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Author Topic: Eador: Genesis  (Read 36549 times)


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #105 on: December 22, 2012, 02:35:11 pm »

The thing with the commander...he will ALWAYS have the larger army, having the -50% unit upkeep is HUGE. I'm getting closer the end game stuff and when tier 4 units costs 400 gold and 25 gems upkeep(pheonix) will want a commander to be leading it, and the commander himself can get pretty tough with the right equipment because chain isn't really something to laugh at def wise. One of the games I was playing I managed to get two hydra eggs, hatched them into the commander's squad so it consisted of 6 crossbowman, 4 balista, 3 catapults and 2 hydras as front line units...which made for a 1 turn dragon kill...also the commander had 2 resurect spells so its not like sniping anything but him(cant realy snipe 80 hp with 16 def) would keep that unit down.
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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #106 on: December 22, 2012, 02:38:03 pm »

Then the wizard walks over and goes "Pernafreeze"

Then the Wizard casts a buff the commander gets no access to and pernabuffs his entire army and gives them much greater attack and defense then the commander can.

Boy was taking out that 70hp warrior tough...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 02:44:17 pm by Neonivek »


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #107 on: December 22, 2012, 04:01:50 pm »

I don't think you are calculating defense accurately.
No... going by the simplified formula in the translated manual (which, according to the manual, is a little off but generally sufficiently accurate), a base 20 attack critter has a damage range of 16-24, the exact number chosen at random and then the attacked creature's defense just flat subtracted. Given a +defense of 5 (three from the commander's skill at max, two from kit), at 16, it'd be 16-5, or 11 as a result, a reduction of a lil'less than a third. With 24, it'd be 19, a damage reduction of around a bit more than a fifth, and that's just the commander's bonus, versus the highest attack third rank creature in the game. Like I said, I would count a reduction ranging from about a third to about a fifth as pretty substantial, m'self. And that's only versus the absolute highest damage 3rd rank in the game and using a defense 0 unit as the attacked -- against everything else, using any other base, the damage reduction should be even more notable. Morale or various abilities can throw things out of line a fair bit, but just by the raw numbers, I like what I'm seeing.

Now, mind you, that doesn't necessarily mean that warriors or wizards don't outmatch a commander -- I'm just noting that the bonus from a (mid to early teens, probably) commander with fairly moderate equipment is pretty darn notable. Commanders are almost certainly cheaper, though, between the lowered troop upkeep and neither doing direct fighting (top line equipment gets massively expensive to repair, from what I've seen so far.) nor spell slinging constantly, the commander doesn't seem to have quite the same level of resource cost to it, either.

And looking at it, morale's actually a damage multiplier if it gets high enough. There might be an argument for commander led third/fourth rank critters doing some really devastating stuff... the higher the critter's damage, the bigger the benefit from high morale, and there's not much quite as good as commanders (maybe a commander -> wizard for some morale boosting buffs, I'unno.) for getting that morale up there.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 04:04:38 pm by Frumple »
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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #108 on: December 22, 2012, 05:30:12 pm »

yep, that sounds about right...i guess in the end its a question of do you want to focus on army, equipment, spells or exploration? they all overlap each other and overall looks to be pretty balanced...well outside of the general randomness of the game.
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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #109 on: December 22, 2012, 06:01:37 pm »

yep, that sounds about right...i guess in the end its a question of do you want to focus on army, equipment, spells or exploration? they all overlap each other and overall looks to be pretty balanced...well outside of the general randomness of the game.

I keep my second hero for exploration. Though I am finding that exploration power isn't THAAAT useful.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #110 on: December 22, 2012, 10:57:26 pm »

I need advice really bad. I've been locked in this stupid losing stalemate with an evil alignment guy for literally days now.

It's pretty early in the campaign (at least, I think so). I have 7 heroes and the best unit I can get is Elves and Guardsman. My best spell is summon gargoyle. Whereas my opponent for some stupid reason has craptonnes of Ballista and Ogres. And all his warriors can cast mass curse too. It was going fine until I ran into his goddamn level 18 warrior that there's no way in hell I can kill. Especially when for some reason this warrior has armies consisting of 6+ ballista and those orcs and ogres. So he has about 4 armies, all of which I cannot possibly defeat because of the massive tech difference. And every battle I fight with them is a guaranteed loss, which means the enemy just gets stronger and stronger and stronger.

I'm at my 4th day in this now and I see no freaking way to win this or do anything to stop the bullshit. Does anyone have any advice? Even if I replayed this I cannot see how it's possible to win as the map is too big. I can't reach him in any feasable amount of time to stop the ballista spam. The only thing I've managed to accomplish all this time was to use my numerical advantage to go around him here and there, but now he build goddamn outposts on every single province. So I have to siege every single one now and that takes way too long!

Help! To make matters worse this is the second time I faced this exact thing. I was in a previous shard and lost to this so I left and went to another shard. Then this exact same thing happened. What on earth am I supposed to do!?


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #111 on: December 22, 2012, 10:59:08 pm »

Can you attack his castle?

If you CAN open it before he stops you, not an impossible prospect. Then you have a way to win as they likely won't protect their castle well.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #112 on: December 22, 2012, 11:00:24 pm »

Can you attack his castle?
I don't even know where it is. The map is pretty huge. I have a general idea and my plan was to zerg it, but the neverending outposts make that plan bust.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #113 on: December 22, 2012, 11:05:27 pm »

Can you attack his castle?
I don't even know where it is. The map is pretty huge. I have a general idea and my plan was to zerg it, but the neverending outposts make that plan bust.

