentially used for every name; the sites and kingdoms have weights based on [SYMBOL] files which increase the chances of certain groups of words, but personal names have no such weights.

Changing the language raws would be bad, forcing people who don't want Russian names to have them. It's really the simplest thing in the world to just nickname migrants as they come in. We're not making a rule that all dwarves have to have Russian names, but if you want your dwarves generated during your turn to, just nickname all Urists "Uristov," etc. Also, when creating adventurers, you have the option to type in a first name, which will be that adventurer's actual first name and not a nickname.
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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #290 on: March 17, 2013, 02:30:49 pm »

We've been through this kind of thing before, so I have a simple suggestion based on past experience : do away the turn list entirely. Unlike succession fortresses, it does not matter what year you start playing (hell, depending on your vision, starting further down the timeline would actually probably be better for your fortress), and with so many people trying to play, it's better we share the file on a first-come, first-serve basis. Whoever is most prepared to claim the save and begin playing right away gets to have at it. Not having to put up with contacting a person on their turn and waiting days/weeks for them to start (or announce they're canceling their turn altogether) will save a lot, and I mean a lot of time.

With active world history being a thing in the new version, I believe we should also approach the concept of a building the world with a much higher level of freedom. As long as you don't tamper with established player fortresses, you can do whatever the hell you want; get your dwarf civy to declare war on everyone for no reason, run a genocidal adventurer, bodyswap with important historical figures, whatever, it all adds to the flavor of the world. Maybe still place a restriction on titan/megabeast kills (since they stay dead forever), but everything else is fair game.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 02:44:11 pm by Spish »
Ah, yes, I thought something was amiss. Now I see. There's not enough terrible things in the lakes.


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #291 on: March 17, 2013, 03:09:31 pm »

I do have to agree with Spish on some cases, particularly with player freedom, I mean, that's kinda what Dwarf Fortress is all about, anyway.
As for the idea of turn being first come, first serve, I do like the idea, to an extent, I think we should try to stick with the list, but if it takes too long, people will start losing interest. But hey, there's no rule that says we can't change the rules as we go along, I think we should try to handle arising issues as they come along, and set some guidelines to follow along the way, but overall just try to resolve issues in a fast and fair way.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
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Yuli Vlasi

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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #292 on: March 17, 2013, 03:11:37 pm »

We've been through this kind of thing before, so I have a simple suggestion based on past experience : do away the turn list entirely. Unlike succession fortresses, it does not matter what year you start playing (hell, depending on your vision, starting further down the timeline would actually probably be better for your fortress), and with so many people trying to play, it's better we share the file on a first-come, first-serve basis. Whoever is most prepared to claim the save and begin playing right away gets to have at it. Not having to put up with contacting a person on their turn and waiting days/weeks for them to start (or announce they're canceling their turn altogether) will save a lot, and I mean a lot of time.

With active world history being a thing in the new version, I believe we should also approach the concept of a building the world with a much higher level of freedom. As long as you don't tamper with established player fortresses, you can do whatever the hell you want; get your dwarf civy to declare war on everyone for no reason, run a genocidal adventurer, bodyswap with important historical figures, whatever, it all adds to the flavor of the world. Maybe still place a restriction on titan/megabeast kills (since they stay dead forever), but everything else is fair game.


It's a good thing we have Eric Blank and HugoLuman here. You know, advice and stuff.
And now it's time for me to stfu for a while.
Take command. Lead your men. Hide in booze stockpile. Weep, and everyone weeps with you.
Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #293 on: March 17, 2013, 03:36:15 pm »

Yeah, I'm cool with the idea of following the turnlist initially, then maybe moving to free-play once things start to slow down. Sounds like a good way to settle things, since there are already a lot of people expecting an early turn.

