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Author Topic: Lakebones: Slaughtering Player-Inserts since 105  (Read 73716 times)


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #390 on: February 03, 2013, 08:06:53 pm »

Didn't matter what I did. I didn't notice he was baron for a while, and by that time, he already had -500 happiness from not having a room, not having a tomb, and someone else having both. The negative thoughts didn't go away when I gave him stuff and the happy pumps ran dry.
Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #391 on: February 04, 2013, 12:39:49 am »

It is now autumn.

I have allowed the spontaneous fires to burn themselves out, taking much of the outside vegetation with them. And a few invaders. No less than eleven dwarves were trapped outside when the gates went up, including Salmeuk the Deserter and our mayor. Pufferfish has also mysteriously vanished I believe these events are related.

There is too much crap laying around the fortress. Workshops, especially the forges, have become heinously cluttered. I've restarted my initial minecart-powered stockpiles, and most of the otherwise unoccupied dwarves are spending their time bringing things to them. In the meantime, I have begun excavating the second of the two minecart shafts, and have dug out another shaft for a well. I need to wait for the walls to finish being constructed in the cavern passthrough, and then channel out the stairs, but then we will have ourselves access to a well. And hopefully we won't have anything nasty come surprise us... though I'm building in a trap just in case. It's not Clownproof, but a few iron disks should keep anything of the Eldritch flavor from scaring the populace.

A kobold was spotted squatting in the entryway. The gates were closed, and so it wasn't getting out. I ordered it executed. While it took 8 dwarves to chase it down, it only took one kick to the head to slay it. Agility training will be mandatory if I ever get around to a proper military program. But honestly, fuck that.

BP92001 jumped into the cavern river and drowned after completing the walls I had mentioned. I am officially instigating a policy of "Sober Sundays" until people stop jumping to their deaths.

I haunted Dr Bdak today. He was surprisingly angry to see me. I wonder why.

Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #392 on: February 04, 2013, 01:12:53 am »

Great. How much of the fort will be left for me Laularukyrumo?
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #393 on: February 04, 2013, 02:54:18 am »

Hey, I remembered to lock the door this time!

Laments of Laularu Kyrumo, Ghostly Prophet of Magma

We're still under siege. I still don't give two fucks. I'm still not going outside. And I'm still not opening the door. Migrants? Fuck them. We have enough loafers as it is! I can't wait for the children to mature, because I need more engravers and haulers. And who the FUCK decided that the mason's guild is going on strike? I've got a pair of walls I need built and NOBODY is getting off their ass to go down there. And I KNOW they can reach it because I watched them take 8 years to go down the stairs to build the foundation for them! Idiots! Bloody idiots!

(Oh, and I AFK'd to write some of this, and when I looked back, it was 17th of Late Autumn, and another Vile Force of Darkness had arrived. What, did the goblins feel offended that we hadn't come out to properly greet them? Did they really leave only to have a second regiment show up? Dwarf Fortress y u no sense?)

On the bright side, the micromanagement is mostly finished with regards to the minecart shaft. The second tunnel is excavated and is being engraved at the moment. Now all I have to do is install power and hook it up to the rollers..... oh boy. Well, I came prepared. I just got word that the 30 lead chains I had ordered have come in. I doubt it'll be enough on its own, but it should be enough to get most of the rollers in place, and we can forge the rest of the chains when they're putting the others in.

Now. Time to go find this vampire I've been hearing about. If the masons cooperate, maybe we can put him in the walls and thus have a tantrum spiral backup. Or, y'know, we could perforate him. Either's fine.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha guess who the vampire is.

Well. Our old mayor got locked outside when I closed the gates. So I picked the next person at random with usable social skills. Turns out, whoops! I picked THE FUCKING VAMPIRE to be our mayor. Yeah. I'll be fixing THAT... on the bright side, I don't think he can go insane, and he's picked gauntlets (something practical, as opposed to backpacks) as his Item of Choice, so I might just wall him up anyways and leave him "in charge".

The first trees in our tree farm have matured. Excellent.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time once again, for, NAME THAT USELESS ARTIFACT! Today, we had a glassmaker withdraw from society. While Urist McNumbnuts waits for his precious sand, let's take a loon on our wellshaft's progress.

Haha. stupid miners keep falling to their deaths no matter how safe I make the scaffolding. Idiots.

Sorry Dr Bdak, you fell to your death like an idiot. :(

Also, the aforementioned glassmaker in strange mood had a baby. And then was too busy to pick it up. THIS... will be interesting.

Oh no! A weresheep! If we were to accidentally open the gates while the full moon looms over the night sky, we would surely all perish! (Translated: kindly fuck off. Or eat the nearby troll. Your choice.)
Actually, it spawned RIGHT NEXT to a whole squad of trolls. It's fighting them. It bit several of them. This... could be interesting.
Haha. It's killed two trolls already, and despite heavy injury, it has a full-on title now. Plus, if it survives until it reverts from its beast form, it'll regenerate all wounds. Looks like fun for Adventure Mode a battle-hardened champion.

