World Map
Mountain - Move Cost: 5 Defense Bonus: 3 Growth Rate: -0.25 Wealth Min: -20 Wealth Max: +100
Peaks - Move Cost: 6 Defense Bonus: 4 Growth Rate: -0.5 Wealth Min: -50 Wealth Max: +40 (A mountain surrounded on all sides by mountain tiles is a Peak)
Hills - Move Cost: 3 Defense Bonus: 2 Growth Rate: +0.25 Wealth Min: -20 Wealth Max: +60
Forest - Move Cost: 3 Defense Bonus: 1 Growth Rate: 0 Wealth Min: -10 Wealth Max: +40
Swamp - Move Cost: 4 Defense Bonus: 1 Growth Rate: -0.5 Wealth Min: -60 Wealth Max: +30
Plains - Move Cost: 2 Defense Bonus: 0 Growth Rate: +1 Wealth Min: -30 Wealth Max: +30
Desert - Move Cost: 2 Defense Bonus: 0 Growth Rate: -0.5 Wealth Min: -20 Wealth Max: +80
Water - Move Cost: 1 (Boat only) Defense Bonus: - +.5 Growth and +10% Wealth to adjacent tiles
Bay - subset of water. Only counts if it is surrounded by 5-7 tiles of land AND the water tiles are all on the same side (n/s/e/w)
Needs two passes. First is to check each space. 5-7 spaces of land and we mark it as 'possible'.
On the second pass, possible bays are set as bays only if the other water tiles
aren't possible bays Themselves. This keeps two-tile lakes from both being bays. 3 tile lakes could have 2 bays, but that's hopefully not a big deal.
(But 3bay 4-tile lakes is a bit silly. Maybe only make it a bya if 1 other tile could be a bay as long as there are more than 1 other water tiles?)
Built Terrain - May be modifiers on regular terrain?
Road - Move Cost: 50% Defense Bonus: 0
Village/City/Fort - Move Cost: 50% Defense Bonus: Based on Defenses
Growth Rate: % bonus or penalty to the birth rate of a region. Helps control how fast various villages/cities grow.
Wealth Min/Max: % bonus or penalty to the Wealth rating of a village/city.
*** May want to tie the Growth rate to the Wealth rating of a village/city. Perhaps take the Wealth % and add that/10 to the birth rate. (so, 10% wealth becomes +1% adult women having children/year)
Or a mix of Birth and Death rates? Well fed people are healthier, after all
World Gen - Terrain should roughly clump, having a higher chance to spawn similar terrain near it. Start with seed points?
Rivers? Are we going to have rivers? Bridges? Probably not for the initial world-gen. May add later.
Each Region in the map can have a city. (Regions are currently 5x5, enough for a city and some sprawl). Villages ignore region bounderies.
Default is probably 1 city per region, but this should be something that can be set during world gen. Esp. if there are larger region options.
When seeding cities, we want them to be in reasonable locations. So, every tile will be given a Settle score.
Based on overall Wealth and growth rates for the tile
The highest Settle score in a region will be used as that region's Settle score.
The cities will then be placed in the regions with the highest scores.
Water regions, of course, can only have a city if they have land squares.
Cities can spawn Villages, Roads, and Forts within 3 tiles of them
Cities produce High Income and Units
Cities cannot be within 3 squares of another city
Villages can spawn Villages and Roads within 3 tiles of them
Villages produce Low Income
Villages cannot be within 2 squares of another village
Villages are usually attached to a City. A village more than 5 tiles from a city of their faction is considered Remote and not attached.
Forts must spawn next to a Road, Village, or City
Forts may be built by players
Roads connect Cities, Villages, and Forts
When spawned, a Road goes between it's starting point and the closest allied or netural Village or City.
Or it can go to the closest Allied Fort
By preference, Roads go to a Village, Fort, or City that doesn't have any roads connecting to the starting point.
Roads that connect two cities give each a bonus Wealth rating equal to 10% of their wealth bonus.
So a city with wealth bonus of 10% trading with a city of wealth bonus 30% would give 1% and gain 3%. Min bonus of 1%, even for low wealth cities.
Rivers may do this for every city along the river, while lakes/seas may do the same for all coastal cities.
Villages start with Pop. 200
Cities start with Pop. 5000
Birth rate is 3.5 % (We can use adult female pop for this. ~25% of the pop will be AF. If 15% give birth each year, that gives us 3.75% which is close enough given the growth rate changes)
Death rate is 2.5 % (excluding war or plague)
Child mortality is 30%
If we decide that for each person that dies, 30% it will be a child, 50% chance it will be elderly, and 20% chance Adolescent/Adult
Then that should curve things ok. Most deaths will be young or old, outside of combat.
# Assume 7% of children become adults each year (+/- 2%)
# Assume ~15% of Adult women have a child each year (+/- 5%)
# Assume ~2.5% deaths per year. (+/- .5%)
# 30% chance of being a child
# 50% chance of being elderly
# Otherwise adult
# 50/50 chance of each death being male/female
Cities with a population of 6000 can choose to spawn a village
Villages with a population of 500 can choose to spawn a village
May eventually add in sliding tax rates and unrest. For now, let's make it static.
We want the player to get, say, ~1000 Gold (10,000 Silver) per year from a basic city. (Use Gold and Silver? Or just bump up Gold?)
A starting City will have 2500 Adults and 1250 Elderly
If each Adult gives 5 Silver and each Elderly 2 Silver, that gives us 15,000 Silver
A basic Village, then would give 600 Silver
Easy numbers to work with. Keep these, and just balance costs from there.
These amounts would be adjusted by the Wealth rating of the village/city
Note: Do players start with a basic City? Does it have Villages? Easier to balance this way, but more artificial.
Neutral cities could have the actual growth and different sizes. Would need garrisons & upgrades accordingly.
If we want all cities/starting areas to be organic, we'd need to do something to balance out the starting positions.
Start with giving them Money equal to the difference (extra starting cash would be a leg up) and possibly a free unit or two.
Farming and Seasons:
Too much to deal with initially, but eventually this is a very important facet to deal with.
This link has info on what farming activities happened what months, so we can gague the impact of war in different seasons. It also has useful info on harvest variation (Which looks to be between +-15 on a curve weighted to the bad side)
Winter should also be very dangerous and costly to try and wage campaign in.
Money can be reinvested back into a City or Village to raise the Wealth value or pop. growth mod of the site.
Forts start with Wooden Palisade(Def 1)
Cities and Villages need to be upgraded
Possible Defenses:
Wooden Palisade Def: +1
Archer Towers Def: +1
Stone Walls Def: +2 (Replaces wooden palisade)
Siege Emplacements Def: +1
Defenses stack with Terrain modifiers. The total bonus (*10) is a % bonus to the attack and defense values of the defenders.
So, a basic Fort on a Hill gives all Defenders a +30% bonus to Attack and Defense
(Technically Forests shouldn't give much of a defensive advantage to a settlement or fort, but we'll keep it simple)