You really waited too long to finish the map.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #114 on: December 23, 2012, 12:30:39 am »

Yeah, I'd have trouble giving solid advice... best bet I could think of, just going by what you've said, would be heavy-in on elves and tie on a range-spec commander. If you can get ranged tactics or whatev' to 5, the elves get another pip of range and can outrange the ballistas (providing they don't have a similarly equipped commander, anyway...). First turn mass fire on the ogres, second turn snipe any ballista that advance to get into range. Alternate like that until everything's dead (hopefully on their side :P). A full elf party should pretty easily take down 3-4 ogres in the first volley (I've managed that with a half-party of moderately [<10] level bowmen, and elves are notably stronger), and be able to tank some ballista hits (especially if the commander's also got defensive tactics maxed, or some +ranged def stuff. Double bonus if you're in a forest province or can bait a lot of ballistas with an elf on a forest tile). in order to murder the ogres before they get in melee range.

Ogres are one of the higher ranked critters I just wouldn't try to tank, realistically -- that active ability of theirs just does ridiculous melee damage. Sniping at range is the way to go (forest or swamp provinces would probably be ideal fighting grounds, to slow 'em up a bit.) if you can manage it.

As for the warrior, vulnerability (and possibly a shaman for curse, to double-up) and a full elf volley should be able to either one or two round the bugger, especially if the elves have some piercing shot levels.

General point being elves are freaking hardcore lower rank ranged units. Try abusing that.
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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #115 on: December 23, 2012, 01:03:56 am »

I don't know if that's possible in this one game. The enemy has probably gotten unstoppable. It'll be an impossible feat to level up any elves when they all die in their first encounter with the enemy, and by the time they train up on neutral guys I'd be beyond dead.

I think I should just put this down for now and maybe restart the whole campaign at some point and see where I fucked up so bad that the enemy has 2x my tech level.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #116 on: December 23, 2012, 02:32:22 pm »

Fun game, but tough even on beginner mode.  Even the tutorial surprised me - going along easy enough and then I get to the opponents home city and find I can't possibly conquer it with my hero.  So develop a second hero and suicide it into the enemy first to soften him, and even then find the final result a little close.

And my first shard battle I seemed to start strongly, but really struggled with the problems others have had with the only available province guards being tissue for the computer hero, and the computer's guards being quite tough.  I eventually quit and restarted.  This time I discovered the stronghold which meant I could leave border provinces with no guard, but one garrison unit, and if the enemy tried to attack they had to siege and I could chase them away with my hero.  I've won one shard and well on the way to a second win. 

And the stronghold was an unexpected benefit in my second shard - I built one at the initial meeting point, and then sent my hero back to home town to repair items.  I thought I could make it back before the stronghold fell, but miscalculated.  The computer player decided the stronghold was a critical location to defend so when I counter-sieged it sent both its heros in to try and break the siege and both died.  Whereas previously the hero would keep going to invade my province, see the strength of my hero and retreat, but if I tried to attack the enemy hero it would either have left the province before I get there, or be in a province with a guard strong enough I couldn't kill both the guard and then the hero.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #117 on: December 27, 2012, 11:18:58 pm »

I'm in the beta for Eador: Masters of the Broken World and finally got the chance to sit down and dive into it properly today.  I've never actually played Genesis (no idea how it managed to pass me by) but I'm really enjoying it so far, bar a certain bug that only seems to happen to me.  This may well be what I wanted from the Elemental games.  Anyone fancy setting up a multiplayer game when it releases properly?
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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #118 on: January 03, 2013, 08:48:18 pm »

I really enjoyed putting some 25 hours into this game. I'm far from finishing it but at this point I don't think I will. Warriors seem very overpowered, if nothing else because they don't need an army to be effective once they gain a few levels. Which means more money, more buildings and therefore even more money, better troops and stronger items. Also warriors allow you to use the quick combat option a lot. On my 5th shard I was starting to get bored of fighting all the low level monsters, combat does get very repetitive once you have figured them out. A high level warrior will tear through a shard without having to micromanage endless combats, whereas all the other heroes can't fight without an army, and they always lose some guy even against ridiculous enemies.

That's the main issue really with this game, repetitiveness. Combats, buildings, shards, fighting the AI: they all work more or less them same everytime. Random events are diverse but when you have a number of provinces you get way too many. Neverhteless Eador is definately worth spending a few bucks and a bunch of hours.


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Re: Eador: Genesis
« Reply #119 on: January 03, 2013, 09:14:35 pm »

Yeah it is the slog that is really kinda hurting the game for me as well as the fact that if you are doing well you cannot really sit and enjoy the game.

The key to winning is "kill the enemy first" which is obvious, but if you can carve your way to the opponent first, you are generally far far more powerful.

Also yeah while the Commander may get better "Later" the thing I noticed is that your main hero will be getting all the levels. Those extra levels of being a warrior is far supperior to the ones you get as a commander because winning the map is vital.

Though as I said, the Commander is the king of Tier 1 games on small maps.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 09:16:27 pm by Neonivek »
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