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Author Topic: You own a Gladiatorial School!  (Read 4737 times)


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You own a Gladiatorial School!
« on: November 17, 2012, 11:56:41 pm »

The crackle of whips reaches your ears, the loud voices of the trainers rushing through the air. You hear yells and screams of men that are slowly preparing for their moment of glory on the bloody sands.

A layer of grit and sweat usually sticks to their bodies, mostly bare save for some leather or cloth articles. Some of the slaves are lifting logs, others are sparring with weapons that are both exotic and not, or with none at all. Right now, they are mostly scrawny men, untrained fools who have no perception of glory or honor in the arenas, but you will change that.

Oh yes, they will speak of your gladiators, the ones who rule the sands and split heads like logs, and you will stand over them, reaping the rewards of their successes, earning your place in history forever in the Roman Empire.

The school is small, and has not earned any glory yet. You have just inherited it from your father who has passed, (Which may or may not be because you possibly told a slave to poison his drink with what may or may not be a bribe, but that is no matter.) may he rot in hell rest in peace.

But this school will have a lot of work to train these men into true warriors.

But when they are, they will win. You will win.

And your name will be known throughout history.

But wait-

What is your name?

This is a Roman-era game about managing a 'school' of Gladiators, which you inherited from your bastard great father.

I figured I might as well do something semi-productive with my time over the break, and this is it.

This is a largely narrative-driven choice game where you govern over a training 'school' of Gladiators. These Gladiators will represent your name in the arenas, so you have to ensure each plays to his strengths, and that they are adequately prepared. The overall objective is to dominate the arenas with your unbeatable warriors that have balls of steel, and a hankering appetite for the faces of men with significantly less testosterone than they.

I've formed the basic idea from this forum game, upon the old console game called "GLADIUS", if you are familiar with it, than you will understand the basic premise.
Also, if you are familiar with "Spartacus", etc etc.
I have no idea how this is going to go initially, so I'm going to make it up as I go along, which may or may not end up in failure.

"Deos fortioribus adesse."
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:58:36 pm by Gamerboy4life »
I need to put something interesting here.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 12:47:57 am »

Holy fuck. I loved Gladius! Will there be supernatural gladiators and beasts avaible here?

Lets name our character Ursula, because I can't recall the name of any of the other characters in that game. Not that I think our character will end up anything like her...


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 01:15:08 am »

Holy fuck. I loved Gladius! Will there be supernatural gladiators and beasts avaible here?

Lets name our character Ursula, because I can't recall the name of any of the other characters in that game. Not that I think our character will end up anything like her...

Ursula. Short, simple, to-the-point. Yet, exotic and alluring.

Not many people expect a woman to be able to handle these affairs. It will be tough for you on this road, with most people looking upon you as a fool who does not recognize her place. You will show them up, and prove them wrong.

Your chief trainer, Bascus, stands next to you. His ebony skin glistens with sweat, a sharp, gleaming blade sits upon his hip, a coiled whip rests upon the other side. He wears a set of loose leather armor that is an old memoir of his own gladiatorial days, with numerous scars that run across his body to prove it. The most gruesome being the one that rests upon his left arm, a rippling display that is still horrible to look at even years after the fact. It caused him to lose function of his little finger.

"We currently have five of them training." He says, his voice is ragged and slightly hoarse. He looks down upon the scene as his subordinates train the slaves, just as you are.

"In three weeks, there will be a minor pit competition. We cannot gain access to the arenas yet, we do not have nearly enough renown." Bascus states.

The pit competitions usually take place in smaller, privately-owned arenas that are placed in the basements or courtyards of large inns or pubs. It is the first step most gladiators take to greatness, and are usually non-lethal, though there is close to no regulation to keep it that way.

You ask him about the state of your gladiators-to-be. The information you gain is less than pleasing:

"Lynx": A thin, reedy Roman man who is light on his feet, but quite unruly. He might be able to weave circles around his opponents and strike quick. He was a prisoner, convicted for theft.

Isith: He is a Gallic war prisoner. Slow and pretty stupid, all he would need is a club and a target. Though his stupid obedience and one-track-mind might just be his undoing as it might be his greatest attribute.

