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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 994619 times)


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: The turn of suicides.
« Reply #3915 on: April 08, 2013, 11:21:38 am »

- says Rothon Hael-ton and wills the result to form into a body for Thrakor, or at the very least a torso and an arm.
((May I suggest "Rothon Halthel". I mean, you're going for a human body, so why not have the body ready and simply graft Thrakor on it? Piecewise might even give you a +1 bonus for it. Bonus points if by you give Thrakor two heads or make him a dwarf.))
[Not sure, although I assume that it may be because we are currently heading towards dangerous areas. Also might be because we have a rather high mortality rate, and undoubtedly probably going to die a few more times. But it won't be permanent, unless for some circumstances, just a set back to square zero each time. That, and we don't really have much focus on discovery of new words, more attempts to abuse words already known. On that note: Trialo doesn't allow for the teleportation/moving to your position and then subsequent flinging of an already existent material. Rather sad, would of saved John some hurt if it had managed to work.

But yeah, we won't turn down help if offered. As for the name of the ship? Hm. I may of created it, but John was the one who brought it into ship-status. Right now its a floating stone floor that has been warped into a basin like shape, which has a bit of standing water in it. Terra Ascendéntem? Something from this? This? Morbid Privateer?]
((Our team is always willing to trade. You can always sell any interesting loot and some of the souls you recover for enchantments and words. Or we could come to some sort of agreement that gives you full access to our words/runes list and some free enchantments for your ship (like a lightning repulsorshield, some weapons and some other things that could stop you from falling the moment you loose your concentration), however that would require you giving to us some percentage of the souls you recover from your fights as compensation.))
((See what I mean about the stick being something you don't have to hit people with?))
((Yes, but remember, you need to kill with Blastel's weapon in order to receive some of its bonuses.))


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3916 on: April 08, 2013, 12:59:02 pm »

Piecewise:  Did you ever decide about giving a bonus to atheist players?  IIRC someone asked about this.

If you're gonna do this, you should make it so that the gods have restrictions on what actions you can take, or require something from you. So of course, if you don't follow any, you have no restrictions.

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3917 on: April 08, 2013, 01:05:17 pm »

((I do believe PW said that atheist players have a greater chance of absorbing souls from their victims.))


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3918 on: April 08, 2013, 01:54:06 pm »

[Yeah, that's what I remember as well.]


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3919 on: April 08, 2013, 01:59:12 pm »

((So Halthel means torso or body?))

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3920 on: April 08, 2013, 02:03:10 pm »

((Halthel means human, I think. Gars means torso/body.))


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3921 on: April 08, 2013, 02:06:19 pm »

((I don't know why, but just knowing that Halthel means means human makes me grin like a fool.))

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3922 on: April 08, 2013, 02:21:31 pm »

((I've decided on the Titanite Catch Pole.

Terra Ascendéntem sounds good so lets go with that.))
Huh, Just the catch pole? No life hunt scythe or Fury sword or Moonlight greatsword? Huh. Now I just need to figure out how to make a catch pole.

Working on the turn now, by the way.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3923 on: April 08, 2013, 09:25:49 pm »

Christ. Bad rolls everywhere. I need to get me some points, fast.

Head into the ruins and keep my gun at the ready while searching. Attempt words for science!

You follow the path towards the ruins and soon arrive at a gateway. The gate, which lies slightly open, is a massive wrought iron thing with twisting, complexly woven bars. The walls that it hangs from are equally imposing; fifteen feet high and nearly solid stone with a line of iron spikes along the top. Beyond the gate is a larger road which looks like it cuts straight through the ruined shipyard.

Something wanders out of the seafog. It's a creature about the size of a great dane, quadrapedial and running on fleshy, boneless legs. It's Head resembles an octopus; a mass of tentacles surrounding a maw of canine like teeth. Bioluminecent nodules run  down its spine. It doesn't look happy to see you.

You decide that science may not be prudent at this point. But Murder might be.

Will my thallid to become very fast and gain nasty barbed spike claws that tear off when he stabs someone, and are very hard to remove. Then will another large thallid to grow, and a bunch of small suicide spore bomber thallids. Also I need a fungus bandolier to put my spore bombs in.
Your first Mushroom man becomes quick and thin in addition to gaining barbed, rather horrific claws.

You summon another Mushroom man.

The little mushroom bombers don't really form right, they just kinda fall apart.

