Let's play: Explain that stat! ::Yaaay::
In the above picture we'll be looking at the stats given for Lady Irane's army. We see that unit count is 4. This explains itself as they have 4 units.
Next is Attack which equals 133. You'll have to take my word for this as you don't have the benefit of scroll overs. Anyway, by scrolling over the unit pictures in the column to the right I can see this:
Lady Irane: Attack = 21.2
Lisbeth: Attack = 7.5
Spear Maidens: Attack = 64.2
Kingsward: Attack = 39.6
Added all together and we get 132.5 rounded up to 133 attack
Defense is the same:
Lady Irane: Defense = 161
Lisbeth: Defense = 42
Spear Maidens: Defense = 168
Kingsward: Defense = 77
Total = 448 defense.
NOTE: The numbers for the Spear maidens and Kingsward are x3 because there are 3 models within one unit. So one Spear maiden model has 21.4 attack and 56 defense.
So, while the attack and defense stats are accurate for the units in the army, they do not take into account magical damage (which is all etheral anyway as the spells don't really exist until they're cast) which is a major componant of my armies damage output. Kallus Hairto alone is able to deal ~70 fire damage with a single firedart while Alexan can deal 20 fire damage x number of enemies caught in the fireball.
Though I'm not sure why it's saying my army has 7 in it. It does have 7, but only if you count the 3 mages which it apparently doesn't do for the enemy otherwise they would have 8 units.
Anyway. Blah blah blah. Stuff and numbers. BORING!