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Author Topic: Dom3 Round 11: Endymion as Agartha Won - Link to Playlist of my Videos  (Read 51479 times)


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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #360 on: February 11, 2013, 06:19:36 pm »

Really sorry to see you go, Waterplouf!

- I also find it imensly entertaining that a army of starved-moose just took a castle-province, heck yes.


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  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #361 on: February 11, 2013, 06:53:01 pm »

Okay I'm almost positive at this point that one of the provinces I built a castle on has a disease causing magic site hidden in it.  This is agitating because now I probably need to evacuate all my non demon units from the area and I might even end up removing the castle.  I'm currently undecided for if I want to use it as a demon summoning province or just get rid of the castle altogether and leave the place well enough alone.
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #362 on: February 11, 2013, 08:43:36 pm »

   Hello Agartha! Your birds where tasty and about as useful as I think you knew they would be though the spy desert was nice. Any particular reason for attacking me at this moment? Just so everyone knows maybe you can explain why what is probably the most powerful nation decided to attack one of the people who hasn't done anything to you or others? Maybe you can also explain why if you do manage to conquer me you won't basically be able to steam roll the rest of the world because of the gained wealth of gems and resources?

Well, did you really expect you could forge non aggression pacts with everyone and just carry on expanding so large worry free? You give me too much, however, in calling me the most powerful nation. I might know how to position and move my power around, but I think you, Lanka, Niefelheim, and Pangaea are all potentially rivaling or surpassing me for power. Especially since you and Lanka have expanded and developed unopposed, Niefelheim is about to take Ermor's capital, and Pangaea is on the cusp of conquering Sauromatia. Your bleak 'steamroll the world' prospect stands alone here; no one has questioned if Niefelhiem will be steamrolling the world now. Or if Pangaea will be in position to.

If there is really so much wealth, gems, and resources to be gained in your lands than we all have plenty to fear in letting you sit passively accumulating them and waiting for the moment when you steamroll the world with it all.


Waterpoulf: Good game, even though I didn't really have any relations with you other than sending a handful of scouts to watch battles. Ya did good though, inflicted respectable damage.


Gman: A disease-causing site should be detectable via either blood 2 or death 2 searching.... with the possible exception of a death 4 site if the province is mountainous. And you really should go about discovering it because they give good gem income. (The only purely bad disease site is inkpot end. Which is unique and I happen to be the one stuck with it. I've kept the province garrisoned with the horde of militia that I got with a high priest awhile back. About half of them have died thus far and the other half are in various stages of dying.)
Watching Wizard of Oz while listening to Dark Side of the Moon on shuffle.


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  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #363 on: February 11, 2013, 09:10:35 pm »

Yeah, I just sent in a commander with two levels in blood and death.  Hopefully he'll find it but either way I'm almost sure there is something death related in there.  I have a growth 3 dominion and it's death 3 even with 2-4 candles.  I figured it was a fluke until I realized 5 of my newly recruited sacred monkeys were diseased.  In about 22 turns they'll be dead so I better ship them off into combat soon. :)

Me? One of the strongest nations?  Haha, it may look like I got lucky with territory until you take into account that half of it is wasteland with petty populations.  Not so great for a blood nation like myself.
Sure thing peanut man!

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #364 on: February 11, 2013, 09:23:44 pm »

   Of course you say that. Yes some of us might have the raw power but then again some of us don't have a clue on how to leverage it. You though, and you said it yourself, know how to use you power.
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.


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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #365 on: February 11, 2013, 09:40:20 pm »

Pangaea is on the cusp of conquering Sauromatia.

Part of me wants to object to that, but I guess it is true.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #366 on: February 12, 2013, 02:22:16 am »

Assuming I "win" my war, I'll still only be king of a utter wasteland, after my terror/raid/monsterboar/pillage gurilla war - population numbers are low, unrest tends to hang solid around 500 for several provinces. No idea whats going on in his Capital either, yet.

And then comes the time where everyone builds awesome, magical SCs and therelike, which conflicts with me "I have no idea what I'm doing, but i have naked ladies" policy. I am proud that I won(?) that war by being a true hippy and just not fight, but I didn't expect it to work.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #367 on: February 12, 2013, 02:31:06 am »

   Hey at least you have the naked ladies. I am basically in the same boat but all I have to look forward to is sword fights. I think if I ever remember to research construction I might be able to do something with an SC but it would probably fail and be a waste of gems.
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #368 on: February 12, 2013, 02:34:33 am »

I've got fish with tentacles and giant screaming barnacles.
The moment the lever was pulled, somebody's pet kitten stepped onto the bridge. I read somewhere that if a cat falls more than 11 stories, it instinctively flares its legs out to increase air resistance. This slows it down enough to stick the landing with relatively minor injuries. In Dwarf Fortress, apparently, cats don't do that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #369 on: February 12, 2013, 02:36:44 am »

No idea whats going on in his Capital either, yet.

Come and find out, why don't cha?
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #370 on: February 12, 2013, 03:15:20 am »

I've got fish with tentacles and giant screaming barnacles.
So he is in heaven, I am in hell, and your in japan?
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #371 on: February 12, 2013, 10:24:48 am »

My favorite part of that statement is the idea that Japan is a separate plane of existence orthogonal from Heaven and Hell.
The moment the lever was pulled, somebody's pet kitten stepped onto the bridge. I read somewhere that if a cat falls more than 11 stories, it instinctively flares its legs out to increase air resistance. This slows it down enough to stick the landing with relatively minor injuries. In Dwarf Fortress, apparently, cats don't do that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #372 on: February 14, 2013, 03:59:27 am »

Kebooo and Akhier, play your turns :I


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #373 on: February 14, 2013, 11:02:29 am »

That's strange, I could have sworn I did. I think I actually clicked the e-mail and then forgot about it, assuming I had already played my turn. I'll have it done in 7-8 hours, after I get home.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dom3 Round 11: Game in Progress
« Reply #374 on: February 14, 2013, 12:44:52 pm »

   Oh, hey I am still not done... I noticed Kebooo wasn't done yet and was probably going to fire off a message later tonight but I completely missed that I had not sent mine.
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.
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