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Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #150 on: January 10, 2013, 09:15:16 pm »

I'll begin the turn by the end of the day tomorrow.

Quick question: Do we need migrants? I still want to make the migrant camp.
I have to find a way to justify it though.....

Also, am I the only one that isn't overly obsessed about their tomb?
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #151 on: January 10, 2013, 10:53:49 pm »

On second thought, my tomb is fine the way it is. It needs no more final touches.

Am I the only one that isn't overly obsessed about their tomb?
Why wouldn't you be? The tomb is a microcosm of your own creative mind. It's the one area where you can easily throw away function and focus entirely on form. That, and I want to see just how fancy and elaborate these things will get. I swear, if I had time to put a waterfall in my tomb, I would have done it.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #152 on: January 11, 2013, 05:55:43 am »

Quick question: Do we need migrants? I still want to make the migrant camp.
I have to find a way to justify it though....
In my expert opinion, I'd say the fort is now self-sufficient- it could last indefinitely through a siege. As such, do with the migrants whatever you fancy.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #153 on: January 11, 2013, 08:21:40 am »

Yes... Construct the slave pits!!! >:D


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #154 on: January 11, 2013, 04:08:14 pm »


Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #155 on: January 13, 2013, 10:06:51 pm »

((I totally did not forget about this.))

1st of Granite
Sibrek was frustrated to say the least. No matter how many times she pulled the lever, the main gate wouldn't open. The irritating part of it was that she had to run up to surface just to see if the gate changed; then she had to run back down the stairs to try again. She eventually gave in, and decided to go to Feylers for help.

She found Feylers working at the forge, turning wood into charcoal. Sibrek knew when Feylers was in her work not to disturb her, because when compared to Feylers, death by a goblin is less painful... So she waited, and waited...

"Hey, prodigy! You do know you have a bedroom, right?"

Sibrek had fallen asleep on the stairs. She rubbed her eyes as she asked, "How long was I asleep?"

"Enough time for me for me to make three piece of charcoal," Feylers replied, "What do you want, prodigy?"

"I think the main gate lever is jammed..."

"And? You're the legendary mechanic here, not me."

Sibrek felt embarrassed as she said, "I... I don't know how to fix it."

"Then what makes you think I know how to fix it?"

6th of Granite
Over the course of five days, Sibrek and Feylers tried all they could to fix the gate, but it was in vain. Nothing they tried would work, and it seemed the gate would never be fixed. On the fifth day, they gave up and asked one of the masons to destroy the gate, but they were told, "That gate was made to last, I can't destroy it."

They were without a doubt exhausted mentally and of options.

"I hope whatever migrants that come here, have enough enough sense and supplies to go back." Feylers said finally.

"Aye, I hope for that too."

"Whatever happens out there, we can't help them..."

((Alright, migrant camp complete, will post pictures when migrants arrive. I'm going to try to write this in a story-format.))
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #156 on: January 17, 2013, 06:45:36 pm »

I apologise for the wait. Right after finishing the other succession game, I was buried under work. I just finished digging my way out. But you guys don't want excuses, you want progress; so hop on board the update airship!
Feylers was annoyed that they couldn't go out, and cut down trees for her charcoal. She was even more annoyed when Urvad Konosuzlir started throwing a tantrum... right next to her wood furnace. She could understand why the girl was upset; she had lost her mother and her brother recently. But at the time, she refused to have anything of it.

Urvad screamed, and kept hitting the dolomite floor. Having had enough, Feylers stormed over to her; she grabbed the girl's leather dress, and lifted her. "Urvad, you can throw a tantrum if you want," Feylers finally said, "But if you dare do it near my bars again, I will END you."

The girl's eyes went wide with fear. "Are we clear?" Feylers asked.

"Y-yes!" Urvad stammered.
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*          *          *          *          *
With the surface blocked, the dwarves turned to depths. Armok smiles on them for they have struck tetrahedrite. Upon further excavation of the valuable mineral however...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The magma was a great boon; the adamantine on the other hand, well it hasn't been decided whether it's salvation... or damnation...

Great was Feyler's excitement when she heard of magma lake. She hugged the miner who brought her news, then shoved him aside. "Out of my way!" she yelled as she ran down the stairs. "She sure is happy." one of the metalsmiths mused as they followed her, leaving the miner to ponder what just happened.

