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Author Topic: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure [6/6 slots filled, Open to new sign ups]  (Read 17278 times)


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #405 on: December 11, 2012, 06:06:02 pm »

Use a portion of the money to pay for having the Dread and Van units Beam Coated and Fortified, then head back to the Nahal Argama as soon as it's finished.


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #406 on: December 11, 2012, 06:18:40 pm »

Have the Pro mechanics turn the 200 furnaces into drives.

Contact the winning bidder and sell him the 2 remaining drives for 500k each.

Have the lab constructed on the ship and hire 15 researchers.

Assign Cloud Tumble, Sugar Darling, Light Charmer, Charming Crescent, Lightning Chaser to Braves.
Assign Yuri to a commander Brave.
They are to form Nahel 2nd Squadron.
Assign the second commander to myself, have the zeta returned to the floating pool.

Have the sensor files of the battle with the angel sent to anybody who does not believe we killed it, accept the new pilots and continue looking for more.

Buy a large plot of land a few miles from ponyville and hire builders to construct a village capable of housing 7500 people in comfort, also have several large training buildings built and arrange regular food delivery to the town, have rarity handle the negotiations and use local labor from ponyville to build it paying them a fair wage and a completion bonus.
Also have her include the fact that we are the one's who defeated the angel that was going to walk over the top of her town, have turner assist her.
( Humans only )

Send 25000 to the company that constructed the braves as a bonus along with a message that I'll need them again shortly for another construction job.

Have the mechanics continue the work on a capacitor system and run computer simulations to ensure it can hold enough power to fire Drake howling and Hyper mega particle cannon.

Have some mechanics design a brain scanner system capable of picking out all kinds of mutation.
( X-rounder, PT, NT and Innovate. )

Send out a message that I'm looking for skilled human pilots and ships crew who want a safe and comfortable place on the surface where they will train other humans, also note they will get regular pay and 3000 bits as a recruitment fee, and 3000 bits per head for families coming to the village.
Include the fact that I'm human and it will be an all human village.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 06:36:56 pm by mesor »


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #407 on: December 12, 2012, 12:01:04 am »

Turn 18: Umm Ramiel is taking his sweet time isn't he?

Yuri, as an orphan, never had friends, but show talents in various fields in his quest to have someone to respect him no matter what kind of human he is, with a smile on his face. Seeing a fellow human on the crew gives him some encouragement, but it seems difficult for him to get Ichiji to stop reading these books. In the meantime, he looks at the mechanics trying to build a Capacitor, and shook his head, as if he was telling them this is NOT right at all (Yuri rolls: 6, Mechanics roll: 5+1), and starts modifying the design for the ship-scale Capacitor, with half as many parts. He compiles the Digital Blueprint and sends the design to Lester.

Ichiji works on Command (6) and managed to improve a bit... however, she remembered that all that time reading books is nice, but field experiance should help. She frees up the books and leaves them next to Yuri once he's done compiling, and sees to work on asking the Ponies around if they'll be interested in R-2 once it's built. She gets asked by some Ponies for a Brainwave Scanner, for finding a better way of finding PDs, X-Rounders, Innovades or Newtypes, without messing with Powered Zeta.

The Crewpony and Clair continue to train, this time shifting focus to Melee (5) and noted a major problem: The Armorlion's dodging ability? Literally non-existant... then again, it's just a Crewpony and not anyone noticable so...

Spoiler: Training Results (click to show/hide)

Alice takes time to get the Professionals to modify Exia's blueprint with the Spiral Energy Drive, while she asks Pinkie Pie to fetch the Leopard's Blueprint from... somewhere, did it matter? (5) Somehow Pinkie Pie got a duplicate of the suit and both Mechanic Teams start work on their respected units. She in the meantime started to read though the book on improving her Mechanic skill (6) and started to speed though training in a hurry.

Spoiler: Training Results (click to show/hide)

In the meantime, the Pros take the blueprint and start modifying it, seeing what happens when this drive makes it though the unit. Taking a deep breath, they start modifying the Spiral Energy Drive Revision 1 to fit it into the shape of the GN Drive (4+1) and managed to do so without a hitch. After modifying it, they begin to construct Exia (5+1) and started to get the thing up and running. They need to have a test run in it to make sure something weird doesn't happen, and asks for Voulenteers. (3) Sadly, no one stuck their necks for science.

