I think what thecard is saying is that since God is omnipotent, we can't figure out how he works because 'fuck you I'm God'.
Actually... you summed that up perfectly. He's fucking God.
And by the way, that was a reason I used gravity. It's not actually proven, but you are sure that if you drop a ball from you hand it will hit the ground. We aren't entirely sure why, but we know it happens.
And I can say you aren't free thinkers because there is no such thing. You are assuming I am wrong, and that is because you think differently than I do. You can't have a neutral thought, you are always going to pick a side. So no, you're not neutral.
Ninja'd? I swear, this day....
Al, my soul is not my faith, nor is it where my faith stems from. The soul is more of a passive thing. We all have one. But my soul is not what is making me type this out, or what makes me speak about religion. You have a soul too. You just do. You're human, you have a soul. That does not affect whether or not you are Christian.
What makes me type is my faith. My faith is what separates me from you. My faith is given to me by God, and it is a thought, or a belief. I never said my actions were dictated by my soul.
Ninja'd again? What the hell? I... whatever.
Xantalos, you are correct again. Someone really ought to get you a new car!
Again? Ninja'd? I don't... even...