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Author Topic: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough  (Read 14150 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2012, 03:07:23 pm »

Kill a deathclaw with rocks and nothing more  :o

Now that i would like to see.
I just ramble incoherently for absolutely no reason.


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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2012, 04:25:38 pm »

I don't know why exactly, but the continued screen shotting of every rat kill cracks me up.

How are you going to handle death?
I dunno. How do you guys think I should? If it's something insignificant I might just pretend it didn't happen and delete screenshots prior to it, then reload my most recent save. My chronic quicksaving make it so that dying really isn't an issue though. I certainly won't be abusing my infinite lives (such as repeatedly doing something until the dice rolls go in my favor and I succeed), but this isn't an iron man playthrough. I am not a save scummer.

I think you have the right idea. You know what to expect in the game, but you aren't cheesing your way through it. Treat saves the same way. I would say don't get into any situation you'd expect to have to load in, but don't make a big deal if you run across a rocket launcher toting super mutant.

On the other hand, I suggest that you have to accept the entire towns hatred if you fail to steal something. No loading for failed theft.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2012, 05:19:07 pm »

Back in the Village
With our leather jacket on and our new-found explosive in tow, we return to Shady Sands.

Our first order of business will be to acquire a companion for our rock collecting adventure.

Ian can come with us, if only for his leather jacket.

You greedy fool, you'll come for free or you'll stay in this boring glorified brahmin farm for the rest of your life.

You made the right decision.

The Shady Sands Massacre of 2161
Unfortunately, after starting this let's play I learned that there are very few rocks naturally occurring in the game. The only ones I've heard of are the five I found in the bookshelf, and another five or so in Junk Town. The children of the game will be the only good source of rocks (and a near-infinite one at that), but they can't be bartered with and I refuse to steal from them with savescumming. So, I'm left with two options: I can either stop the playthrough here, as a rock collecting game will be fairly boring if there's only ten rocks to collect, or I can go on a merciless killing spree during which I kill every single child I can find. I think the choice is obvious.

It seems Ian is a regular evil henchman. He has no problem with brutally killing the men, women, and children who were, a few moments ago, his neighbors. He may not be any good at conventional rock collecting, but he sure is good at mining children for rocks.

I love Bloody Mess.

I love it so much.

This is why everyone hates Ian.

He shot me in the back. Twice. In a row. Then he yelled "gotcha!" like it was some sort of game. Fuck you Ian.

But he finally hit his mark (a small child).

Woohoo! Mindless slaughter has made us more skilled.

But once again our leveling was interrupted by annoying vermin. Oh well, at least she shot Ian instead of me. I guess he is good for something.

Alright, now we can finally level.

I don't really like Awareness, but it's pretty useful and I like all of my other choices less.

Once again more Unarmed and some Throwing. This is probably all the points I will put into Unarmed, at least for a while. I can reliably have a 95% chance to hit pretty much anything in the eyes with this level.

Oh, here's a building I missed on my tour.

It seems to be some sort of shed for farm equipment, as there are no beds or furniture besides a table and chairs. The only loot is a rope, which we won't need for quite a while (and we need to save inventory space for rocks).

Now, let's check out what sort of loot those little wretches left us.


Oh look, another gun.

I unloaded both 10mms and gave all the ammo to Ian.

This is the last screenshot of loot I'll be showing, but I'll put one at the end showing all the stuff we got. I think the largest number of rocks I got from one kid was around 50. Also, I got the BB gun from one of the kids, so I went back and picked up the 20 BBs from the shelf in the guardhouse.

This never would've happened if you had just sold me those rocks. I would've gladly paid loads of money for them, but no; you had to keep all the rocks to yourselves. This is what happens when Mister Fister doesn't get his stones. Now all of you shall die.

Now, let's continue the massacre on the west side.

Oh look, another rock-stealing imp. Get em' Ian.


Time for another kill montage! I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring theme of this let's play.

Taste lead Aradesh!

After half the village has been murdered, Seth (the captain of the fucking guards) finally took an interest in Ian and me.

Ouch. I took two stimpaks.

One shot from Ian and he's already abandoning Shady Sands. What a great captain of the guards.

Ian shoots another kid while I pursue Seth.

