Things I regret buying in 2012?
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission. Its not finished, and bugged up, the plot is hilarious, the AI is stoopid, and the final build has alot of problems STILL that were highlighted in the public beta. Fortunately, it was reduced when I bought it, else I'd be far madder about it.
Most Humble Bundles / Indie Royales. Oh there were some real nice games, but overall, it was typically one shining gem in a pile of junk (and I could often ID the gem straight away, though there were a couple of surprises). I guess this is not a regret buying, but regret playing in some cases. Still, its sure buffed up my Steam List.
Soul Calibur V. Frankly its a joke compared to SCII, my last one. About the only saving grace is the character creator.
Choplifter HD WHAT WAS I THINKING? Oh right, the original Gameboy game was awesome back in '92. This remake was not.
On the other Hand. Things that were worth it:
X-COM Enemy Unknown. I'm a veteran of the series, and I was quite satisfied. I think people have become spoiled and forget it was remake and that whilst the original was AMAZING back in '93, its going to age in some form or another. The only thing that actually pissed me off was Firaxis being F**king lazy about their Windows XP support. I had to hack my own exe to play... TO CHANGE 2 Lines and add 1 DLL. Oh, and the DLC makes me roll my eyes, but then all DLC makes me roll my eyes unless it's at expansion pack level.
Dragons Dogma. Despite it being Capcom, it actually turned out to be very good.
Kamidori Alchemy Meister. I bought a 2nd-hand copy on ebay to support the fanlation. Its a great visual-novel RPG.
Shogun II. Actually very enjoyable, and a reminder of when Total War was good. Well, it was so long as you fan-patched the cheating strategic AI, ignored the hilarious Japanese mistakes (did you know your troops shout 'RETREAT!' when charging the enemy!?), and didn't mind the Tactical AI being dumb during sieges. But it was enough to be considered good.
FTL. Great game; a tribute to how fun Roguelikes should be, and how space exploration games should be, all in the same mixing pot.
Fortune Summoners, Secret of the Elemental Stone. Actually really quite fun, barring the respawning bees, combining a Loli-RPG with a fluffy plot, beat-em-up level controls, and a Y's-esq. platformer. Actually I still need to finish it, but those goddamn bees!
All Three Atelier PS3 Games (Rorona, Totori, Meruru). Probably some of the best fun I've had all year; and they get progressively better.
On the Fence/Out to Lunch
Guild Wars II. It really is fun... to begin with... and I've sunk about 200 hours into it; but I can understand everyone's complaints about it, eventually, when none of my guild's online, poor elementalists and necros are still nerfed, PvP is pants (IMHO), Events are zergrushes, and I've not seen any new powers/abilities for 10 levels, it's starting to become tiresome. Whilst getting rid of the Holy Trinity was a triumph; they didn't put any bones back in its place, so it eventually collapsed under its own weight. As a result, there's not any real incentive to actually party except to be friendly and have party chat. On the other hand, I see it as a nice stepping stone for potential future MMO's: it did alot of things right and was (I think) mostly a commercial success; so hopefully developers and businessmen see that and improve it.
Fire Emblem 3DS (Kakusei): Because Nintendo finally stopped masturbating to Marth and remaking his games again and actually made a good Fire Emblem with this; with alot of improvements (Offensive Supports! LOADS of Choices and conversations between people!). It better get translated already.
Etrian Odyssey IV: Because there's never enough Etrian. Though I'm probably shafted since 3DS has region lock now and there's not been an European EO release since the first game.