Jixiu smiles at the thing. "Jello!"[/glow] He looks confused for a second, then carries on mostly unfazed. "Well, that too, I guess. Anyways, hello! Do you like PAIN!?!?"
 Smack it in the face with my hammer.

[carrion spd:3]
[carrion dex:5]
[carrion str:6]
(perhaps attempting to use a heavy weapon when you have negatives to both speed and str was..ill advised)

The carrion beast proceeds to catch you with it's multiple limbs, pin your arms to your sides and then crush your head in its massive, segmented jaws.

You are extremely dead.

You respawn back at the temple.

The promised land awaits me! TO THE BEACH

Place dagger in right hand
Je'rael Clo-Caltel Thaltelsho

Will some sand into an anvil

You walk to THE BEACH!

The beach isn't much more than a thin line of grayish yellow sand running along a bare stone coastline. Bits of metal debris, bolts and broken glass, rust coated rivets and corroded plates of steel lie half buried in the sand. The only sound you can hear is the gentle lapping of waves. The sea fog that rolls off the dark waters and clings to the stones and sand gives the place an unshakable air of unreality and a prevasive smell of salt and brine. It is a beach where things primordial might emerge from the waters and slither, unseen, into the dark places of the earth.

Off to one side of the beach, set into a wall of water worn stone, is the mouth of a cave. In front of you the sea churns quietly, white foam and dark greenish surf hissing over the sand. And the beach continues on toward the east, following the sea toward a distant marshland on the horizon.

Your left arm becomes a a strange mix of brass and sand clockwork. Huh.

You manage to make a sort of...pile of sand. Oh well.

Go to temple grounds, scratch runes mentioned previously.
You head to the temple grounds and start scribbling.
The first turns black and begins violently sucking matter towards it for a few seconds before it vanishes.
The rune reforms itself into the image of a ring.
The last one doesn't activate until you poke it.

Examine the ring and attempt to find out how it activates. Then go off and search through the warehouse looking for more floors or something.
Hmm, well it might activate with will like marks and circles and stuff. Seems like everything around here is conveniently activated by thought.

There's a second level to this place, but the ladder to it is broken. Guess you'll have to think of a way  up there. If only you had almost limitless magical power.

If I can see the beast attacking Frostbyte, come up and point my palm at it, then say "Noreeb Rothon".  If I cannot see it, continue looking for something to kill.
You really want something to fight while you have one leg, ie massive speed penalties for dodging? Let alone the thing that just tore Jix's head off?

Lets just say you wander down the road a bit and find a Villager with a pitch fork.

Im... alive? I KNEW armor would pay off! HAH!
Be amazed that I am alive. Struggle out of hole in wall. Cainthalsaz golem if I can first, keeping it away from me. If I can get free, stabbity with my sword.
[MS spd:1]
[MS spd:1]
[ms end:2]
You Completely fuck up that Golem with a burst of arcane energy. And I mean you fuck him up hard, there's not even a goddamn bolt or screw left when you're done.

You gain one Point.

((I thought I had a stored 6+1 for that roll. Ah, well. A four can hold for now. Can I use the 6+1 for this roll? I think I'll need it to pull this off; quickly, that is. A 6+1 just means less bastard-children for me to eviscerate once the true ship is air-worthy.))

Words. Disregard path. Acquire airship.

"Ye think I need yer dirty roads, continent?! Ah'll make mah own roads! With blackjack and hookers!"
You get a floating metal cylinder the size of a large oil drum. It immediately begins to float away. OH dang.

Doctor Octogonapus - Team Bismuth - Temporary HQ, Village homes

((YES! Too bad my stats don't allow me to use that weapon effectively. Anybody else wants to take it/buy it?))

"Hmm... the first words seem to have produced the desirable effect, however the last two had no apparent effect. Suggest further investigation with-" At this moment the Doc was interrupted by the sound of battle outside. "What the hell is that? Can't a scientist perform his experiments without being disturbed?" He proceeded to yell out the window. "Hey! Can't you be quiet out there?! Some of us are trying to work here!"

Test the arm cannon on the carrion beast by firing a few shots at it, while looking for any hidden effects the words may have had. If it comes too close, use emergency defense words. If it dies before I can get to it, test some runes.

Miauw action: summon another mindless human. One can never have enough victims volunteers for one's experiments.

[mia pot:6+1]
Mia makes summons a 8 foot tall mindless man thing.


plant, crystal, nothing, nothing, silver, cloth.