Ian is a fucked up dude. I mean, I threw grenades at innocent civilians, but I had a very good reason. Ian seems to be really enjoying himself.

Seth almost got away, but luckily I still had that hunting rifle from the vault bathroom.

And so ends the life of the worst guard in the history of ever.

More mass murder!

I'll let Ian deal with the folks in Razlo's house.

Not a chance. You brought this on yourselves.

Alright, I think that's everyone. Unless I've missed someone, Ian and I have killed every mammalian life form in Shady Sands apart from the brahmin, who I left alive because they are both nonhostile and innocent in regards to the rock debacle.

So, let's process our loot.

Ian's volunteered to be our pack mule, so I've entrusted him with my rocks. If he loses them, a very painful death awaits him.

This is our inventory as of now.

And here's the current rock count.

Wow, that's a lot of rocks. Seriously Ian, don't lose those. Or I'll kill you. For real.

Where to next? Luckily Ian knows the way to Junk Town and the Hub.

Lead the way, pal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2012, 07:12:15 pm »

Kill a deathclaw with rocks and nothing more  :o

Now that i would like to see.
Challenge: accepted. Once I get some hardened power armor and a bunch of psycho that is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2012, 09:16:43 pm »

Well, that escalated quickly.  :o

On the plus side, you've now got a reliable supply of rocks! All good rocks should be mined for, after all. And what is mining, but the judicious application of force to a rock-bearing object?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2012, 01:15:03 am »


A hop, skip, and jump to the southwest and we're in a stinking pile of trash Junktown, courtesy of Ian's navigation.

Apparently the locals don't like weapons. Not wanting any more trouble, we oblige.

Apparently they also don't like leather jacket-clad men wandering their town at night. Not wanting trouble, we sleep in the dirt outside.

Alright now it's dawn, let's go inside.

Wait a minute, why is Ian allowed to have his gun out and I'm not? Probably because of his awesome hair.

Tour (sort of) of Junktown

Guard House

There's a locked cooler and refrigerator. I wonder what's so delicious that they have to keep it locked up. Also apparently all of these men share one bed. I don't want to know.

And here we get the first reference to Gizmo, the local scumbag. He owns the casino and generally gets on the law enforcement's nerves.

The Jail

It's a jail.

Random Insignificant House #1

Apparently this guy doesn't mind us breaking into his house, he'd just rather we do it during daylight. Fair enough.

Three hours later, he still had nothing interesting to say.

The Hospital

This is Doc Morbid's place of business. He and his two lackeys mostly just stand around looking intimidating.

Let's talk to one of the good doctor's guards.

I have no fucking clue...

If you say so...

I guess this is Flash. I hear I've "gotta" talk to you.


Here's an empty cooler.

Let's have a chat with the doc.

We don't need medical attention, but he might have stuff to trade.

Neat, drugs and a tool. This could be useful eventually, and it doesn't weigh much.

Thanks doc, now let's see what you have in your bookshelf.

Doc Morbid I fucking love you.

Ian, more rocks for you to lug around! This brings the rock count to 319.

General Store
Meet Killian Darkwater, owner of the Darkwater General Store and sheriff/mayor of Junktown.

Let's see what he's got to trade.

A desert eagle for Ian, some .44 ammo to go with it, and some caps to make up the difference for our two hunting rifles.

I also bought two bundles of dynamite and over 100 more bullets for Ian. I think I could grow to like this town, what with all the explosives they part with so willingly.

Now let's equip Ian with his new pistol.

This should pack a bit more of a punch than that dinky 10mm.

Suddenly, our shopping spree is interrupted by an angry man with a rifle, who apparently has some affiliation with Gizmo.

Killian takes a .223 round to the chest like a champ, and Ian and I jump into battle.

I think Ian likes his new gun.

For our help, Killian thanks me and offers me a job.

Wishing to redeem my name after all those murdered civilians, I accept.

But not before swiping the hunting rifle off of the assassin's corpse.

And not before more trading. We got a more protective suit of armor, but it's not nearly as cool as our jacket.

Not even close.

It's time to retire our old jacket, and trade it in for some drugs and bottlecaps.

Random Insignificant House #2

No, I can't say it is.

I wonder what's in his bookshelf.

Oh, it's porn. I'll leave you to that then, old man.

The Crash House Hotel

Here's the lady at the front desk. I think she owns the place too.

