Right, here's the rest of my turn. I didn't make quite as many dorfings as are on the list, and I couldn't start any of the semi-megaprojects. Actually, I've done bugger all. Running a succession fort is more difficult than I thought...
Journal of the Mad One, 21 Hematite
The migrants arrived. They didn't have anything worthwhile with them. Even the animals they brought were useless! We're not allowed to eat them because they're 'pets' or some nonsense... oh, hey! That's a yeti!
Journal of the Mad One, 1 Limestone
Autumn has come to our tomb, and with it, new life.
Not much else has happened. Well, we got more migrants. But they're all useless. Useless! USELESS!!
Journal of the Mad One, 24 Limestone
Now we have space to store our food! The Stockpile Hall, commissioned by Myself, and filled with the finest Rock Salt Doors made by our very own closet mason!
Journal of the Mad One, [date]
... we're screwed.
journal of thhe MMad one
boooze is rationedd. Myy idea. but now i can Barley thinnnk or seee or spelllll......... nothiiing leffftttt....
waiit, iiis tthhaaatt a caaravann? i Will give theem thee flutees.............. [/li][/list]{a pool of ink blots out the rest of the page}
The miner has been possessed. Everything is proceeding as planned.
She has claimed a Mason's workshop. Excellent... I hope something good comes of this.
Journal of the Mad One, 7 Moonstone
I have drunk the last of the booze. Everyone is complaining of thirst. Well, except for that miner, she seems absolutely fine.
We brought the flutes to the flutes to the merchants. I think Peregar is trying to trade them for booze at the moment. Next, we'll - HEY WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!??
Journal of the Mad One, 19 Moonstone
I ordered Feylers to dig straight for the caverns. maybe they';l have wAter... sweEeet wattrer.....
[bJjourNAL of The Mad 1, MooostoonE?[/b]
wattrer! Yay!
That was actually really stressful. I would have conveyed it better if I wasn't so tied up with Christmas-related nonsense.
I ended my turn in midwinter, in direct contradiction of my own rules, betraying my word and all that is good and right, because that fortress is
awful to manage. The dwarves disobey my direct instructions, haul when they're not meant to, build flutes instead of other instruments... Ugh. I believe it's Tirion's turn now.
The file is here:
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=7231It's not a hyperlink, sorry. I'm bad with those.
Anyway, have ‼Fun‼.