Sorry, had others things going on. I've gotten the Oasis to talk about the philosophy of God, Ethic, and the Dark Ages. . .
To elaborate on my position, I think you should never have affairs with a co-worker. Not anybody who you may see at or near work more than once a month. Its bad policy. for you, whatever the company says.
If it goes well, that's grand. But, unfortunatley the odds that this love affair will be 'the one' is rather small. This means a break-up may happen eventually. And that means that feelings may be hurt and tensions rise. If anybody feels like they didn't have adequate closure than they may try to spread rumors or talk negatively about the other.
Companies can be divided over this stuff, and life can be made hard. If this is your career, than you may have to live with the outcome for the rest of it. Not good. Add in the politics of a workplace and it can be just one more thing to hate about life.
I often have the 'friends are great things to have, and all too often it is ruined by sex' talk with a girl. They are usually not 'damn attractive', but they can be. The key, for me, is to talk about this before I 'know' they like me. They think its more or less spontaneous, and I don't have to crush their feelings. And if they bring it up later I can say I didn't know.
The dynamic isn't perfect, and somethimes (mostly) the girl eventually drifts away from me, becoming a casual aquantice over time. I firmly believe that workplace relationships should be avoided, drunken or otherwise, at almost all costs. It too often backfires, and (I fell it) detracts from work and production (if that kind of thing matters to you).