This next year is not so kind to your people. The summer is cruel and dry, and the lake soon shrinks to half it's usual size. Akturas ranges far and wide looking for clouds, but there are few to be found. At the height of the drought, a wildfire appears! You have seen brush fires before, but never something like this! It rages right up to against your cliffs, but there it is stopped by Akturas! He blows and buffets, and manages to force the fires back, away from your village! It soon runs out of fuel and dies. Before it has been completely extinguished, however, Quinn runs in and takes a lingering flame hostage! You have acquired fire. In the aftermath, while tending to the injured, Grewol discovers an herb that has soothing properties when applied to burn wounds. Ramar helps Grewol tend to the wounded, and shares in his discovery. He also learns to read the simple language of his tribe.
This year has been harsh, and the next promises to be harsher still. Much of the surrounding forest has burned, and the lake is much diminished. There will not be good hunting or fishing again here for many years. Your people fear starvation, if things do not improve.
Population: 76
Technologies: Hunting 1.4(Spears), Gathering 1, Dive Fishing 1.2(Spears), Pottery 1, Stone Carving 1, Tool Use 1, Writing 1 Leatherworking 0.6, Fire 0.4, Herblore 0.2;
Territory: Decorated Cliff Faces
Blessed Ones: Ramar Gartanic(rabidgam3r), Grewol Golad(GreatWyrmGold), Quinn Uscais(jaass), Akturas Luratur(javierpwn)
Areas: Decorated Cliff Faces, Standing Rocks, Vein of Shiny Greenish Stone.