Do you have any projects that you want people to see and judge?Did you have no luck so far in getting interest in a project?Want to start a new project and don't know what to do?Do you think you didn't get enough people to see your work?Want help with something you are making/made?Got any tutorials or guides for begginers?Got a topic for people to see?
Or do you want to help somebody that didn't get enough attention or interest in something he/she did?
This is the thread for exactly that.I will constantly update this thread with projects submitted from you,B12-ers so other people can check them out.
So if you were shy or thought your project didn't really need a whole topic just for it,you can always post it here to get feedback for it.
I hope this will help some people that got no chance to show what they were good at or just show what they made in general.
RULES BEFORE POSTING1.Please make a short description of the project that describes what it is about.Example:This is a old game that I made.It is about farming.
2.Please explain who made the project.Example:This was made by someone called "Toadyone".The projects name is called Dwarf Fortress.
3.Please be decent about posting:the project itself and your feedback on projects.Please do not say other people's projects suck and are bad for no reason.If you can't give good criticism,
4.Please do not claim anything that isn't yours.Stealing someones else's work is really mean.
5.Please do not try to act important.Everyone has their own chances.No matter how bad the project is.
6.Don't submit too many posts from one user.This is not a showcase for just 1 person,it is for everyone that wants feedback.
7.Please do not troll others or compare the work with something else.It is really rude.
8.Please give everyone a fair chance.If you don't like something/someone that does not give you the right to ignore somebody completely.
9.Do not trick others.Programs that have viruses or are worms intended to steal information are not allowed.They are also not legal.
10.DO NOT use any download site's that will give you money for the download.THIS IS NOT WHAT THE TOPIC IS MADE FOR.
11.The last but not the least important rule is to have fun.
THE SHOWCASE---Stronghammer's novella with a free audio book and ebook on release date"I wrote a novella, inspired by Dwarf Fortress and am continuing to work on it by editing and adding more to it. I also have other projects for it like an audio book. It is called The Founding of a Home. It is were a group of dwarves are sent off to start a new mountain home for the glory of dwarven kind. The group must fight through internal strife, hordes of monsters to reach their goal. I hope you guys like it. is now starting book two and the next step of the journey."-Stronghammer
Stronghammer's profile---Levi's RPG Maker Project"Alright, so I bought RPG Maker VX Ace during the steam sale, and have been having fun writing an RPG. I haven't done any tile work or anything, so its pretty much all done with the base resources. I also haven't added a lot of polish. I plan on redoing quite a bit of the maps and dialog, but that is for later.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
To install, install the runtime files, then you can play the game:
RPG Maker Runtime FilesBattleSchool After installing, double click on game.exe to run it.
Or you can use the all in one version here, but its somewhat large unfortunately: can use the controller or the keyboard. The space key is the action button. It doesn't get to a point with combat yet, so its pretty much just story bits. After you enter the castle, there is nowhere else to go, so explore that area and you are done.
The only thing that might be confusing is that when you are outside the castle, you have to use the campfire to continue the story. Its not explicitly stated anywhere yet. " -Levi
Levi's Profile---Proffesorlamp's video game sounds/audio website/service for developers"I've finally properly started my video game music services, it took me about a gajillion hours but I've finished my website;'m no computer whiz so making that was a painful and long process but I'm glad it's over now and I can get back to writing."-Proffesorlamp
Professorlamp's Profile