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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 993874 times)


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5205 on: May 21, 2013, 06:14:57 am »

"Well uh nevermind then"
Go outside and say words
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5206 on: May 21, 2013, 06:30:38 am »

Bigf00t, your first order is here.
Follow the aforementioned Sasquatch and say Order 1
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 10:41:38 pm by Dansmithers »
Siggy Siggy Hole!

Well, let's say you're going away from Earth on huge spaceship and suddenly shit goes wrong and you have Super Mutants. Social Experiments prepared them for this.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5207 on: May 21, 2013, 08:33:12 am »

Damnit! I liked that helmet!
Say Adamenstiar Hobitaeaod Gonteli. If successful, make boots and a spikey shield again.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5208 on: May 21, 2013, 03:24:37 pm »

"C'mon Cubey, I think I know where to find someone who can turn you back to normal. Eventually."
I head towards Doctor Octogonapus.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5209 on: May 21, 2013, 03:43:23 pm »

"The universe just hates me this week, dunnit?"

Same Words.
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5210 on: May 21, 2013, 04:19:06 pm »

The cube looked at John for a bit, before following, using its mental powers to lift the ship and make it follow them. Don't want to leave behind good diamond.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5211 on: May 22, 2013, 07:25:12 pm »


You get a wax Komodo dragon thats been broken into several dozen pieces.

Go off and explore somewhere. This place must have some purpose to it. WORDS while I go.

Maybe it's a mini 'dungeon' rune?
You summon yourself up a giant obsidian and magma ax. It's more like a hand ax then the big battle ax you probably wanted, but hey, flaming chops is flaming chops.

As per things to do around here...well, in the distance you can see a knothole in the tree near where the branch this leaf is attached to merges with the main trunk. Might be stuff to do in there.

The cube spins violently away from, well, everything. There's no clear indication of how its spinning, rather just randomly spinning in alarm while keeping a good distance away from anything solid. After a moment or two, the cube settles down in a slow rotation along the y-axis while floating up and down, returning back to view the small hole without touching it. The cube used its mental prowess to close the hole and form more words along the ship's hull. "Well, that was surprising. And weird. Felt like a bit of me... Vanished. Let's not do that again, yes?"

Spoiler: Rest of Turn's Actions (click to show/hide)

[will:3,6,4,+2 all]
You fix the hole, make some words and then float the ship along with you and singular.

((It seems I forgot to say 'activate'. Oops.  :P))

Activate the circle. Observe it's effects, then deactivate it. Remove the rune from inside it, and put a new rune made from oragami into the slot. Reactivate it and observe effects. Once that's done, create some more oragami runes and try throwing then and activating them mid-air.
The circle activates but doesn't do anything as far as you can tell.
Second circle doesn't work either.

As per the thing with activating paper runes in midflight, might work if you have them written on a piece of paper, but as it is with origami, they're not sturdy enough to throw and hold shape.

Attempt to mentally match up where I have been to the map on the mosaic
[Pot:4,6,4+1 all]
Flesh, steel and fungus, in that order, appear and drop away. You flap your way up to one of the higher branches and take a rest there. There's fruit up here as big as the damn temple.

It's hard to say exactly where you are on the map compared to the current landscape, if this map even depicts the current landscape. There is, however, a large mountain here, somewhat near the sea , but you can't see any forests where you would guess you should be, and the sea seems much too far from the mountain.

Say "Zaral." at the rubble as many times as is needed for it to work. I ain't takin' chances.

((Ninjas! Ninjas everywhere!))
You succeed on lighting a fire on the rubble and a moment later a large dog looking creature leaps out and snarls at you.

((Did I fly higher up the tree, or was the turn to short for that?))

Runic Experiments and then, if there is enough time left, fly higher up the tree.

((Do I get favor for all circles and marks, or only for sixes and/or fives?))

Walk to the boulderstack, and examine it.

((Must. Resist. Urge. To. Smash.))

The entire stack is slowly spinning like a top. But each rock is spinning in the opposite direction as the stones above and below it. You can hear a distant chiming tone, like bells ringing underwater.

Dammnit! RNG hates meh!
X5 Sand levitation!
Clo-Caltel Shor Contallthelthel

Forgot mine :'(
Well dang. Lets just say you reached your 20 uses then.

You make what amounts to Ivy's Swordwhip.

Take of my necromancy ring and put it into my suit. Will the suit to take the ring and store it inside itself a good distance away from me, like down in a foot or something. Then accept the new ring from Paris, and begin construction by willing stone to remove itself from the hole, or by having my digging fungus secrete acid, whichever is more efficient.
We'll save you some time and just say you put it somewhere farther away then that. Basically, it can't be somewhere where you could use it, and if it's still connected to the fungus then you could.