The other Mechanic team, using the Leopard's Blueprints, start to build up the Gundam once their temporary guest leaves with her suit (4) and managed to get somewhere with it. They start working on the suit and managed to do so without a hitch.

Kasai and Vinyl take the time to pay up for the service and gets the machine Fortified and Beam Coated, just in case things go sour.

Spoiler: The Bill (click to show/hide)

Lester seems a bit ambitous for some reason, ordering the Pros, once Exia's done, to get the GN Tau Drives going. In the meantime, he sells the remaining Drives to the winning bidder, making a million off of them, while making updates, forgetting something about Yuri being a quiet one.

In the meantime, the Lab Module arrived and installed without a hitch, as a cadrede of Unicorns join the Nahal Argama... it seem Lester has trouble getting Humans to join, but then again, maybe it'll be for the better if he doesn't go ballistic over this.

Spoiler: The Bill Redux (click to show/hide)

The mechanics, surprized at Yuri's talents, also simulated some power charges based on Yuri's calculations and it seems to be working at the moment. It seems they're about ready to start building one for the Nahal Argama, with clearance from Lester that is.

In the meantime, some of the Mechanics break off and call Ichiji and Yuri out to get a scan of their brain waves (5), creating a prototype Mindscanner Device that can detect a X-Rounder and Psychodriver with about 90% accuracy. Unfortiantely, trying to scan for NTs and Innovades, based on their info on them, were a bit iffy, but it's better then nothing.

Lester, sends a hefty tip by the builders for their job and expects to send the next order to them, as the Professional Mechanics start to build the Tau GN Drives (6+2), working so fast that it ends up getting the job done in one turn. In the meantime, he recalls Rarity back to Ponyville for a bit of negotiation that'll take awhile [Extended Action for Rarity].

As for his message for Human Pilots? (5) It seems there were fewer Surface Humans then he thought, though someone did listen: Ichiji's own mother, a scientist who seems to be wearing black, with blue hair and green eyes. Her name is Alicia Minazuki, and she's a scientist involved in the restoration of the SRX Project.

"Hello Mr... Lester? I was actually looking for my bookworm daughter and well, I was thinking of joining the crew. I can contribute to anything related to the R-series machines otherwise..." she also brings blueprints for the R-1 and R-3, as well as the Powered parts for the R-Series units for addition incentive.

Back at Ponyville, Marcus and Kenji start shifting focus, as they seem to be as accurate they can be, until they start gaining Field Experiance. (4)

Spoiler: Training Results (click to show/hide)

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« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 08:21:30 am by BlasterKyubey210 »


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #408 on: December 12, 2012, 12:30:02 am »

Accept Alicia onto the crew and assign her as head of the research department, Assign Ichiji to my crew with her mother, recruit 15 researchers to work under Alicia

Have a prototype capacitor built for the ship and attached then slowly test it's safety and ability to hold charge.

Send all the required parts to the mechanics and have 5 braves and 1 commander brave built, pay them the same total sum as last time paying for the 7th brave as a bonus, shields included.

Sell 10 of the remaining drives off at 500k a piece to whoever wants to buy them and make it known I'm accepting orders if anybody wants to buy any.

Once they are sold order a frigate and have it retrofitted as a mobile mecha factory and have a full crew hired for it including a professional mechanical team and have an AI built into the ship, also have advanced parts production systems added.

Have all members of both my squadrons except rarity scanned to test for brain anomalies.

Continue the recruitment drive for skilled pilots, those with special skills and especially for humans, Offer 5000 bits per person.
Continue looking for humans to fill the village and offer the same payment.

Have twilight, apple and flutter join me with Yuri and work on his personal problems, after this take him aside myself and give him lessons in command.

Have Alicia construct the R-2 and R-3 and keep both them and the R-1 Assigned to me, also have Alice's brain scanned.