"Mother of the gods, what the hells. That was some rush... Lets not do that again, yeah?" Glassco sputtered, still having the edges of the bowl in a death grip. "Oh man... Just, just give me a moment. Shit, was this what it felt like when you smashed yourself against the rocks? Hells, I don't envy you a moment." He slumped against the bowl, feeling drained. "Sparky. Grab onto the ship, make sure we stay afloat, you can do that, right?" He couldn't get up the energy to yell at Thunderbeetle. "I still love ya Sparky, but seriously." When/If Sparky gets to the ship and carries it/holds it aloft, Glassco touches it and says Dorbaelo Hobitaeaod. "That should make it to where I can control both Sparky and the Ship now, hopefully."

[TEAM SKYPIRATES: "Lucky sons of bitches" title acquired!]

Sparky gets under the ship and starts carrying it. Good thing you've got this stone between you and him; looks like standing on him without something insulating you would lead to quick and painful death.
You put your mark on the bowl. It overrides john's mark. Well...crud.

Let the record show that I always prepare myself before starting !!SCIENCE!!
Go to the house miauw is in. Use Adamenstiar Gonteli again.
You go to the house with Mia and use words.
Your forehead burns

If someone wants to kill a monster, I am in the basement of the temple with a big fire-steel golem. Ice and water words would probably work. Come if you want. Rewards are the corpse of the golem once it dies.
((Just hit it with Cainthalsaz, that should vapourise it. Rothon certainly won't do anything.))

"What luck god have I offended?"
"Cainthalsaz Shalzethtol Harialltontal Shaazeshelial."

Activate mark. Head to raiders camp provided spell takes.
It takes. It takes super well. You are now super magic zombie man. You run down toward the Raider camp but get stopped at the Bridge by a raider spearman. Well..murder is murder.

Point hand at a nearby wall, palm out, and shout

Zorhaltoran Thrancaole Xxecesic Noreeb!

Nothing happens. Good thing too, if you didn't have that one word in there that malformed the spell it would have freaking killed you.

ask the bartender how he is able to trade souls between himself and others, then touch my new mindless test subject and say words.
The little man's legs turn into weird fleshy, clockworky wheels. Thats a thing.

"We use one of these." He takes what looks like a tin cylinder thats been sealed with wax and twine out of under the counter.
"Open it after killing someone and it will contain it. Just keep in mind that not all souls are created equal. The ones with magical capacities make you stronger and are worth much more then the soul of a normal creature. But this will capture them all."

((Dayum son, those are a LOT of bad rolls... I think it may be time to retire those dice...

Also, if anyone happens to know the rune to make some kind of metal, then I'm willing to trade for it with one you don't have. I know a few cool ones after all.))

Some more runes!
Nada, Booze, nada.

We're just terrible.

Same words again.
Welp, more tiny electro-pyramids

Wonder if that says anything about you...

Keep the fetus with me.

Snipe the raiders in the nearby camp by saying words!

If I roll badly for dex, activate my cloak's tatoo.

You fire a black sphere of vacuum up on a parabolic arc toward the raider camp. Unfortunately it flies very very slowly.

"Third times the charm?"

Try "Karenthar Casshealio" once more.

Then continue on, taking the path less traveled whenever possible.

Your left leg turns into a goddamn eyestalk with a giant eye where your foot should be. This makes walking very hard and very painful.



More word-science.
Nope and Nope.

Remember to say if you're thinking of targeting things or pointing at things or facing a particular way.

Well... let's explore this place! Let's hope for giant rats rather then crazy people.

Say "Dorbaelo Szaheeb" while touching the trapdoor just to farm some exp points for my god.

Then head down into the darkness and pick a random direction with "Eeny meeny miny moe"!

The Trapdoor changes from wood and metal to Bone. Coolio.

You slide down the ladder. There only seems to be one path on from here, a thin, rough carve path into the mountain.

Cramped path cut through solid stone leads to  small Catacomb,not much more then a Cavern with slots carved in the walls and bodies interred there in.  The only light comes from a few holes cut in the roof. Judging from the length of the shafts letting this light in, the catacomb is quite far underground. A Large stone door takes up the back of the cavern and is ornately carved from living stone. It Glows faintly green with runes cut across it's surface.