Construction on magma workshops began immediately, with rooms in the stone hollowed out for metal and ores. When one of the masons suggested they build a bridge crossing the pool, and build the forges there, Feylers immediately killed his suggestion.

"Do you know anything about magma workshops? The forges won't work, for the bridge will be too high."

Instead she had them hollow out an area for the magma works. It was at that moment that she proved she was more of a Metalsmith than a Mechanic.
*          *          *          *          *
The miners were prepared; they knew what they had to do. They had to go out into the cavern, and channel a spot for the magma to flow through the channels being excavated. Channel it too early, and the miners digging out the channels below will be dead. Dig it too slow, and they were more likely to attract some monster's attention...

Knowing that, Feylers ordered for the small group to be accompanied by two militia dwarfs, a marksdwarf and a spearsdwarf. The group waited in the tunnel to the cavern. The silence was unnerving; then a miner decided to break the silence.

"How good are you two with your weapons?"

The two militia dwarfs exchanged a glace, then the spearsdwarf said, "Well, I guess you could say I'm a novice."

"I feel reassured in our safety," the other miner remarked sarcastically, "I'm glad that you asked that question." The last part directed to the other miner.

"Don't fret," the marksdwarf said, "Unlike him, I'm competent with my crossbow."

The miners exchanged a look of nervousness.

"Besides, he's the meatshield." she whispered.


The miners, and the marksdwarf erupted into laughter.

"Hey," a voice said behind them, "If you guys are done with the bad jokes, now would be a good time to channel that stone."

The other miner group was finished, and was standing impatiently at the stairs...

"Let's go, let's go!" the spearsdwarf exclaimed.

The miner sighed as he broke open the piece of stone separating them from the caverns, "Here we go."

The small group spotted the magma pool, and sprinted there, ever vigilant for monsters. One of the miners pulled out a blueprint, and pointed at a patch of land near the edge of the pool. "There, strike there." The two militia dwarfs kept their eyes on the surroundings.

The other miner complied, bringing his pick down upon the stone. It crumbled, and magma began to pour on in the fortifications and into the channels. With their goal finished, they ran back in the tunnel.

What they found was a team of masons with a huge stone block. "Out of the way!" the lead mason exclaimed.

The group jumped to the side, as the masons sealed the tunnel with the block. The spearsdwarf turned to the small group, and asked, "So who's up for a drink?"
I really hope this was worth the wait...
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #157 on: January 17, 2013, 07:53:27 pm »

I really dig your narrative style. So worth it. Can hardly wait to read what happens next!


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #158 on: January 17, 2013, 08:51:31 pm »

Are you kidding? You must be a grand master writer!
And as a message to everyone: Don't touch my candy.

Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #159 on: January 18, 2013, 07:58:37 pm »

Are you kidding? You must be a grand master writer!
I really dig your narrative style. So worth it. Can hardly wait to read what happens next!
Thanks for the praise!

And as a message to everyone: Don't touch my candy.
Note taken.
All aboard the update airship!
Beginning date - 10th of Slate, 80.
Being injured, and having to rest is understandable. Not being injured, and resting is not. For the life of her, Feylers did not understand why the marksdwarf Imush Bomrekkodor is still on the traction bench when she looks perfectly fine. The marksdwarf was the only person still recuperating from the previous incidents...

The chief medical dwarf Zulban stood nearby taking stock of the hospital's supplies. She seemed intent on counting everything from loose threads to spare splints.

"Hey Zulban!" Feylers said, "When was the last you checked on Imush?"

Upon hearing the question, Zulban's expression changed into one of surprise, as if something shocked her. She looked back between the marksdwarf, and the metalsmith.

"Feylers, come and help me with this." She said finally.

Feylers followed her as she walked over to the marksdwarf. Imush was strapped on to a traction bench, and seemed to be sound asleep. Zulban unstrapped her from the bench, then stood back a few paces.

"Push her off." She ordered.


"Push her off, I want you to push Imush off the bench."


"Because she'll kill me, if I do it. Plus I'm the only diagnostician here."

Feylers sighed as she pushed the marksdwarf off the bench. She landed with a thud on the floor. Her eyes shot open, as she jumped to her feet. Imush glared first at Feylers, then at Zulban.

"Finally, I can leave now." She said as she walked away.