Let's snoop around all the rooms in this place.

That's an odd way to sleep.

An empty bookshelf and an empty locker. I think this is the room you can rent.

Oh look, a nice lady.

Meh, I'm alright.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa that's not what I meant.

Turns out she was a hooker. Happens to me all the time.

An empty room with an empty bookcase.

An empty room without a bookcase.

Another empty bookshelf. Man, these people really like shelves and really hate reading.

Sounds like there's quite a few people in the room to the north. I'll just talk to the girl in front of the door and-

I couldn't resist.

This was really stupid, but I couldn't help myself.

Ian shoots us some more. Hooray. Also reinforcements are coming from the north.

Fire in the hole!


Meanwhile I get ambushed by two thugs.

That's right bitches. That's what you get when you mess with the Fister.

And we leveled up from all that murder self defense! Note the Ian haters gonna hate pose in that screenshot.

Some into Throwing and quite a bit into Big Guns. I'm hoping to pick up a flamer or rocket launcher in the Hub.

Apparently those thugs were part of a gang called "the Skulz". The one survivor doesn't seem too phased about the death of her comrades. Maybe she's just in shock.

Time to loot the corpses!

Left the knife, took the rest. I guess I didn't need to buy that leather armor from Killian.

Took the caps and the gun.

Took the jacket and the caps.


Another empty bookshelf.

The guard doesn't seem to be bothered by the fight.

Oh shit never mind!

Save me Ian!

He tried running around the corner. That was a bad idea.

More corpse looting.

Took yet another suit of leather armor, along with the bullets (both the ones in the gun and the extras).

The locals don't seem to be pleased with me.

Random Insignificant House #3
Oh, right, I'm doing a tour.

He had a hundred-year-old TV dinner in his bookshelf. Why am I not surprised?

He doesn't like me either.

Aha! Free money. Since he doesn't like me anyway, I might as well steal his shit right in front of him.

Gizmo's Casino

If you didn't already know, the sign spins around in-game.

Ian knows what's up.

For some reason, as soon as we entered the casino I was forced to enter combat. Ian then proceeded to shoot several gamblers for no apparent reason.

Well, I guess I can't complain.

The guard doesn't seem to be bothered by this at all. Once again I can't complain.

Ian apparently also doesn't like the guy in the metal armor, as he entered combat and began shooting upon seeing him.

Well, I guess I'll loot the body... for some reason I remember that he doesn't drop his armor.

Ian, I love you.

Still not as badass as the leather jacket, but it's pretty cool.

Now, let's go talk to Gizmo. Initially I had wholeheartedly planned on doing Killian's bidding and bringing down the crime lord. However, I have a feeling that even if I bug Gizmo and get the evidence, Killian will still shoot me on sight (due to me shooting one of the Junktown guards, along with killing a whole room full of people). Because of this, I have decided that I will be siding with Gizmo.


Gizmo's got an empty bookshelf too. These must be really popular around these parts.

These two civilians don't seem to be pleased with me either.

Fuck em up Ian!

I think that's his catchphrase.

Random Insignificant House #4

The only important thing about this building is that Dogmeat can be acquired in front of it. Dogmeat is most certainly the best companion in the game. Not because of usefulness or combat ability, but because he's fucking Dogmeat. I will most certainly be taking him with me, and I will be doing everything in my power to keep him alive. This includes but is not limited to risking/sacrificing Ian's life. Probably the only thing that's more important to me than that dog is rocks.

In order to tame him, we'll need a treat. Be right back Dogmeat!

Past the Skulz's corpses and to the Crash House's fridge.

Iguana on a stick? Dogmeat's favorite!

Now back past the bodies...

Come 'ere boy.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Dogmeat!

Oh right, the tour. Here's the boring house. It's got another empty bookcase in it.

Boxing Ring

Here's Saul, the boxer. He attacked me. I jammed my brass knuckles through his gut, then Ian shot him.

The boxing manager guy appears to be terrified of me. I found this hilarious, and chased him around the map for a few minutes.

It's like a lion sprinting towards a gazelle.

Rand Insignificant House #5

It's more like a shed than a house. Absolutely nothing of note in here.

General Store Again
With Ian and Dogmeat by my side, I march purposefully south towards Darkwater's shop. It's time to kick some ass.


