I still dont get WTF shipping actually is.
A form of fanfiction pairing up various characters romantically/erotically, often characters who would not be paired in such a fashion in-universe.
Also known as "slashfic" from the practice of referring to a given "ship" by the two characters' names seperated by a slash. Such as "Buffy/Spike".
Slashfic actually has pretty specific connotations nowadays, and is generally reserved for stories involving male homosexuality as a primary story point. Femslash is the female variant. You'd be looking at something like Spike/Angel(us) in that continuity, if it were a slashfic S'generally just shortened to slash, though. More or less an equivalent to yaoi or shonen-ai.
First bit's accurate, though! Though it's less a form of fanfiction so much as a general aspect of fanfiction. It gets involved in stuff that doesn't have much of a focus on relationships, et al. S'mostly just shorthand for a "these are major characters and who they're primarily interacting with" sort of thing.
The more you know! *rainbow*
I stand corrected.
still don't read fanfic. (except that
"Day of the Barney" thing way back in the early days of the Web...that was interesting)
EDIT: I think the general problem is the degree to which it goes.
At its most basic, it appears to be "Wouldn't Person A and Person B make a cute couple?"
But let's say you're talking Star Wars. And somebody decides, "I think Leia and Lando would make a good couple."
Then somebody writes a romantic story with them.
Then somebody else writes an
erotic story with them.
Next thing you know, you're reading "50 Shades of Kashhyyk" and being squicked out by graphic Wookiee orgies.
I still don't read fanfic.
Yeah, you're only making a collaborative Battlestar Galactica (AU, Improv) one over in Play with your Buddies
That's altogether different. If we ever start focusing primarily on a character's romantic liasons with a Cylon, I'm bringing in Hand of God and somebody's getting thrown out an airlock. (despite the fact that weirdly enough, that sort of shipping would actually be in keeping with the source material).
@dhokarena: Just for the record, I didn't complain to Toady or anyone else. I didn't even have computer access the last two days. I'm actually bemused and curious to find out (and extremely difficult to offend, especially with imaginary torrid affairs).
Oh...oh god....it was me and all of Pathos' alts wasn't it?