Move into tower
Make another army
(6+1) You move into the tower. Some of your men are upset that you are walking on them and steal your +1.
(1) You fail. Your old army gets upset and leaves you.
>Land on my tower in the finite featured mountains of life without dying.
>Get a job from Death, if he needs someone else.
(4) You fly back up to your tower.
(2) You can't find Death
Start a program by which the souls of the dead generate profit. Maybe outsourcing. Imagine, advertising designed by Michelangelo and phones answered by...someone cheap!
Request promotion into a management position.
(6) Your program works so well that unemployment goes up, causing more deaths and continues to anger the Head Death.
(2) No promotion.
Save Wwolin.(If anything happens)
Then kiss his boots and ask him 'CAN YOU BE MY DADDY?'
TheZoomZoll, I am your father
(6) ZoomZoll causes a giant rock to fall on wwolin, then saves him just in time. Unfortunately ZoomZoll gets crushed by it. ZoomZoll is now wwolin's son
Ensure that Tophat is crushed by rubble. After all, I have a child to support
Take out digger gun.
Dig way out to surface.
Give Wwolin Christmas present of cookies to show no hard feelings.
(6 vs. 2) Tophat ignores the rubble causing it to crush him and sending his dead corpse and soul falling infinitely. Death from bad bets bets that wwolin will collect tophat's soul.
Grow thousands of wings on every surface of my body
Fly away!
Laugh maniacally
(4) You grow a lot of wings
(2) You can't fly
(6) you laugh so maniacally that SpinalTapper hits you with a baseball bat to make you shut up.
(4) You now have a castle
(6) You launch into space. You are now suffocating because of a lack of a space-suit.
Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
(4) Merry Christmas to you too.
Tophat: dead corpse falling
Javierpwn: being hit by spinal tapper
GWG: Death by nuke, setting up outsourcing program
Yoink: Who?
Wwolin: The new Devil/Ruler of Hell/Death by falling rubble/Zoomzoll's father. Claiming infinite featureless plain. Killed tophat.
Onyxjew44: featured mountain range
Spinal_Tapper: beating up javierpwn
Xantalos: infinite featureless plain
Montopolis: The Law Joker. armless. hideous smile. featured mountain range. Wishing everyone Merry Christmas.
Zanzetkuken: falling
TheZoomzoll: crushed by rock. wwolin's son
Urist_McDrowner: featured mountain range
Lordslowpoke: hill fortress in space. suffocating