Get em Dogmeat! Awww his first kill. How adorable.

More explosions. Thanks again Doc Morbid.

Out came Killian, out and right in front of Ian's desert eagle.

I would just like to say that I entered Junktown with good intentions.

Got his dog tags, and a spare desert eagle.

Looted the other two dead guys, and found a surprise inside.

Dogmeat bit his nuts off.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2012, 10:01:03 pm »

Sooo... are you going to grab a minigun or you're more of a flamer person?

Personally i never considered Big Guns to be all that practical in Fallout 1-2 as they ate too much bullets per kill (especially compared to a Turbo Plasma rifle that with a correctly built character could fire 2-3 shots per turn and kill something with each one (especially when the plasma ball hits the eyes).
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2012, 10:11:55 pm »

Sooo... are you going to grab a minigun or you're more of a flamer person?

Personally i never considered Big Guns to be all that practical in Fallout 1-2 as they ate too much bullets per kill (especially compared to a Turbo Plasma rifle that with a correctly built character could fire 2-3 shots per turn and kill something with each one (especially when the plasma ball hits the eyes).
I plan on using all three big guns (although personally I'm more of a flamer person, especially with bloody mess). The minigun's okay, and the rocket launcher can be great fun, especially considering the scarcity of grenades in Fallout. Also, yeah a turbo plasma rifle is a pretty awesome weapon (I once had a character who could fire the turbo plasma rifle/alien blaster six times per turn), but energy weapons just aren't Mister Fister's style. If it makes you feel better I'll certainly be using some plasma grenades if I can find them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2012, 10:34:09 pm »

I'm loving everything about this so far. Woot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2012, 10:35:14 pm »

posting to watch.


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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2012, 12:31:03 pm »

Why do I have a feeling you're going to end up depopulating most of the world.
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2012, 01:07:06 pm »

That's a lot of killing.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2012, 03:10:23 pm »

Time to loot Killian's.

Scored quite a few stimpaks and caps, along with a juicy case of Mentats. We were unable to pick his private safe though.

Now, let's go talk to Fathead about our reward.

Would you believe that I forgot to pick up our reward from Izo? Well, you'd better believe it. Derp. I'll be back for it after we visit the Hub though.

We won't be needing these anymore.

Before we leave town, as per our boss's orders, there's one more place I'd like to visit on the tour.

The Skum Pitt

The patrons and barkeeper aren't very friendly.

Ian deals with the dirty barflies, while Dogmeat attacks the bar owner, Neal.

I love you Dogmeat.

Let's see what goodies Neal has.

A gnarly 14mm pistol and some ammo for it. Looks like Ian's getting an upgrade.

Once again the Skulz don't seem to be bothered by how we ruthlessly killed self defended against their comrades.

Neal's got an empty bookshelf too.

And an empty dresser. Brilliant.

The Skum Pitt is also where you can recruit Tycho,  the desert-dwelling badass who is my favorite non-Dogmeat companion in the game. Unfortunately, he's a bit too nice to join a party of child-murdering rock collectors who killed the local sheriff.

Now, off to the Hub.

But not before upgrading Ian's firepower. I also gave him the 10mm JHPs I was carrying, because I'm tired of lugging that shit around.

And now we're off to the Hub. We'll be back in Junktown soon to pick up our reward and see how the town is fairing under Gizmo's rule.

Read Feedback
I'm loving everything about this so far. Woot.
Thank you very much. This is taking more effort than I had initially anticipated. It's not really work, I enjoy it quite a lot actually, but it is pretty time consuming. Good to know people are enjoying the let's play.

That's a lot of killing.
Hey, I only kill people who leave me no option. Like those darned kids. I wouldn't have massacred them, their families, and burnt the entire village to the ground if they had just given me some rocks.

That's a lot of killing.
I believe you mean "that's a lot of self defense".

Well, that escalated quickly.  :o

On the plus side, you've now got a reliable supply of rocks! All good rocks should be mined for, after all. And what is mining, but the judicious application of force to a rock-bearing object?
Well said.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2012, 08:07:57 am »

Didn't you empty Killian's shop?

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Rock Collector Playthrough
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2012, 04:37:37 pm »

Now that we've sufficiently decimated Junktown, let's head south to the Hub and see if we can find some rocks, waterchips, or heavy weapons.

