Well, child labor is obviously counter-productive.
I could have little Johnny here making teapots for his entire life, or he could study for his degree in some helpful science field.
Children are just like... seeds. Plant them, and they'll grow. Eat them, and, well, that was a short lived victory.
Kids have a lot of time they're not studying or doing something useful. Might as well make 'em work! There's plenty who we know early on will likely never be able to make it in a science field. Should go ahead and set those ones on teacups, right?
And what about higher education? No collage unless you're also working a full time job? Or maybe just a complete dissolving of any grants/loans/public schooling/etc. Sounds about what you were aiming for, yes? No handouts, only get what you work for! Meh, maybe I should stop snarking while I'm ahead, I'unno.
And... going down the line of "fixing" non-neurotypical individuals is walking a delightfully slippery ledge we probably should just pre-emptively avoid.
You don't really see how things would work. People wouldn't be working 24/7. I would gladly enforce an 8 hour work day. Also, this means children would go to school for 8 hours a day. College would be free. College isn't really a hand out, because they would be giving back more than a simple education can possible cost. People would either start their working when they graduated high school, or college, depending on what they feel like doing. That being said, people would also have a lot of choices. I'm not going to dictate what people have to do for work, i'm not going to tell people, "You can't be an astronaut". The idea behind my world would be happy people who are happy to give back. You would get 3 meals a day, paid for by the work you do. You would get your electricity and water, paid by the work you do. All jobs should be equally paying. There's the scientist who saves lives in a lab coat, and there's the firefighter who charges into a burning building to save lives. There's the athlete that is beloved by all, there is the artist that people know and appreciate. The only punishments would come from making the wrong choices. Killed someone? Here's some lead. Hot, flying lead. Robbed a lady? I don't know where your TV went, sir, someone must have taken it. Stole a car? It's okay, you must not need the one you had to start with, then. An eye for an eye, you know?
I really didn't want to talk about things of a mental degree, because I know there's a fine line there that I don't fully understand.
Anyway, with that, I am saying farewell, it is late, I have a few tests to do tomorrow, good night.