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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 992806 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Of course you could always satiate the king by murderising enough other players to bake him a corpse pie...
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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I want to join this, but I'm not sure if I should make a character when there's already so many playing... And I'm honestly suprised that noone has thought about using runes and circles more and in different ways. SO MUCH POTENTIAL!


Hell, I'll just make a character and let piecewise decide if I can play or not.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

By the way, what were the various gods that a player could join again? There was that everflame god, the elemental control god, the god that controls shapeshifting, the mind controlling god with the mask, the mutating god and the god that handles drawing circles and runes. What else is there?


  • Bay Watcher
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I am going to be using runes and circles more often, right now I am looking for a good place to experiment, I don't want to blow myself up now.

By the way the gods were Yo-drell of the Deep, Sha-calun the Everflame, Flux, Parathun the Fleshsmith, Scarlon the Mask, Blastel, Nul-sheal the Green and Shub-shalsheil of the Inksea, who I am following.

And their altars were, I think respectively: A boulder with 3 silvery cubes embedded in it, a bowl with an eternal flame burning just above it, a font of mercury, a constantly changing lump of flesh, a stone statue of a cloaked man wearing a bright white mask, a live woman chained to the platform, a blade driven into her chest, the tree with leaves of every element, and an enormous book, it's pages filling with text and magical symbols as you watch.

I don't remember which page piecewise posted those lists on, I have them in a text document.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 03:03:28 am by Vakothu »


  • Bay Watcher
  • The guy that loves nukes too much
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I would be doing more experimenting too if i was paying attention when i allotted my stats lol. at one word a turn, I have to draw a circle one part at a time.

Anyways there is also the Flux, the... quicksilver god lol. That one is about speed and mercury.
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Stuff

Try again.
"Zzeralleth Cainthalsaz Shaazeshelial"
Activate mark, and if the spell takes, go find and punch a monster in the temple basement. If no monster is there, head down the mountain path.

A mark appears on your entire body and you activate it. Your flesh becomes a strange mix of the dust and arcane energy; a flaky, powdery mass of arcane energy that seems to be very slowly sublimating.

Since there's nothing in the basement you walk down the path. You get into the cloud layer and about half way through that before you notice something walking next to the path, along the clouds. You can't make it out very clearly, but it appears to be a humanoid either cloaked in or made of clouds.

((Well then interesting))
Put on chest-plate then grab sword and stop it from burning me with left hand then say "Aels Haltol Zorhalth" avoid the possibly flying chainsword when reentering.

(why should you be able to stop it from burning you? Asking because I feel like I may have missed something. )

You put on the chestplate and say your words.
You get a pair of winds made out of liquid fire. Not exactly what you had in mind.

Well it seems you need more than hobitaeoad to grant life to elementals so...

karenthar hobitaeaod halthel.
You summon a big old naked eunuch under your control.  Just another Saturday night. Now where is that Gimp mask...

((Let me Rephrase the "Untouched Thing"))
Saurinae starts looking around for paths not yet taken by the rest of the mages. With hopes of finding something they missed
It doesn't look like there are any paths untaken, unless you consider hurling yourself off one of the sides of the mountain a path. Maybe you do, I dunno.

Walk down the path looking for a place where the path branches.  Take a path that no one else has taken yet, if there is no such path, go down to the village.  If I see superBlast on the way down touch the head of the thing attacking him and say Dorbaelo Thrancaole, if a mark appears on it's head instantly activate it. If I don't see superBlast on the way down say Taroth, then once I'm a little bit further down say Flaszashal
Well, you get down to the middle of the path on the way down to the village, but there is a crowd of people blocking the way and some sort of weird creature blocking their way. Hmm
You get some stone, followed by some wax. Okie dokie.

"Sanya, I recommend that you do not say that eldritch word again. I tried using it before and the exact same thing happened to me, minus the healing. I wasn't sure before what caused it but since the only word we both said was that, I'd assume it's the word for eldritch. The mark doesn't seem to activate, I've tried. It seems inert, but I doubt it will remain that way if we continue using it. I have a feeling it might be soul-bound, judging by it's nature, otherwise I would've just switched to my spare body by now." She then turns to Patrick "Is there anything I can do for you, since it's my fault you're here right now."
Silica aims away from everyone, grabs her sword by it's handle, winding it up and pointing it at a nearby wall before saying "Dorbaelo Rothcaltal". She then walks to Sanya and hands her the bow and all arrows of both types.
You wind up your Chainsword  and point it at a nearby wall, making sure to aim away from everyone. Or at least everyone you like.
The mark fails to form. Maybe you put the spell together wrong? You give all the archery stuff back to Sanya.

"~Hm. Must-be-bad-reception.~"

Try again.

