I'm right handed, but naturally uses my left hand for a lot of minor things. It's far from ambiexteriety, but I'm not sure what to call it. Is that how dominance for for you guys as well?
It's called "mixed-handedness" and is usually much more common then true ambidextrousity. Note that usually when you are naturally a leftie and run into this it isn't that you are mixed-handed, but rather that you have learned some ambidextrousity by being forced into a world that makes most things for righties. If you are a right hander naturally and you use your left hand for several tasks then it's probably this though.
I'm not sure myself. My parents tell me that in Kindergarten, I wrote equally well with both hands and was constantly switching. This bothered my teacher, and she forced me to pick one. So I was trained out of being able to write with my left hand as well as my right. Pisses me off whenever I think about that now.
Today, I still use both hands about equally. Every task can only be done by one hand and not the other, but I think they're divided out about equally. Anything involving subtle finger motion/fine accuracy (on the level of writing or throwing a ball) is done with my right hand, so I've always considered myself right-handed, but mixed-handed is probably more accurate.
It probably explains why my aim on TF2 can seem pretty eschewed, but I prefer predicting projectiles like rockets or grenades rather than hitscan weapons anyway.
Funny, I felt the same way. I could always make the complex decision, never the simple one though.
I'm the same way. I play sniper a lot in FPS, but I don't snap-shot. I place my crosshairs ahead of the target and time it.
I'm right handed, but naturally uses my left hand for a lot of minor things. It's far from ambiexteriety, but I'm not sure what to call it. Is that how dominance for for you guys as well?
The belief is that your handedness is tied into your brain so people who are left hand dominant are right brain dominant.
This theory has been pretty firmly debunked by now.
Thank goodness, since it always sounded silly to me.
Really?... I need to read up on this. I always assumed it was this way, because one side of the brain is said to control the opposite side of the body. I took a philosophy class where a large section of it was about identity, and we talked extensively about studies of people who had the connections between their two hemispheres severed. I listened to all this stuff like how you could then cover a person's right eye, show them a written question with their other eye, and they wouldn't be able to answer, because their left-brain (the side that processes language) couldn't see it. So it seemed natural to assume there was a connection between side-dominance and brain hemisphere-dominance. Also reinforced in personal experience by my above story and the fact that I'm almost exactly even between T/F on the Myer's-Briggs (*braces for BS calls on MBTI*).