When she was gone, Zulban said, "The last time I checked on her was 3rd of Moonstone."
*          *          *          *          *
The miner stared at the small team assembled before him. It was nearly the same as the previous one, except the extra miner had been replaced by a mason. They were going out into the caverns again. This time, however, they were going for something precious. Adamantine. He had requested to lead a small group to get one piece of the precious stone for proof. With some convincing Feylers caved in, and agreed.

They were supposed to head to the spire, mine a piece, and return. Simple as that. A militia team was supposed to watch the entrance while they were out. The spearsdwarf, and the marksdwarf would be accompanying them again.

Without a word, the mason removed the stone block. The small party headed cautiously to their goal. "Good luck!" one of the militia dwarfs called out.

After several minutes, only a several meters of water separated them from the spire.

"Do your work," The miner said, "Please make sure it's stable, I hate to drown after all this."

"Don't tempt me." The mason muttered as he began his work. Within minutes he was done; a stone path that crosses the water.

The miner slowly stepped onto the pathway; the path seemed stable enough for him to resume his usual pace. After mining the stone separating him from the spire, he could confirm it was it was adamantine. The light blue stone matched the descriptions of the stories. An eerie sense of destruction formed inside him.

"Strike the earth!" he cried as he brought his pick upon the adamantine. With each strike, the stone broke, but the sense of destruction grew as well. Upon breaking it, the precious stone was left behind. Sweat beaded his forehead, he had no desire to go near adamantine again. "Come on," he said, "The others are waiting." With that said, he picked up the stone, and headed back.
*          *          *          *          *
Urist Whisperlanterns. along with the other migrants had finally arrived at Demonslaughter. Despite the dangers and the name, they made the emigration. The fortress's fortifications seemed adequate enough.

When they neared the walls however... There were bloodied clothes lying on the ground... With no trace of the owner. "You don't suppose..." one of the migrants began, he did not finish his thought. The migrants moved closer to the fortifications, there were faint traces of blood on them. Lined against the walls were several weapons, mostly made of copper.

The gate was not open. "Hello?" one the migrants called out, "Anyone home?" No response. It would seems this fortress was abandoned, or worse... They had little provisions left. There was no going back.

The migrants had no official leader; they were merely a group that formed to travel here. Chances of them surviving like this were slim. Urist did not want to die. When he took charge, none of the dwarfs objected. He began ordering dwarfs to fish, and gather plants.

Lucky for them, there was a copper battleaxe lined against the wall. One of the migrants picked it up, and began to chop wood. As for Urist, he picked up a copper shortsword lying around, and began to train...

The dwarfs made an area for food, and made workshops with the wood. They might have a chance at survival. But is not what it seems...
*          *          *          *          *
Thunk! The raw adamantine dropped to the floor. The small group was presenting it to Feylers. "Here's the proof of the adamantine." the miner said. Feylers examined the possibilities of what to do with it. A weapons perhaps?

Her thought process was interrupted when a voice screamed, "DON'T TOUCH MY CANDY!!"

Seemingly out of nowhere, a dwarf ran up to the stone, grabbed it, and was off. The party was briefly stunned, but not for long. "After the thief!" the mason said, as he ran after the dwarf. The dwarf was quicker, and more nimble than the party because after a short chase, they lost the thief. Angry, and disappointed they returned to their quarters.

Little did they know...
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End date: 9th of Felsite

I wouldn't have made the last part if it weren't for two things. You can figure out the first one.
The second one:
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I might add on to this sidestory if you give me permission, IronTomato.
Also I'll lampshade everything in the next update.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 08:00:38 pm by Kalemyr Skyfire »
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #160 on: January 18, 2013, 08:09:53 pm »

Well I chuckled. I hope the migrants aren't all wiped out in the inevitable Autumnal Ambush.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #161 on: January 19, 2013, 01:43:22 am »

Well, hopefully the migrants are smart enough to know that clothing doesn't get bloody all on its own.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #162 on: January 20, 2013, 03:28:45 pm »

Oh my holy fricking god, that's hilarious.
I might add on to this sidestory if you give me permission, IronTomato.
Also I'll lampshade everything in the next update.  ;)
Permission granted.

Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #163 on: January 27, 2013, 02:53:50 pm »

I checked my saves folder and...All of my saves are gone. So all of my work was lost.

Edit: Everything else had been fixed. I've dug my way out but the save thing still stands sadly.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 05:30:31 pm by Kalemyr Skyfire »
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


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Re: Demonslaughter - Bloodline game, Again
« Reply #164 on: January 30, 2013, 05:01:29 pm »

I just died.
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