The man you're mounting suddenly turns into diamond! But he changes back a moment later. Aw.

"Well, now. This is different. Oh, well." Jixiu walks out into the hallway and goes into the hall of Gods.
You exit the spawn room and enter the hallway of the gods. You are now confronted with the eight doorways leading to the god's shrines as well as the spiral staircase up to the upper level and down to the lower levels.

How am I bleeding?

I am made of pure force.


Hathic Shubha Shoshashzel Hobitaeaod
Guess you're not bleeding then. Guess you're just missing an arm


You summon up a crystalline staff with a pulsating orb of pure force at it's tip. You sweep it up and make threatening poses at anyone asking you for sugar.
"Wat. Waaaaaat. MOVE!"

Try and shove him out of the way. If he attacks, run like little coward.
You push the giant. He doesn't move. Then he turns into diamond. Then he turns back.


"Welp, thanks anyway.  I'll keep all that in mind."

Head out to the street again and back to SCIENCE.  Different Words if I'm attacked.

That dude must be pretty jaded if a man made of electricity comes in to chat and he doesn't bat an eye.  Of course, that whole souls as currency thing should be a hint too.
You walk back outside and use some words.
You get a very tiny bit of ice.

Ok, maybe a helmet?
Adamenstiar Gonteli
You summon a diamond helmet. Neato.

"Hey man. I'm looking for some sort of private place to do expiriments. Could you leave when you're done and leave some junk laying around? Would really help me."

Try to get him to leave. If he leaves, say Rothon. Examine the results and say Caltalleth. (Again, if he leaves)

((This guy sounds like he has a +3 speed bonus. Aka, dangerous.))
The man stands up and looks at you for a long moment.

"Nothing interesting here anyways." he finally says, and walks over toward you. You get out of his way as he walks down the stairs and off to who knows where.


Clo-Caltel Karenthar Gars!
Head down the path most traveled! The main road!
Your chest becomes a rather horrifying amalgam of clockwork and flesh, a beating heart held in a glass orb, embedded in a bronze ribcage. Skin, stretched tight and full of holes like worn leather, over piston muscles and wire nerves.

You continue down, following the path not toward the sea but down the mountain toward a forest below.

There's a deep crack in the mountain here, a short chasm that spits the road. A heavy, very old looking and strangely ornate, if badly weathered, stone bridge spans the chasm. It looks fairly safe. Just beyond the bridge is what looks like an adhoc camp of sorts, rough fire pits and frayed tents packed tightly against the mountain wall.There's a tight cluster of iron cages sitting near the camp.

"Uh oh. Glassco, I don't suppose you have any ideas for getting down?"
"Uh... Er... Shit... Um... DO THE SAME MARK AGAIN, ON YOURSELF! YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF GO DOWN THIS TIME! I'LL TRY TO MAKE SOMETHING TO BREAK YOUR FALL! IF THINGS GO WRONG! SHOUT IF THE SPELL WORKED BUT ISN'T LISTENING TO YOU, I'LL TRY SOMETHING THEN, JUST DON'T FREAK OUT! Gods I hope this works..." Glassco shouted up the full-capped words at John, before quickly saying words and doing actions.
A big wall of fabric appears under john. You shove it over so it forms a pad of sorts and wait to see if John can work himself out of this predicament.

I cast Dorbaelo Hobitaeaod Ah-thaelao on myself, activate a mark if it appears, then will myself to descend. I'll then shout the result of the spell down to Glassco.

You drift right up into the clouds, easily 100 feet up at this point.

Loot the room! Also look for something wooden to put into the torch. If attacked, have the gold snake crush whatever the threat is.
There's not a whole lot to loot around here, it's pretty much in ruins. That and...well the guy behind the bar seems rather crestfallen but also very dangerous. Probably not a good idea to try and steal anything from behind his counter. You do manage to get some wood, and form a makeshift torch with it though.

"Fuck the magic, make a harpoon gun! Bow Something, then Rope Material Arrows!, Just make a floating hunk of some rope and grab on!

Clo-caltel Hancal Contallthelthel Harialltontal.

You get a rather normal looking sword, save for a bit of strange machinery along one edge. There are several little metal vessels along one edge of the sword, each with a tiny little pump, all connected to a turn handle and a trigger. Seems like cranking the handle might fill the vessels with air and, when released, they would boost the blade forward for a faster blow. Would probably have to be "reloaded" after each strike though.

Keep searching! There must be something to fight somewhere!
Well, down the mountain there would be, most definitely. However there's a bit of a traffic jam there at the moment. Hmm. You could just hang out here till something rears it's ugly head or join the conga line of naked giants and confused people on the path.

Quite the choice.

"Oh, good.  No monsters for once."