Another idea I've toyed with is running a condensed, no-rules pocket world parallel to the main one (no turn list of course), where people are free to pre-test their ideas, implement their wackiest worldbreaking schemes, and generally run wild with the save. It'd have a shorter time limit and be downplayed on the OP as a testworld for the most part (so less player-demand), and once you've passed the time limit you'd be allowed to keep playing until someone else claims the save (you could claim a second turn later and continue your fortress or even start a second one).
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 02:09:52 pm by Spish »
Ah, yes, I thought something was amiss. Now I see. There's not enough terrible things in the lakes.


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #294 on: March 17, 2013, 07:55:38 pm »

i think we should follow the list but if someone doesn't claim it within a day then put it up for whoever is ready with the next person in line with first dibs if he doesn't claim it then its the next person who has dibs. so eg. turn 10 ends and in the next 24 hours 6 people post there ready to claim the save lets say these people are in the 13th 16th 23rd 33rd 34th and 40th spots on the list the person who is in the 13th spot person gets the save and we continue to cause fun so on so forth. I hope that made sense to someone

Eric Blank

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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #295 on: March 17, 2013, 10:39:07 pm »

I have to agree with Spish that a succession game like this probably needs to abandon the turn list after a certain point, as most of the players on that list might not even be interested in playing anymore, or paying any attention to Bay12. Having read through the Drunk Fortress thread, I think the first-come-first-serve rule will work well enough. Anyone that wants to play can pop in and declare they have some free time this weekend and would appreciate a chance to leave a horrific scar from horizon to horizon that other people will have to deal with. So, regardless of your place on the list, you will largely have the chance to play whenever you have free time. If you were on the list and your turn came up during finals week at your institution of brainwashing, you would miss your chance to play.

I also like the idea of a world with zero restrictions where we can all go bananas with our crazy schemes. I've never seen a succession game where there were no rules except "try to terrorize the world to the greatest extent possible, assuming it still functions when you upload it." That might be incredibly entertaining...
I make Spellcrafts!
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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #296 on: March 17, 2013, 11:19:15 pm »

We should definitely stick to the turn list at first, though, as it will help things go faster in the first few weeks when everyone's anticipating and eager. That way people aren't clambering over each other too much.
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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #297 on: March 18, 2013, 04:29:06 am »

Seems like the best bet unless multiple worlds are involved. I'm not signing up right now but I may in the future...

That way you could go through more people by assigning them one of 2 or 3 according to their preferences like have one world dedicated to dealing with rampaging titans/megabeasts/forgotten beasts for those that like that sort of thing. and maybe one that's got only one cavern and extra levels of hell/necromancer to conquer/capture/weaponize and maybe one designed for mega-projects complete with the occasional siege/constant thefts to mess your timing up.

After their first round they can choose to continue or jump to the last in line of a different world. Of course that's more effort for organizers even if there's a "Team leader" in charge of each world.

Maybe maintain a shortlist that's refreshed once a monthly/biweekly or longer based on who's available during that time period and any who don't get a turn and available the next time period are at the front- Would first timer's get automatic priority or is there a certain amount of time after a person's first round where they are filtered in the same as a first timer?
EDIT: Keas restricted to tropical forests where they belong.  Those evil, EVIL, foul little things.
Edit: The baby murderer became a friend of the fortress, which started a loyalty cascade, and now most of the squad is dead.


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #298 on: March 18, 2013, 06:21:05 am »

I am the 42.
Assuming that matters, which it probably doesn't.

Also, we should make a collaborative megaproject of turning the pocket world into one superfortress.
Improbable? More likely to happen than with a huge world, isn't it?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 06:23:59 am by DarkDXZ »


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Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« Reply #299 on: March 18, 2013, 08:02:57 am »

Are we going to allow Dwarf hack r3? AdvFort is awesome for this. You can make sealed forts that need to be digged to enter and
lots of neat things.
In a hole in the ground there lived a dwarf. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a dwarf fortress, and that means magma.
Dwarf fortress: Tales of terror and inevitability
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