Damn. It killed five trolls and chased the 6th off the map, only to transform back into a dwarf, heal up, and leave the map. Go go siege breaker!

No artifact for you. Glassmaker went insane. Baby will probably die too.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 06:07:53 am by laularukyrumo »
Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #394 on: February 04, 2013, 04:51:06 am »

xD, this will be fun!
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #395 on: February 04, 2013, 08:06:40 am »

Yeah, about the fires...

they just started up, then went out. I have no goddamn idea why.

this happened several , and last I checked, all the fires WERE out...

Perhaps its the !!Lakebones Curse!!

About the obsidian, my save must have gotten slightly corrupted, as it was in a folder with 5 other forts, all of which either involve volcanoes, obsidian farms, or mama flood cyclones made out of ice (hammerlaw is an awesome fort btw. a reverse hollow pyramid of ice on the surface holds my magma reservoir)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 08:12:42 am by bp920091 »
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #396 on: February 04, 2013, 11:56:24 pm »

Laments of Laularu Kyrumo, Ghostly Prophet of Magma

These dwarves are making me just altogether tired of the mortal plane. At least most of my projects have gotten completed. Well, except the one I fucked up, and the one that needs a LOT more work, but it's actually almost in the final steps. Here's a summary of what was done and what's left to be done:

Farming pit is nearly done, just needs irrigation. It may or may not be bugged corrupted, so it is possible it must be channeled out further. Two unused bedrooms would be the only casualties in this situation. Do not roof over until irrigation has succeeded. Use low-use metals or low-value stones for roofing; bridges, if possible, would be ideal to reduce construction time.

The well is finished; may the souls lost in its construction rest in peace. There are two drinking stations so far, and more may be added easily. Because the lake is so far down, it takes a while to raise the bucket. A cistern is recommended, though construction may be difficult due to evaporation concerns.

The minecart shafts are completely dug out, and the water wheel batteries are almost finished; we are merely waiting on carpenters. To make the system operable, two things must be done; first, the dwarves have complained that the initial stop, the one that delivers ore and stone to the smelters, has disconnected track somewhere. (Set dir/connect track message) I was unable to determine exactly the problem... perhaps someone more skilled in minecart sciences can offer their opinion? I've double checked and engraved it twice.

The second obstacle in the way of fully automated furnaces (well, except for when the stupids come up to eat, minecarts are finicky with food/drink delivery) is the establishment of powered rollers along the second shaft, the one that delivers produced goods. A long vertical axle, with gear assemblies in place adjacent to the rollers, should be sufficient. This will, unfortunately, require a great deal of mechanisms, chains, and wood. I got a head start on the chains by ordering 30 lead chains to be built, but if more are required, simply have them forged.

For some odd reason I cannot fathom, a cave fish has been spotted in the water wheel trenches. I'm allowing fishing down there, though there are currently no dwarves allowed to fish, nor am I confident that fish will actually be reliably caught. I've also spotted cave spider webs in a few locations (not GCS webs, the vermin variety), so I'm requesting they be spun into cloth. I've also built two additional looms for this purpose, as I've been farming a lot of pig tails.

Childbirth has been up, perhaps to offset the many casualties under my reign. I've actually had to expand the slab repository for this purpose. I've also seen several children grow to working age, something that delights me wonderfully. I recall the days of my youth, looking for any opportunity to serve the community--which was harshly limited due to my age. It saddens me that the majority of dwarven youths are content merely to lounge around, occasionally help out around the farm, and disassemble the odd staircase. They can't even be burrowed into execution chambers in case one turns out to be a vampire or werebeast or some such nonsense.

Speaking of which, we found a vampire. Our mayor, in fact. (RIP Ral) I've had him sealed up with an iron pick, just in case shit gets real for whatever reason. Or in case of necromancer invasions. We haven't had any yet, but, cross your fingers. The vamp has been sealed up next to the tree farm, which has given me the pleasure of being able to watch the first trees come to fruition.

We've endured two simultaneous sieges this year. I was luckily able to find the lever, but, that might have something to do with ordering every single lever to be pulled. I know two levers it's not, and another that's labeled as "releasing the deepground" or something along those lines, but I haven't isolated the door lever and just because the goblins are gone for now doesn't mean I'm going to risk it. Lakebones is closed until further notice. ESPECIALLY with the random wildfires I've seen scorch nearly the entire countryside. Good thing we have subterranean wood. I haven't found any nether-cap yet, the mystical tree that maintains its frigid touch no matter what sort of hellish heat engulfs it, but I'm keeping my hopes up.

I was admiring the engravings before I left, and found one particularly humorous one. "The Embraces of Hatred," an image of cats. I can't say I disagree.

Be careful where you mine near the forges. I'm 100% certain that a hideous stronghold for the forces of hell is buried around, and I've even seen the edges of the wicked slade walls while drifting through the magma.

Mmm..... magma...