Cast spell on minion, then just search for interesting stuff.

A mark appears on the golem and activates.

"Oh god I'm conscious now, apparently."

As per this room, this is basically a place where you can find any sort of normal clothing you want. Well, any sort of clothing you want that isn't armor. So feel free to kit yourself out in what ever silly final fantasy shit you want. Or really anything that isn't a robe.

Kin glares at the barkeeper and exits. He goes to the next interesting building. Also tries word against hostiles or empty air.
You walk out of the tavern and try a word.
One of your toes turns into bright orange plastic. This isn't exactly what you had in mind.

You shrug and enter the abandoned clothing shop.

((If your character dies do you have to use the same base stats when redistributing your remaining souls or can you alter them too?))
You can alter them. You just have to "lose" X points from anywhere.

"Now, 'fore any o' ye' get any bright ideas about magical abominations, Ah'm gettin' drunk. An' there's nuthin' ye' can do about it!"

Let's get pissed!

You summon an aura of booze! You try desperately to grab some and drink it but it's always just out of your reach! OH THE AGONY! It goes away after a bit anyways.

Bad human! No! Bad rabid human! BAD!!! "Some one help my ass!" ((No seriously... someone save my ass please. It's an easy free kill with him distracted!))

Kick him off of me then yell "Zzeralleth" at his leg. Run away into the door in the wall. All while screaming for help!
[Vun str:3]
The Villager strangles and repeatedly bashes you against the ground. You take it all surprisingly well; this guy isn't very good at strangling people.

Consider yourself in. I figure you know where you are in the spawn room and all?

I want to join this, but I'm not sure if I should make a character when there's already so many playing... And I'm honestly suprised that noone has thought about using runes and circles more and in different ways. SO MUCH POTENTIAL!


Hell, I'll just make a character and let piecewise decide if I can play or not.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

By the way, what were the various gods that a player could join again? There was that everflame god, the elemental control god, the god that controls shapeshifting, the mind controlling god with the mask, the mutating god and the god that handles drawing circles and runes. What else is there?

Yeah, go ahead. Honestly, people who just sit around and SCIENCE up there at the temple are really easy to do turns for. *scienceBrofist*

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kobold Sympathizer
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*Saurinae shrugs and checks if there is a reasonably safe way down the cliff face that isn't the path. It seems full*
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


  • Bay Watcher
  • The guy that loves nukes too much
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Uh... Uh... Dirt! There we go! Eat my dirt!

Grab some dirt or snow or a hand full of rocks and shove it into the man's eyes. If i find a reasonably sized rock instead, bash the side of his head. The kick him off of me then yell "Zzeralleth" at his leg. Run away into the door in the wall. All while screaming for help!
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


  • Bay Watcher
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Yay, big man can use my sword to murderise in a gruesome fashion

place my hand upon my tiny minion after placing him on the floor and say WORDS, check if he survives the transition and hand my 9 foot minion the split sword.

@piecewise, is there a word for lizard or crocodile/alligator? I dont expect you to tell me what it is, i just need to know if it exists
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 08:01:52 pm by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • New Zeland giveth, New Zeland taketh away
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((That was a typo on winds right? Also I meant grab sword and tell it to stop burning the hell out of me.))
say words, grab sword make sword friendly float down to town with new wings.(Essentially just jump short distances down the path using wings to stop death from falling.)
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


  • Bay Watcher
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Silica aims as far away from everyone and says "Conth Ratheale"
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Pick up the wax that I created, then, if I can write with the wax I summoned, walk a decent distance back up the path and start Rune Experiments
If I cannot, then look at the weird creature blocking the path.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 03:57:50 am by Vakothu »

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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"~Okaaaay-final-try. Different-this-time.~"

There seemed to be people gathering.

"~We-apologize-for-inconvenience. Let-us-let-you-by!~"

Hopefully that would smooth things over.

Order Tod-2A to let anyone who wants to pass go right by, lifting them up and placing them on the other side of himself if necessary. After that, final try - place hand on Tod-2A, say "Dorbaelo Zzers Harialltontal".


  • Bay Watcher
  • Break the world, see what falls out.
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Will myself to grow 5 more arms (One in the stump of my ruined arm) and BOOTIFUL WINGS. (Beautiful. Don't take that as me wanting to grow wings made of ass force. That should never be a thing.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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((You know it can happen now derm. You've given him the idea. Well done. :( ))

"Huh? Oh, I see. The whole magical journey thing, right? Well, ok then..."

Explore the whole building and get a general layout so I can find things. Make sure to keep an eye out for something to write with, like a pencil, some chalk, a stick of charcoal, etc.


  • Bay Watcher
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Go outside and say "Clo-Caltel Caltalleth"
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))
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