Aha! Having a -3 is a fate worse than death, as you cannot succeed (except on a 6, and that's barely successful), and I am the Fate Worse than Death!
Figure out what I'm supposed to do, then do it to Xantalos.
(3+4) You realize in a stunning blast of clarity that you are supposed to do nothing. THat is a fate worse than death. (3+4) Death shows up. Apparently Death by Nuke needs assistance getting all of the souls off the infinite plain.
Realize that I'm worse than death
Give myself a +6 to actions
Up the munchkin tree we go...
(5+1) Realizing that you commit suicide. Umm, your already dead, that is kindof painful.
(4+1) +6 to actions
Jail and I train. Obviously it is not safe here for us.
(4+4) You train so hard you can't move anymore.
Force everyone to worship my awesome lawfulness.
(5+4 vs. 3+4) The epic battle of Montopolis vs. the world will be forever told in story of song. How the epicly fought each other until both were no more. Montopilis has a fingernail remaining, meaning he is the winner.
Finalize my claim to Wolinville by crushing head-death beneath rubble and taking his soul.
(4+4) Head death is crushed. The infinite plain begins to collapse.
Am I Cthulhu?
Stop choking already,sheesh
Get some ladies.
NO, I AM(5+4) you get some ladies. They are female ninjas. They attack you. (5+4 vs. 5+4) Your epic battle is usually told before the epic battle of Montopolis. Unlike Montopolis no one wins.
>Have everyone always roll a 6, before modifiers
(3+6) You will always roll a 6 before I add the modifiers.
These bonuses have grown too powerful! Attack foul demons of the sea!(6+7 vs. 6+6) You get curbstomped by Cthulhu who removes all bonuses
(4) The infinite featureless plain collapses dumping everyone on the ground. The world resets back to normal in huge upheavals before returning to the time this RTD started
You are a criminal. You are being pursued by police in a generic American city. What do you do?