So you have it deposited a while down the road and start work using the ring paris gave you.
[will:6,1,4,5,6, +3 all]

You construct the widened path area and the attached platform, complete with plenty of fungal support beams connecting it to the cliff face. You also manage to dig out the entrance area and the basic tunnel beyond that.

"Ahh, you're smarter than I thought.  I will have to use the Darkest, most Ancient and Fell word I know:  GARSTORPIT!"

Shout the above at the monkey.

((Oh, no!  Don't tell me Perplexicon has such silly concepts as air friction/compression!  ...Is one of flux's rewards immunity to it?))
[MW spd:6+2]
[mw dex:1+1]
[mw spd:4+2]
The monkey warrior completely misses you with his wild flailing and then just barely manages to hurl himself out of the way as you cast a word towards him. So far, the only loss here is a stick.

I assume the wax block is small enough to be thrown. If not, break it down into as many can or bottle-sized chunks as possible.

Begin phase "Should Have Done This First" and scratch circle "Ultimate Muscle Circle Legend" into the ground.
Activate if possible.

You punch the block of wax until you get it into small enough pieces to throw.

That particular circle costs 3 to inscribe, by the way.
You take a lot of poison straight to the face. It proves fatal.

Head back toward the temple grounds.  Observe the rune-portal.

If I am attacked, mind control the attackers into killing themselves.

You head back up to the temple grounds and look at the globe. It's pretty. And it looks fairly stable. Not really sure what you want to know/do about it.

summon headwear
You summon a massively heavy diamond helmet. Far too heavy to wear, or even pick up.

Also you're lucky I don't reduce your head to a red mist when you fuck up forms like this.

(( Well, whenever someone fucks up a form word you could just cause them to see the phantom image of the other instead of whatever the word actually is and then make an endurance roll to see whether or not their brain can cope with such pure Lovecraftian goodness. ))

"Hmm..." Ozzy murmurs to no one in particular as his spell fails to have any effect. "Perhaps this room does not contain a hidden treasure trove but is instead a classroom for students to practice their mystical arts?"

Somehow sure that is the cause, he leaves the room through the door to the east trying out more WORDS as he goes along.

You head through the door to the east.

This room is filled with cages of the sort you saw earlier on the carts.They're all empty as of now, but judging from the manacles,chains, and wheeled platforms a few are aready sitting on, they aren't that way when they leave here. In the corner of the room is a pile of gray uniforms, crumpled and stained. A pair of metal double doors, closed, wait at the other end of the room.

The first one produces nothing but a nosebleed. The second creates a strange phantom shimmering that crawls along the ground and away.

Cainthalsaz Cycallozion and stare at the beast, then regardless if I hit or not, rush towards it and slash it with my sword.
[cb spd:3]

You go full superman and use your laser vision to hack the thing into a dozen pieces. The pieces twitch for a few seconds then stop moving.

You get 1 point.

Okay, so now I know what three words mean... I think. Clockwork, Bow, and Gauntlets.

Put on the gauntlets and shoulder the (useless without arrows) bow, it's time to stop screwing with summoning and explore a bit inside the temple structure.

((Why do I have a sudden temptation to find all of the armor-related words and end up with a full-on clockpunk powersuit?))

Well you've got a few options from the onset. There's the reading room and the candle room, which are connected to the hall of heroes. There's all the rooms of the gods up on the second floor. And the monks on the third. And the basement down a level.

"No zombies? Maybe I'm just doing something wrong... OOH, I KNOW! This always works in the movies..."

Loot the corpses. If there's no reaction, then proceed to desecrate corpses in a spectacular and golden fashion.
You start digging around in the corpses, looking for something of interest. You find a strange ring on one of the corpse's fingers.

Your corpse molesting seems to have done the trick, as an armored skeleton wielding a longsword and great shield pulls itself from an alcove and points its blade at you.

"... Darnit."

Run all the way down to the village, if I arrive there unacousted then FIND SOMETHING TA KILLY!

Regardless of whether I am attacked leaving the basement, on the mountain path or in the village TRY OUT ATTACK PLAN DEATH.

Who'd of thought I'd have bad luck finding something to be killed by? What the hell!
You run down the mountain and find something on the path just outside the village. It's a man, wearing nothing but a loincloth and a metal helmet. The helmet is a strange, angular thing sporting sharp edges and a vaguely monstrous appearance. Two Curved, black metal tusks sprout from it like the fangs of a boar. The man's flesh is pitch black and covered in elaborate, curling scars that were undoubtedly inflicted intentionally. He holds a massive mace in one hand and is followed by hundreds of crows.

