Name: Henry "BlackWeasel" Rowland
Gender: Male
Backstory: Henry was born to a Black Rock (what I'm calling the tribe I made up since we don't know what state this is (so I don't know which tribe would even be appropriate), and I don't want want to offend an existing tribe with my abysmal knowledge of their history and culture. The name should be a reference to some natural landmark of the town, either a pitchblende deposit or possibly some sort of meteorite or something.) father and a white mother. They all lived together with his paternal grandparents on the reservation until one day, when he was a teenager, his mother just up and left them to go live in New York. Possibly coincidentally, this was the time that his were-powers first manifested (it was either due to the stress or just the fact that supernatural abilities have a tendency to appear at that age). Beyond that, he had a pretty normal life, went to a pretty decent college, and was getting ready to do great things with his life, until his father was struck with illness.
Having his suddenly marriage fall apart did a number on John "RedEagle" Rowland's pscyche. Sure they had had their problems, but what couple doesn't? Looking back he could see the signs, realized there was so much he could have done that he didn't, eventually blamed himself for the whole thing. In little less than a decade, John destroyed his body with liquor. Then his grown son had to come back to this nothing of a town to care of his sick old ass and take a job at the local grocery store to help pay for what the IHS wouldn't cover. He couldn't help but feel the boy probably resented him for it.
Template: Were-Form
High Concept: Half-Black Rock Were-Ferret
Trouble: Held Back by his Past (?)