Here we go...
Guild Wars 2/The Secret World/SWTOR: They're basically the same game, gameplay-wise, and bad at that. Major thumbs down. I'm sadly coming to terms with the fact that Anarchy Online will forever remain the only MMORPG I truly enjoy, even dated as it is.
Blazing Angels 1+2 and Patrician 3 off of steam, can't even play them and couldn't get a refund even though the steam page said nothing about them not being playable on anything more recent than XP.
X-COM: Enemy Unknown, my fault, really. I expected it to be Real Hard instead of RNG Fake Hard. Tactics and cover mechanics just seem tacked-on, and the game outside the tactical map (world map, research, etc) is incredibly shallow. The UFO series, with all its flaws, was a much more worthy successor.
KOTOR II: KOTOR is one of my favorite games of all time. KOTOR II was a turd, and a broken turd at that. Was barely playable without mods just for compatibility and to add in cut content (that large parts of the game make zero sense without), and even then it felt like more of a chore than an enjoyable experience. I spent the first 5 hours having nostalgic KOTOR-esque fun, then the remaining 50 finishing the game out of stubborn spite.
Finally, FTL. It's a great concept and a fun game, but the rapid, forced pace of the game is grating. I'll revisit it when the "exploration" mods get ironed out.