Purchase 6 additional beam shields and 6 normal shields for mechs.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 06:35:20 pm by mesor »


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #409 on: December 12, 2012, 02:54:31 am »

Clair will hit the books for ideas on things.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #410 on: December 12, 2012, 05:03:41 am »

Keep up the studying if possible, and ask any leftover mechanics to see if they can't convert some of the Mobile Suit Parts into Ganman Parts, and if they can, convert 5. Then if possible, start the building of 2 more Spiral Drives.


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #411 on: December 12, 2012, 04:07:24 pm »

Head to the library and look up any and all information it has about The War
It's FEF, not FEOF

Naoki Kurogra

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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #412 on: December 12, 2012, 07:25:01 pm »

Get ready to move out with the others, heading for Manehattan, as soon as Marcus gets the info.


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #413 on: December 12, 2012, 07:27:23 pm »

Wait to move out on the Nahal Argama, and attempt to work on skills as a commander by reading books on the subject.

(I'm sorry I just now got on, I'm rather busy with finals and don't have time to get on Skype at the moment.)


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #414 on: December 12, 2012, 11:17:39 pm »

Turn 19: Not like anyone's in a real hurry now would it?

The ponies seem interested, after getting the info on the Angel from their scanners... and while one of them prefer more concrete proof, it seems to have worked, 3 Earth Ponies joined the group.

Ichiji feels happy that her mother is joining the ship, and leaving Manehattan behind them. Being the first Surface Human born in Equestria in a long time does not have many merits, especially since she feels "distant" from some of the Underground Humans that tend to peek up to Manehattan once in awhile. She doesn't share the Ponies' disdain for the Underground humans though, but she doesn't feel like she can related to the other Humans, those forced to live underground.

Yuri in the meantime spends time in his assigned room, alone. It took awhile for even Fluttershy to convince him to open the door, but it's a start for him to open up... he seems focused on Twilight, since according to some of the Crewponies, she and Yuri are similar in background, namely, start out as loners before their lives change. He doesn't know why did Applejack, Fluttershy or even the Captain had to get involved, but starts to talk softly to the four of them.

Spoiler: Conversation (click to show/hide)

In the meantime, the engineers start working on the prototype Capacitor using the blueprint (5, follow-up roll: 4+1) and after building it, manages to make a clean installation of the system. The smaller size Yuri came up with helped make this installation trival, then they request Lester to start storing up energy in case something funny happens.

In addition to this, Alicia starts working on the other two R-Series units, using her specialization to make this trival (R-2: 5+2, R-3: 6+2), and managed to do a bit of Fortifying to both machines.

The crew also start to scan the Brainwaves of diffrent pilots across all teams to see if there's anything abnormal to use.

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)

Lester, having his hands tied with Yuri, sends Ichiji to deliver the parts to the mechanic, with her R-1 adding to the security team. She watches the Mechanics work their magic (5+2) and manages to get the job done quickly

Spoiler: Worker results (click to show/hide)

The R-1 pilot also orders a Frigate to serve as a personal group, she also gets Professional Mechanics for the rest of her cash, and leaves it to Alice to name the ship.

Spoiler: Ship Bill (click to show/hide)

Alice gets the freed up mechanics to see if they can refine the Mobile Suit Parts for Ganman parts.

Spoiler: Refinery Hijinxs (click to show/hide)

With the Armorlion and Guren mk II back, Clair starts going back to the books to get an idea on something... and grabs a few blank Blueprints to work with on compiling an experimental weapon from one of Ichiji's old books... something about a "Hero of the Imperium" or something? (3+1) Anyhow, Clair seems to be taking a page out of that book and draws up some kind of weapon called a Bolt Pistol or something like that? Something to break though enemy Armor for sure.

In the meantime, Alice continues to work on her Mechanic Skill (4) and continues advancing. She takes time to think about what's next once she gets a more dedicated crew as well.

Another group of 15 unicorns joined the ship, though under Alice's command for other stuff, they also bring Beam Shields and Shields as a gift.

Spoiler: Research Bill (click to show/hide)

Finally Kasai starts to study up his Command Skill with Ichiji's spare Books (4) and starts to work on his Command Skill, though it may take awhile.

Rarity attemps to find a shortcut back to Ponyville (5) and manages to find one, dashing though the forest to reduce travel time.