Ya wanna hit him?

Head into the forest along with my good buddy, Fast Dude. Look for interesting things.

((How large is 'giant', exactly?))
(oh...about twice your normal size. so say 12-15 feet.)

 Well lets say you made it all the way down to that first fork in the road in the forest. Right or left? Right heads toward the foundation our resident historian is working at. left heads towards the carved trees.

Attempt to raise dexterity by pointing in all directions at once. Use will to make it stronger. No that doesn't work.

Perhaps I should send them something that won't set off the volatile environment, I hope they aren't in danger, but nevertheless, precautions must be taken.
Silica walks out of the anti-magic area and says <words>

You summon a pretty much useless lump of gears and such.

Conduct experiment and hopefully create some raw materials for Angle in the process.

((And goblins in the bathroom would make for an excellent prank.))

EDIT:Just asking because I had a debate with a teammate, there are some actions where rolling a natural 5 is the best possible roll, right? For example a pot:5+3 can make a reusable tattoo and someone who rolls a spd:5-1 will attack before someone who rolls a spd:6+6, right? On the other hand, when firing an arcane laser a pot:6+6 roll will make a stronger laser than a pot:5+1, right? I'm right, right? Right?
[5,4,6,2,4,13,6+1 all]
Fungus, Iron, dust, mercury, copper, dirt, force.

"Well uh nevermind then"
Go outside and say words
According to my papers you are outside. huh.
You summon a large cage made of bone. Huh. Now you just need a giant skeleton parrot.

Bigf00t, your first order is here.
Follow the aforementioned Sasquatch and say Order 1
Your new tophat is impaled with a giant stone spike! Oh, and your head too, but that seems less important.

You are dead. You respawn back at the temple.

Damnit! I liked that helmet!
Say Adamenstiar Hobitaeaod Gonteli. If successful, make boots and a spikey shield again.
The world, she is a cruel bitch sometimes.

"C'mon Cubey, I think I know where to find someone who can turn you back to normal. Eventually."
I head towards Doctor Octogonapus.
You're not entirely sure where he is. So you just head down to the village center.

"The universe just hates me this week, dunnit?"

Same Words.
With this many characters running around, someone is bound to get boned.

[pot: 6+1]

You get the fire claws you so desperately desired.

So Paris asked about rolls and such. Basically, in combat, higher number wins. Lower numbers, like 1 and 2 still hold their RTD distinctions of terrible and failure, but when you start getting into 4-5-6-onward, it kinda boils down to "How successful is it" or "Is it better then your opponent's number."

So 3+4 will beat 5+1


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5212 on: May 22, 2013, 07:26:57 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5213 on: May 22, 2013, 07:37:51 pm »

Wow. That was annoying.
Say Adamenstiar Hobitaeaod Gonteli. If successful, use the massive lumps of diamonds, my old sword, and my old breastplate to make a pair of boots, make my gauntlets spikey(Punchy punchy!) and make a shield. Then tap each tree once, and watch for anything happening. Also, try and think about how I could grind endurance, like the will people can grind that.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5214 on: May 22, 2013, 07:39:37 pm »

((You put my turn under Saur's quote.))
Runic Magic then examine the strange fruits.
((Also, hurrah, I graduate Friday the 24th.))
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 07:43:19 pm by Vakothu »


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5215 on: May 22, 2013, 07:52:38 pm »

[Punching yourself might work, you only see endurance rolls in combat. Well... I suppose getting drunk might do it too. Just keep summoning and drinking booze, I think there's endurance rolls related to remaining sober-ish.]

The cube looked around the town, this having been its first time here. "Strange place, very... Deserted. Where is everyone?" More words are willed upon the diamond.

Spoiler: Rest of Turn's Action (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 02:33:38 am by Xanmyral »


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5216 on: May 22, 2013, 07:54:14 pm »

Head down into the Valley, also actions
((I hope it is the shrine to Yo-Drell))
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 10:24:05 pm by Saurinae »
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5217 on: May 22, 2013, 07:57:01 pm »

"Well thats a plot hook if I've ever seen one."

Walking and Runework!
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5218 on: May 22, 2013, 08:00:19 pm »

Science! Still with the possibility of !!Science!!, if not all works out...
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5219 on: May 22, 2013, 08:11:29 pm »

Wander searching for things to murder.

"Now, I'm back."
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 06:26:57 pm by Onyxjew944 »
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.
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