Fucking hell, this world is old. There’s so many historical figures and events and other things that it takes 5 minutes to open Legends mode or start a new game. I’m starting as a demigod simply because I’m sure I won’t survive otherwise, and I’ll probably have to save-scum just to survive with a demigod.
Okay, now really starting Chapter One:
My name is Gatshi Murderlyrics. Names are like that these days. Everything is like that these days. I live in the hamlet of Rinsecluster, which is meaningless. It doesn’t matter where anyone lives anymore. It’s not like life has any meaning anymore.
It’s the 9th of Malachite, 4073, and the world has gone to hell. Just south of here is a necromancer tower. There’s towers everywhere these days, each shared by a whole cult of necromancers because there’s so many fucking necromancers that there’s not enough space for each of them to have their own towers anymore. Those of us who “live” here are just future zombies to take the place of the current zombies when they all fall to pieces too small to be of use.
I’m not going to be a zombie, though. I’ve already decided that. I mean, my body is pretty much pickled by alcohol already, but I’m not gonna be zombified any further than I already am. Hell with that. I got plans, my friends. Friends who live in my head. Whoever can hear this. Presumably someone can. Or not, it doesn’t matter.
It’s a desert here because it’s a desert pretty much everywhere. It only rains on about 2% of the world, from what I’ve heard, and I’m not likely to ever see anything less dry than a desert. They say that many years ago there was rain and moisture and we didn’t have to drink our own piss, but I’ve got my doubts.
Anyway, I’m on my way out of this place before the zombies get me. There has to be a place without zombies. Right?
The necromancer tower is south, so I’m going north.
I managed to find a sucker willing to travel with me.
She’s an animal dissector, and I don’t really want to think about what that entails exactly. Anyway, she was all “you’re stupid for travelling alone” and I was all “well then why don’t you come with me” and she actually said OK. I guess anything is better than zombification, right? Including dismemberment by zombies?
I guess we’ll find out.
People keep asking me to kill vampires and mummies and the like. They can fuck right off. I’m going to survive as long as possible, and that means NOT seeking out undead abominations who want to kill me and defile me and/or my corpse in various horrifying ways.
We’re gonna travel slowly, anyway, because I don’t want to run into any unwanted horrors.
I wonder if the world was ever beautiful.
The world is full of evil. I mean it is literally everywhere. Can’t fucking get away from it. They tell stories of days when you could walk down the street without encountering a zombified cat, but I don’t know if I believe that. Sounds like a pipe dream to me.
Oh, snap, I just remembered I can rezise the game window. Anyway, my retarded animal-dissecting comrade managed to get herself attacked by a foul blendec. Actually I don’t know who shot first, but I guess I better go save her so I don’t get et by bogeymen.
I don’t even know what the fuck a foul blendec is, other than that it sounds (and looks) disgusting.
Hey, Dissecty over there isn’t half bad. Maybe I didn’t make an entirely horrific choice of traveling companion after all.
Well after a bit of traveling Dissecty seems to have mostly recovered. She lost a toe, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse.
Fuck, I feel like we’ve been walking forever, but it’s a hell of along way to the next “safe” location. Did you notice how I put safe in quotes? I hope that came through.