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)

Marcus goes back to the Library, now getting curious about the history about this mess. With the aid of Twilights assistant, he starts to get some information on the War (Marcus rolls: 4, Spike rolls 5+1). Though they were mostly Equestria Properganda, some of the books seem to be of interest. Spike finds a book that stands out to him and shows it to Marcus, titled "Life on the Front, by Tieria Erde". Something doesn't seem right about this book, but it seems to stand out. The dragon warns him that Twilight will flip if you take the books out. He may need to think of a diffrent plan to get information on the War to the others...

Kenji stops training for a bit and gets ready to go to Manehattan on foot, though he doubts he has enough power in the Unit-XX to get there. It's suggested he find a way to transport the Evangelion to Manehattan, or he'll run out of power and inconvience the group.

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Party Status on Table (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Job list (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 11:34:38 pm by BlasterKyubey210 »


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #415 on: December 12, 2012, 11:46:36 pm »

Sell 33 drives for 500k a piece.

Put out the word that a mechanic in town is supplying drones to the Order and that I'm offering 5 drives in reward to the man or company who brings him to me alive.

Order 2 heavy class missile cruisers with beam shields, beam coating, fortified and with AI systems, also hire a full crew for each including a captain, professionals if possible. Name them Aurora and Orion.
Also buy a standard frigate with an AI system and a crew for it, have it sent to Kenji once completed.

Purchase 1200 EM missiles and place 1/3 on the battleship and each of the cruisers.
Buy 1 beam shield 1 normal shield and have pro mechanics attach them to the AM gunner, then Assign Ichiji and Alicia to it.

Assign braves to all Nahel team one members, have one deliver to rarity in ponyville and have the gundam returned to the ship and placed in the floating pool, all mechs except braves and the AM gunner are to be placed in the floating pool.

Have turner assist Rarity with the negotiations once she arrives, ensure they are aware the village is to be able to hold 7500 people in comfort, also have them remind him that we saved his town from an angel and offer a sum of money as a gesture of good will.

Use the ships sensors to scan the entire city, pay special attention to the slums and look for only human life signs.

Respond to Yuri.
"Of course not, I'm here because whether you like it or not you are a child, you have a skill that could make you a fantastic pilot and the potential to be an amazing commander, all you lack is confidence and training. The training I will provide for you and you will be treated well here. The confidence my friends here can assist you with. As far as we are concerned your a child who grew up to soon, you are no different to any other member of this crew in our eyes and if your new squadron can not learn to take your orders they can be replaced."

Inform Alicia that I'm closing down her research for the safety of her and the rest of the crew, have all 3 R series mechs declared off limits and lock the blueprints so nobody can access them without my permission.
Have Alicia use the ship sized capacitor as a guide to design smaller versions for the braves.

Scan a unicorn and use the results to upgrade the system to prevent unicorn from effects the results. Re scan all of those who got results and compare them to the previous results.

Assign the researchers to begin looking into a way to mask the signature of a spiral warrior, have twilight search her book for relevant information and pass it on to the researchers.

Continue searching for humans willing to join me, also search for a confirmed Innovade and NT.

Fill the ships capacitor.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 12:21:29 am by mesor »


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #416 on: December 13, 2012, 03:11:38 am »

"The warp sound bad but these bolt pistol..."

continue researching ideas.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #417 on: December 13, 2012, 04:06:29 pm »

Turn 19.1: You are (not) alone, Yuri

Yuri nodded and agree to try to work on relationships with other crewmen and pilots. In the meantime, he begins to go into his assigned unit and gets familar with the machine.

Lester posts the offer, thinking this scheme should be able to send a message to the Order that his name is Lester and he will NOT be messed with (6).

Unfortiantely it worked a bit too well, as a giant Mob has formed in Manehattan on a massive Manhunt... whoops.

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)

He also takes the time to rearrange the group, though Twilight doesn't mind the choice in units. Twilight takes the Commander type as there are no specific requests.

In addition, he goes on a shoping spree to spend the money (mostly because that's what Rarity'd do anyways... man Lester wondered if he's picking up the habits of the Elements of Harmony...)