Words then kill whatever is left with sword
[Corsair spd:3]
[Heavy spd:5]
[Captain spd:5+1]
[mage1 spd:5]
[mage2 spd:4]
[Cap dex:1+1]
The Captain completely fucking misses you.
[Mage1 pot:2]
The mage Fumbles his words.
[Heavy dex:5]
The Heavy's warpick glances off your breastplate.
[mage 2 pot:2]
And the second mage fumbles his words as well.

Well...congrats. You have survived the onslaught because these raiders are incompetent. Welp.
You proceed to fire your giant laser straight into the sky. And then your right arm shrivels up and falls off...

This has gone poorly.

Noticing the people falling out of the sky, Silica says words.
((Sky-Pirates: I'm working on a controllable, levitation chain. I'll give it to you guys so you can survive more amusing stunts or, you know, grapple someone with it and get Sparky to electrify it. Are there any pieces of equipment you two would like? I'm running out of equipment ideas.))
You cannot see them.

Kin sighs and -

- says Rothon Hael-ton Halthel and wills the result to form into a body for Thrakor, or at the very least a torso and an arm.

He also wills some of his own electricity to the stump of his right hand, forming that to an acceptable hand.

No. Tiny electric man that dissipates. God damn it.
You heal all your injuries! Well, at least that worked.

"What the fuck are we doing."

Use my staff to polevault towards the raider feet first, and try to knock him down.

((See what I mean about the stick being something you don't have to hit people with?))
[raid spd:4]
[Raider dex:4]
Well, your attempt to pole vault ends with you flying into a wall, and the raider promptly begins lightly poking you with the handle of his spear.

Piecewise:  Did you ever decide about giving a bonus to atheist players?  IIRC someone asked about this.
It increases chances of getting points when killing an enemy. Of course it's not very obvious around now when the chance is high for everyone.

((I've decided on the Titanite Catch Pole.

Terra Ascendéntem sounds good so lets go with that.))
Huh, Just the catch pole? No life hunt scythe or Fury sword or Moonlight greatsword? Huh. Now I just need to figure out how to make a catch pole.

Working on the turn now, by the way.

In related news, I don't think I can make a catch pole...Any other weapons you like? Their effects will be replicated along with their look, by the way. You may want to ask the people around here who has played dark souls before as well.

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3924 on: April 08, 2013, 09:32:30 pm »

Well, shit. Respawn, go outside, and say "Clo-Caltel aels gars."
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3925 on: April 08, 2013, 09:40:06 pm »

Crap.  Double Dog Crap.  In an icecream cone.

After I stop screaming, lie down and try "Harial Flaszashal"

Activate if necessary and hope that doesn't make things worse.



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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3926 on: April 08, 2013, 09:41:27 pm »

[Darn it, should of been more specific. When I said "it" I meant Sparky. Apologies for that, but oh well. I think it may of been for the best to not touch Sparky. At least for now.]

"Well, that happened. But at least with Sparky here we won't fall down to our deaths horribly now. I... Uh... May have overridden your mark, sorry about that. Either way, while its there, you want it to take on any specific shape? Bowl was just what I could think up of on first notice. Hm... May not be wise to do such with Sparky holding us aloft though. Want us to just continue and you reapply your mark, or have me get Sparky to set us down gently and I get this into a different shape?"


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3927 on: April 08, 2013, 09:43:19 pm »

Freaking catacombs? Well it is under a church... but this place is screaming ghosts, zombies, and skeleton monsters... man I need to lay off of Elder Scrolls...

Anyways... should I do more word testing or do what my god is telling me to do in my head (do dexterous actions or change the elements of and object).

Let's go with the second one!

Set my Shotbow to 1 shot mode. Then find a nearby rock. Throw the rock up in the air and then shoot it. After that, put my hand on the stone wall and say "Dorbaelo Sootheel".

After my little exp farming, starting looting the room of useful things. If video games ever taught me anything it's that there is loot on dead bodies and ignore that fact that your desecrating the dead.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:01:33 pm by superBlast »
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3928 on: April 08, 2013, 09:45:01 pm »

Fire my gun with a followup of Garstorpit!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:22:52 pm by dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:99 failures, one amazing success.
« Reply #3929 on: April 08, 2013, 09:53:44 pm »

Sanya is taken by a fey mood!
Sanya looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!


Grab sword, ignore pain. Scream Zorhaltoran Thrancaole Xxecesic while driving my sword down from neck to bellybutton, deep enough to break the skin and flesh. Basically, dissect myself in the name of science.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 11:25:03 am by Tsuchigumo550 »
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.
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