6th Moonstone:
The outpost liason met with me and asked me what i wanted them to come with next year. The first word out of my mouth was "Wood," followed by a LONG list of pretty much everything a fortress would need (pretty much everything, seeds, splints, leather, ect.)
25th Moonstone:
The outpost liason gave me this list of the items that they wanted to see next year, and would be willing to pay a premium for.
The merchants also left here, looking VERY happy to be getting back to warmer climates (you know, those places that have never heard of snow before)
8th Opal:
In an effort to liven things up here, ive ordered the construction of our initial well. As we are rigtht next to an ocean that apparently has an aquifer underneath it, that water is gonna be salty. So, what we need to do is to create a cistern that is made out of 100% constructed materials!. Also, the water needs to be pumped into the cistern to actually make it drinkable (a nice job for the next overseer).
20th Opal:
We have hit aquifer, the wall of it at least
27th Opal:
All of that practice that our two miners got earlier has been put to use, and the well has been entirely dug out, and the entryway for the water is slowly filling up
28th Opal:
The doors next to the well are installed now, and Deathsword apparently spends all of his time looking at the slowly filling well...
8th Obsidian:
As we have a bunch of dwarves just standing around, ive had those who were not doing anything to start smoothing the floors of our dining area and barracks (you know, so we have something smooth to stare at).
7th Obsidian:
Feylers ran by Deathsword and apparently snapped him out of his trance. Deathsword got up and is now just standing in our dining hall as everyone else works (I think he has some problems).
8th Obsidian:
On the bright side, it looks like the aquifer that we punctured is NOT salty, so we dont need to construct the entire well, we just need to pump it in.
24th Obsidian:
We just got a report that "A Thief Has Stolen A Bronze Pick!" It was one of the Two additional picks that i bought from the traders that came, our dwarves just apparently didnt get around to putting it away...
27th Obsidian:
After moving the entirelty of our weapons deep inside the fort, we got a message that a "A Thief Has Stolen A Copper Pick!" Which is a strange statement, since none of the migrants showed up with any additional picks, and both the miners have their picks, and we have the one other pick we bought from the traders in a stockpile already...
1 Granite:
After a year running the fort of Mirroredfreezes, i feel that it is time that i step down and let someone else take up the charge. Ill be quite content to stay underground, keep making stone pots, and broker trade deals with the caravans when they come for quite some time.
Here is where the fort stands at the end of the year:
Save should be going up shortly (im just gonna copypaste my whole DF folder into it, Dwarf Therapist and all).