Spoiler: Ship Bill (click to show/hide)

Lester loads up a Brave to deliver to Rarity via the unmanned Frigate and sets it on a course for Ponyville to finish reassignments, with instructions for Rarity to pilot the Brave.

In the meantime, Lester returns to his office, and sees Alicia there. His announcement of the shutdown of the R-Series research has her giving up various information of the research upto this point. She hands him various datadisks and files related to the R-Series on his desk and hopes he uses for the benefit of all living beings. In the meantime, Alicia begins to use a blank blueprint to work on an idea for a similar system, while observing the Ship-scale Capacitor (5), filling up to a (supposed) Safe Limit, enough for about 1 shot of the Hyper Mega Cannon in reserve, but she waits and sees if the thing starts emitting something funny.

The team responsible for the Brainwave scanner take it apart to see what went wrong (4). Using Starlight Darling, it's discovered the Unicorn's magic talent started messing around with it, creating "fake" signals. This means trouble and begin to work on a Filtering v2 system (6), managing to quickly get it done. V2 Filtering system at hand, they decide to recall Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Cloud Tumble, Charming Crescent and Lightning Chaser, for a round 2.

Once Twilight goes back to work on finding a way to mask the Spiral Warrior Signal, she begins starting from page 300 of the journal. Relaying info to the researchers would take awhile, though she knows where to start, at least.

In the meantime, the Nahal Argama flies into the slums of Manehattan, scanning for Underground Humans (4) and discovered human life signs at one of the larger buildings. From the Scanning report, except for this, it's discovered some of the places were obscuring the Biological Scanners, and warrant investigating to see if there are Humans, or maybe some dirty secrets.

The Mechanic team works on getting the AM Gunner shielded, (4+1, follow-up: 5+1) and modified them to get them readied to protect both Minazukis if things go nuts.

Clair works on researching on further tech ideas, while at the same time, refining the idea of what she found (5) and feels like she has a break through on scaling it up, while keeping the same feel of ka-boom. She may now compile a blueprint of the gun if she's ready.

Cloud Tumble and his friends are in trouble however, as he thought he'd become the Squadron Leader and use Yuri as his fall guy... he believed that Lester's putting a major bias towards the "filithy moleman" of an X-Rounder, is making him look very very bad, and in fact has plans to rid Manehattan of the Pariah.

While the Frigate takes it's time at it's current pace, Rarity arrives at Ponyville ready to negotiate, and right in time as Time Turner had a talk with Miss Cheerlee. He joins Rarity in negotiations, and ready to see what Mayor Mare thinks of starting a village for humans as a... Sancturary of sorts. However, Mayor Mare needs to see an actural Human for herself before drawing up the bill to send to Rarity and thus to Lester.

Spoiler: Party Status on Table (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ship Crew (Aurora) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ship Crew (Orion) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Job list (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 04:40:16 pm by BlasterKyubey210 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #418 on: December 13, 2012, 04:13:07 pm »

"Ok where a pen."

Draw up the blue print and read more.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Super Robot Taisen RtD Adventure
« Reply #419 on: December 13, 2012, 04:46:40 pm »

Send a message out to the head of the city's authorities
I have discovered humans being used as slave labor and have taken the initiative in setting them free and will be taking custody of them, I request your assistance in rounding up all humans in the city and would be grateful if you would bring all humans you locate to me. If you are unwilling I request you do not get involved.
If you attempt to assist the ponies using slaves in hiding them I will destroy the city's economy so badly it will never recover and if you should attempt to intervene in any way or prevent my actions I will use all available force up to and including missile bombardment and the hyper mega particle cannon in defending my crew and the humans.

Begin my raid at the same time as the message is sent.

Have the battleship and cruisers take position over the slums then send Yuri, Pinkie, Apple, Flutter and Rainbow to investigate all confirmed and hot spot locations and free every human inside, Yuri as the only human present is to direct them onto the Argama, Orion and Aurora which will land to take them on board as needed, command it all from the ship myself.
Give orders that all delaying tactics are to be ignored and anybody refusing to move is to be removed with lethal force if required.
Continue running constant Bio scans and relaying all data to the ground team as needed.
Allow any ponies to leave safely so long as they do not resist.
Have both cruisers running scans as well.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 05:26:43 pm by mesor »
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