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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 1044453 times)


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1875 on: January 27, 2013, 01:21:53 pm »

Nooooooooo my points  :'(

repeat on new target.

You skitter up to the fourth floor and wait for the predestined moment. A moment that never comes.

Go to tamara and ask if I can take up the newly vacated bodyguard position if violence ensues say cainthalsaz rothon

You run right up to Tamara and start spewing off a long list of your qualifications for body guardistry, including "Punched a guy once" and "having your own pair of dark sunglasses."

((Did I get in?))
Not yet, I put bobo back in because his controller mailed me like 10 minutes after I killed him, saying he just got back from somewhere. You're next on the list. Sorry about the confusion.

+1 to will

"Hahaha, that was... Oh, shit, I really killed him, didn't I? Well, I guess it wasn't any worse than what Steve would have done to him. Speaking of which, Steve, no hard feelings, right? Here, to make it up, I'll give you something a little more fun than that rock that you've been beating people with."

Cause the bones in Steve's fingers to grow into long, razor-sharp claws.
[will: 6+1]
[steve will: 1-1]

Steve's hands explode as hundreds of bone spikes erupt out of them. He falls to the ground, streaming.

"Time to break copyright law."

Activate mark. Words.

You activate your mark and your entire body becomes made of living fire. It's pretty metal, bro.

You summon a giant pair of magma wings, which flop uselessly to the ground in front of you.

Go to tamara and ask if I can take up the newly vacated bodyguard position if violence ensues say cainthalsaz rothon

"If you want to protect me, that's... very nice of you... I'll repay the favor however I can..."

if violence ensues

"I might have a... lot of pool, but I'm not going to kill anyone except Null and anyone who tries to explode my spine. Which... was really scary, actually."

Shyly slink away from anyone covered in blood, which is nearly everyone. Even myself.
When in a secluded enough spot, rest and wait for more mana to come back.
"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to get my Pool so high... I'll likely never use it beyond... oh, 6 words..."

You run on up to the third floor and hide as best you can, waiting, gathering your strength.

Not my fault that hacker gave himself another +1 dex.  (not like that helps when I roll 1s)

(Actually gave himself +2 dex. Hence why you two are still tied in speed.)
[null dex:6+4]

[null will:4+3]
You lose control of your own body, suddenly nothing more then a passenger to your actions. You move in a flash across the arena toward the nearest person, toward corsair.

[corsair dex:5]

You catch hold of Corsair's right arm and it explodes into gore. Corsair goes stumbling back into the wall, grasping at the broken flesh.

"You won't be able to do it as you are. Your understanding isn't great enough. But maybe with a enough raw power you can live long enough to get the understanding you need." Null mumbles, seemingly to himself.

(Corsair bleeding out: 3 turns.)

Tamara Volk(8):Tsuchigumo550: Pool:5/8 (broken bone bow. Slightl glowing fungus kneepads.Left hand gone.)[third floor, south area.]

Corsair:Corsair: pool 2/3: (right arm exploded.)[first floor, south stairs]

Larry(2):wwolin: Pool 0/0: [Bone spear of the wind] [5th floor, one of the north pillars]

Royce:Onyxjew:Pool 1/2: [second floor, west stairs]

Goro:Uristdwarf: Pool:4/4 [fourth floor, North stairs]

Thrakor(22):Toaster: Pool:5/5 (Whole body made of arcane energy, fast.)[first floor, South stairs]

Bobo:Akingsquest: Pool:0/0 [first floor, north stairs]

(2)Steve:Unholy pariah: Pool:0/0 (Both hands Ruined)[fourth floor, north stairs]


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1876 on: January 27, 2013, 01:27:47 pm »

Twirl my fire-stache. Climb up to the fourth floor.

"Well, well, well. Flame on. I should probably get away from the duel on the first floor. Doesn't look particularly safe."
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1877 on: January 27, 2013, 02:01:16 pm »

Wait, what? I thought I was next on the list...

Agora: open-source platform to facilitate complicated discussions between large numbers of people. Now with test site!

The Temple of the Elements: Quirky Dungeon Crawler


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1878 on: January 27, 2013, 02:22:12 pm »

"Steve's hands explode as hundreds of bone spikes erupt out of them. He falls to the ground, streaming."

Damnit, Steve! Stop hogging the bandwidth!
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1879 on: January 27, 2013, 02:23:53 pm »

Just a little longer. I thought using four words was really tiring... I could pass out if I go for eight. So... i probably won't. yet.
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1880 on: January 27, 2013, 02:30:30 pm »

"Oh, fuck... You didn't need those, did you? Bone-claw inducing genetic mutations are best left to professionals, I guess...

Repair Steve's hands.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1881 on: January 27, 2013, 02:31:23 pm »

"Oh, fuck... You didn't need those, did you? Bone-claw inducing genetic mutations are best left to professionals, I guess...

Repair Steve's hands.
Fire-claw-inducing augments on the other hand...
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1882 on: January 27, 2013, 03:27:40 pm »

Wait, what? I thought I was next on the list...
Joseph Smuck is next, whoever he is.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1883 on: January 27, 2013, 03:54:08 pm »

That's me.

Agora: open-source platform to facilitate complicated discussions between large numbers of people. Now with test site!

The Temple of the Elements: Quirky Dungeon Crawler


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1884 on: January 27, 2013, 04:18:49 pm »

Interesting... is it just me, or is Null actually not out to kill you?


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1885 on: January 27, 2013, 04:22:07 pm »

((Oh, Null is out to kill him, he's just having a touch of fun doing so. I mean, who knows how long he's been locked up in there. Dudes gotta have a bit of fun.))
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1886 on: January 27, 2013, 04:22:45 pm »


Follow tamara upstairs quickly while applying presure and ask if she could stop me bleeding out if tamara can't say "Cainthalsaz Je-real" if she can say "cainthalsaz rothon" at a resonably far away wall after moving a bit away from tamara and if anyone approaches before I am healed or in any menacing manner say "Cainthalsaz rothon" at them.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 04:37:25 pm by Corsair »
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1887 on: January 27, 2013, 04:27:19 pm »

Interesting... is it just me, or is Null actually not out to kill you?

Well, considering that Null is the one who brought everyone here in order to test them as potential successors (said so himself, I believe), I'd say that he isn't. He is, however, out to test his potential heirs most thoroughly, it seems. Potentially fatally if they are found wanting and incapable of growth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1888 on: January 27, 2013, 04:29:59 pm »

Interesting... is it just me, or is Null actually not out to kill you?

Well, considering that Null is the one who brought everyone here in order to test them as potential successors (said so himself, I believe), I'd say that he isn't. He is, however, out to test his potential heirs most thoroughly, it seems. Potentially fatally if they are found wanting and incapable of growth.
So, Null is basically a Planar Being with a Sports Dad complex mixed with a bit of Trial of Fire? My, what an intriguing set of mental deficiencies that guy has accumulated. I suppose being the king of a murder pit will do that to you.
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Null
« Reply #1889 on: January 27, 2013, 04:34:15 pm »

Interesting... is it just me, or is Null actually not out to kill you?

Well, considering that Null is the one who brought everyone here in order to test them as potential successors (said so himself, I believe), I'd say that he isn't. He is, however, out to test his potential heirs most thoroughly, it seems. Potentially fatally if they are found wanting and incapable of growth.
So, Null is basically a Planar Being with a Sports Dad complex mixed with a bit of Trial of Fire? My, what an intriguing set of mental deficiencies that guy has accumulated. I suppose being the king of a murder pit will do that to you.
Hell, everyone here has their own brand of insanity, as well as their own brand of murder.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.
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