This is my third attempt, and hopefully the last. I'd like to set up a NWOD game, new player friendly, cross-sphere play (more then one race), with the fallback in true dwarven style of genius the transgression, a rather popular fan-made book of
MAD !SCIENCE! I'm gathering source material here based on local myths, though as i intend to give the role of GM(s if we have the will) to someone with actual experience, it's up to you if you use it.
Let us organize a genius the transgression game! It's a free and rather popular fanmade rulebook which, as yoiu may have guessed is the essence of the title.I am new to this mux and the game, and you should go for them for questions as i describe, but I'd like to play with you lot, preferably in my timezone
For those of you who aren't familiar, world of darkness is a world much like our own, except our nightmares are real, often in the worst ways. If you don't know what a Mux is, it's a text based format standing for multi-user experience and is a rather nice way of playing tabletop rpg's online. This one is called the reach, on which more information can be found here. The fictional (i think) setting in Dunlin's Reach, in Maine near the Mississippi, can be found here:, and a description of the world of darkness here...
As for the nitty-gritty; you can play as a Changeling, one of The Changing Breeds, Geist, Hunter, Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, one of The Possessed, or Immortal, mortal, or Mortal+ a rather expansive list in comparison to others which i understand they're expanding. It's new world of darkness as you may have guessed, and has a sizeable player base, so why am i doing this? Well, firstly, I'd like to get a game with you lot, but more importantly, and the current major flaw, is the predominantly American player base and GM's, meaning that the time for GM run event's is usually in the wee hours in britain. Hence, if you are such and interested, particularly if you're a GM, i beg thee to learn the ropes and run a game. Neither shall you be alone; I'll be copying this post to the RockPaperShotgun forums, and as they have at least a few European tabletop guys, I'll see how that goes and notify you as to how things progress.
The steps to getting there in an easy manner, all being free and painless in the majority of cases, would be to first download SimpleMU, a small program for this stuff, and then to Google the reach mux, preferably on the mud connector, or use the site. It may not be painless if something to do with something, which happened to me on one computer, makes you unable to connect, but i doubt happens very often. Once there, you can sign in as a guest as they describe, and then use " preceding your sentences in the chat room you enter to ask questions, which I'm prepared them for and they welcome.
Tell me if you're interested, and I'll drop a link to the RPS thread and vice versa. RPS also have a mumble (a free voice chat client), which i may utilize. Anyone fancy a genius the transgression game