The Hub
The Hub is a pretty huge place, and we'll be returning here several times over the course of the game. As such, I won't really be doing a tour of it. I will just be showing some screenshots of what I do. Sorry if this is too disorganized or confusing.

Several trade caravans and guards stand outside the walls of the Hub. Among them is a guy who looks exactly like Ian. Maybe it's his long lost twin brother (who has the same sense of fashion) or something. Also we see our first midget dwarf.

To the east are a few brahmin pens.

Tending the brahmin is a kid named Billy.

Unfortunately for him, he's got rocks.

Too bad he won't trade them willingly. I won't harvest his rocks right now, but I have a feeling that the Hub will meet a fate similar to that of Shady Sands. Once I get enough firepower to fight the well-armed Hub police, there will be blood (and rocks).

Also there's a totally insignificant shack, which is where I assume Billy lives.

I don't think the police here like us.

A building entirely dedicated to an empty bookshelf.

Here's Mitch's General Store

As you can see, Mitch is a dwarf and therefor awesome.

Wow, that's a lot of stimpaks.

I offload some of our junk in exchange for lots of drugs and cash.

A guns store guarded by people in awesome leather jackets. This looks promising.

Here's Beth, the gossiping armament salesperson.

No big guns, but she did have quite a few grenades. It looks like we're going to have to head over into the bad part of town if we want to procure some heavy weapons.

To the east is Old Town, the rundown crime-ridden part of the Hub populated by mutated people known as skags. Jake the gun dealer has his shop here.

Once again Ian knows what's up.

He's got what we're looking for...

Sweet Jesus he has what we're looking for. Unfortunately, his prices are a little high for us. Looks like we're going to have to go earn some money somehow.

To the south of Jake's in Old Town, I spotted a few kids mobile rock nodes.

I'll kill you all in time.

Also in Old Town is the den of the Thieve's Guild an inconspicuous building.

Let's go down this inconspicuous staircase.

And pick the lock of this inconspicuous door.

And step on an inconspicuous landmine.

Finally, we're through all of those inconspicuous traps/locks and into an innocent-looking lair underground.

These people seem nice enough, and they aren't alarmed whatsoever about an intruder breaching their defenses.

This lady's got lockpicks and a grenade for sale. Keep the change.

Thieves! Wishing to redeem himself for his misdeeds and walk the path of justice, Mister Fister decides to turn in these criminals to the authorities.

To the police station!

Apparently we can't report the thieves. They must have employed some sort of anti-snitch magic. Anyway, it appears that we will have to take justice into our own hands.

Taste shrapnel criminal scum!

Dogmeat, the heroic defender of the weak and poor, killed the thief leader himself. He deserves a medal.

Thanks again for the grenades Beth.

Aww, Dogmeat broke his little leg.


Ian agrees.

Now, let's see about fixing that leg.

Success. They should call us Doctor Fister. I don't think we'd be a very popular choice among patients in regards to prostate examinations.

Now, time for loot.

Free drugs!

Absolutely nothing.

Crap we don't need.

The head of the Thieves Guild, Loxley, had some good stuff. An expensive rifle and pistol to sell, along with 14mm ammo for Ian.

The police don't seem to be impressed by our vigilante efforts. Oh well, at least they didn't open fire on us like in Junktown.

Here ya go buddy.

Now, back to Jake's to pawn this stuff.

Still not nearly enough for a flamer, but it's a start. I do have a plan for making some money, and it's a little cheesey, but it should earn us enough to buy all the firepower we want.

But first, we'll need drugs.

Here's where Old Town's most successful dealer operates out of.

However, we're not after anything recreational. We need anti-radiation drugs. Everyone who's played Fallout probably knows where this is headed. Also I sold the BB gun, but I kept all the BBs just in case.

And that ends our first visit to the Hub. Now, we go somewhere down southeast where advanced weapons and prewar technology are rumored to lie unclaimed, but guarded by radiation and dangerous automated security. Hopefully we can return to the Hub with enough prewar junk to afford a some big guns.

Reader Feedback
Didn't you empty Killian's shop?
I took all the drugs, caps, and other lightweight valuable stuff I could find off the tables. I left behind some of the bulkier loot though.
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