So from what I understand this is a setting where steriotypes are real and where the goal is not nessisarily to be better then your opponent but to be more popular.
So it is an anime game based on being in a really terrible anime XD
You can run it that whacked out if you want, but it also works fine with serious campaigns if you just ban a couple of the archetypes.
It is very trope-a-riffic, though, and is happy about it.
Besides Fan Loyalty, there is a standard progression system that runs alongside it, Quality Points, which you save up to level up in one of the four categories of Glory, Love, Dread, or Repute, but can also choose burn on using your superpowers and upgrading your stats if you prefer.
From my testing, its actually really interesting seeing how different players use their Fan-Loyalty in different ways. I myself always save up for my super-power, but some people use it as on the spot instant healing, and still others burn every single drop of it on re-rolls and changing dice, since using it is always an instant reaction. Hilarious when your GM starts using villain's loyalty (there's always fans for cool antagonists too, remember!) back at the player party too.
Combat can always a little bit silly if want it to be, since there is no grid, no sense of time, and no sense of movement restriction. This is quite common in anime, where a protagonist can spend 2 minutes doing a static run in one scene, and leaping to the top of a tower in the next (the staple powers of Concrete Pulping Leap and Bone-Cracking Back Flip can help too). Instead of tactical positioning, there's Offensive and Defensive Supports, ala. Super Robot Wars, where you clash to interrupt each others attack combos.
That said, there is an entire pair of power sets dedicated to being popular (Magnetism and Majesty), and an Idol character class.