OOC: And that's the end of THAT chapter! I wouldn't exactly call it "eventful", but I did get quite a bit done. Interesting fact; most of our experienced miners are dead, thanks to jumping to their doom when I was carving out the well shaft. No matter WHAT I did, I just could not get them to stand on the scaffolding I had for them. Oh well. We have a good crop of peasants, so the next overseer can replace whatever he needs more of by selecting from there. We've also got a fair amount of giant bats, despite Melbil having rotted out in the fire-struck lands outside. I intend on keeping a breeding pair around, but I would love love LOVE to see the adults trained as hunting animals. (Sadly, you have to mod the game ever so slightly to get war bats, but, I won't be the one to cross that line.) We've also got huge stocks of galena and cassiterite that are unmined, so if we ever need more metal, you know where to look.

Here's the stocks screen, as of 12:01 1st Granite, 107:

Good luck! Oh, and I also slabbed myself... the slab's on its way but not in place quite yet, though Laularu is chillaxing in the magma pipe. Haha. Silly. Um, if you ever want to release the Magma Ghost on the fort again, I gave her her own slab in one of the 3x3 tomb room thingies, so it should be easy to find. Deconstruct slab for instant ghost. Just be prepared, that each time you slab and unslab, the ghost "type" changes. I was a Restless haunt for the entire tenure of my rule, but be prepared to reslab if, say, Laularu comes back and starts killing babies. Especially because they're the only things that can affect vampires who are sealed in walls... and you won't get a notice until a dwarf tears down the wall and finds the dead vampy.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 11:58:47 pm by laularukyrumo »
Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #397 on: February 05, 2013, 02:06:10 am »

Ok, pretty sure its my turn, just waiting for the save.
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #398 on: February 05, 2013, 05:46:31 am »

Yup... lets see how much further into depravity and vice the fort can spiral under Fishybang's rule... :D
"If the world's a stage, and the people actors, then who the f**k has my script!?"
Community Fort "Lakebones"
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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #399 on: February 05, 2013, 09:20:56 am »


Yeah, sorry bout the save... I was sick as a dog, forgot to actually put the save up. X_X

Here you go sir!

edit: Y'know, I'm willing to agree with BP's save corruption theory. When I breached Hell, the clown car spawned at the upper right corner and took their sweet time--I was able to start mining and forging adamantine stuff before even one guy showed up. And they were mostly made of flame/steam, too. Additionally, it keeps zooming in on a different adamantine spire I've never actually seen, and gives me the Praise the Miners message repeatedly.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 12:33:19 pm by laularukyrumo »
Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #400 on: February 05, 2013, 02:50:27 pm »

Just downloaded, and all i can say is, Wow. This place is a flipping maze! Good thing my dwarf is military, otherwise i would need to clean this up :P Be prepared for a better Milita, and maybe some candy, after all...
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Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #401 on: February 05, 2013, 03:10:39 pm »

Maybe you're right about the saves. The whole place has been a bit funny with them since the beginning. Not sure why.

I think the maze-like qualities have been gradually increasing with each overseer. Doesn't surprise me that it's truly labyrinthine by now.

Also, we've nearly wiped out the entire initial party. Just Aseaheru lives.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 03:17:58 pm by eharper256 »
"If the world's a stage, and the people actors, then who the f**k has my script!?"
Community Fort "Lakebones"
My Games & Anime Blog, Detarame


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #402 on: February 05, 2013, 03:29:41 pm »

Maybe you're right about the saves. The whole place has been a bit funny with them since the beginning. Not sure why.

I think the maze-like qualities have been gradually increasing with each overseer. Doesn't surprise me that it's truly labyrinthine by now.

Also, we've nearly wiped out the entire initial party. Just Aseaheru lives.

Ya, but atleast hes happy, if not kinda a wimp. Any way heres the back story for Fishybang becoming overseer.

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Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.


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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #403 on: February 05, 2013, 04:22:02 pm »

can i spellcheck it?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Lakebones: The Revenge of the Magma Ghost
« Reply #404 on: February 05, 2013, 05:30:59 pm »

can i spellcheck it?

No. :P

Also heres alittle bit of play time.

1 Granite, 107.
Well, im overseer now apperntly. Weird, anyway first order of buisness, the milita is pittiful, none of these men are even dabbiling with there weapons. Well thats going to change. First off, A new barrack closer to the surface, second, i need a dang suit of armor,ive got every thing together except for boots, so im going to find that armor smith and have him make me some boots.

Well think goodness.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

5 Granite, 107
Well i found the lever that goes to the draw bridge, and opend it, I need those caged prisoners for somthing...

And this is why we need a better milita.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

12 Granite, 107
Well Babalon the mason went beserk today, i do not know why, but he put up a dang good fight, injuring 3 before going down.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

18 Granite, 107
Today i have started stripping all goblins of there armor and weapons, for what  im planning to do with them, it will be gloryous!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1 Slate, 107
Wow, just wow.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

11 Slate, 107
Well apperently a private has made a very nice iron door, could be useful.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

19 Slate, 107
Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger.
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.
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