Aquila: He was a Roman soldier who abandoned his post in the middle of battle. He lost his right hand, and is quite proficient with a sword and shield. Bascus says he has an idea on how to make use of Aquila's useless arm. He is willing to try and relieve his glory in the arena.

Brutus: A minor gladiator that was expelled from the arenas for an unfair advantage. With a changed name, his abysmal skills and cunning personality are now under your control. He is most experienced with the net and trident, with a more light-on-your-feet approach to combat.

Nero: An assassin that was caught after slitting the neck of a heroic Triarii. He was luckily acquired before his own neck was stretched by a cord of rope.

Bascus also gives you the rundown upon the facilities and current state of all other affairs of your school.

"Those are the men we have to work with, and we have only two slots in the upcoming pit match. Which two should we focus training upon, Mistress?" Bascus says, turning towards you and pointing down towards the training arena.

Lynx: Healthy
Isith: Healthy
Aquila: Healthy, missing hand
Brutus: Healthy
Nero: Healthy

Denarii: 10,000. (Monies)

1 training yard
10 cells
1 mess hall
1 commons area
1 small pit
I need to put something interesting here.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 01:30:23 am »

Aquila and Isith.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 01:41:38 am »

"Let us focus upon the big one, and the one with the missing hand." You say to Bascus, smoothing a fold in your dress. The sun is glaring down especially hot today, and you can't wait to go inside to the shade.

Bascus nods vigorously. "Well, for them, I have several ideas for both on what weapons they should train with.

For Isith, we should equip him with a bronze helmet, and either a shield and spear, or net and trident. Or we can give him a club, and tell him to hit the nearest thing.

For Aquila, I suggest we let him keep to what he is best at, a sword, but we place a scissor upon his right arm, and fit it specially so it will not fall off. He would possibly also do well with a shield upon his right, and sword and spear upon his left, as he would throw the spear before engaging in battle before resorting to his blade."

Bascus shrugs, looking down upon the training gladiators below once more. "Or, you can equip them how you see fit, your word is law in this establishment."

You contemplate this for a moment, looking down upon the two you have chosen. The big, gallic brute, and the Roman soldier eager to reclaim his glory. What weapon would fit Isith's brutish combat, and Aquila's aggressive, almost wolf-like mentality?

((Anyone who wants to know what a "Scissor" is, here is a picture.))


Lynx: Healthy
Isith: Healthy
Aquila: Healthy, missing hand
Brutus: Healthy
Nero: Healthy

Denarii: 10,000. (Monies)

1 training yard
10 cells
1 mess hall
1 commons area
1 small pit
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 01:44:05 am by Gamerboy4life »
I need to put something interesting here.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 02:01:37 am »

Get Isith the biggest damn club he can lift. Edit: And focus his training more on strength and conditioning than skill and technique. Alternatively try and find out what weapon he used before he was captured. Hire a translator if required. A properly equipped Gallic warrior would be an impressive gimmick.

Get Aquila a sword and scissor. Work the hungry warrior overtime and also make him train with the throwing spear, just so that the option is open to us.

Meet with Lynx and Nero to see how much trouble they are going to be personality wise. Pretend to be a lowly servant girl and don't reveal your identity.

Dress up impressively and meet Brutus privately. Tell him who you are and promise him another shot glory in the arena if he truly wants it. Inform him however that you would prefer to use his experience in a mentoring role, and ask if he would be willing to help teach the basics of arena combat to Lynx and Nero.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 02:07:39 am by Weirdsound »


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 02:31:59 am »

"Give Isith a big club." You say.

"No, scratch that. The biggest-damn-stick you can find, Bascus!" You continue, chuckling to yourself. "I want to see this man breaking bones with an equivalent of an uprooted tree!"

Bascus nods, saying, "Of course, Ma'am. What would Aquila use?"

"Give him the sword and scissor combination, and train him with the throwing spear as well. The heavy ones."

Bascus gives a deep bow, saying, "Your wish be done. Now, might I ask what you intend to do with the rest?" He is holding his apparent curiosity behind a thin veil of professionalism, one that annoys you through the years that you have known each other.

"I have my methods. Now suit up the two warriors, and train them. I want to see blood over the pits when those three weeks come by." You reply, and with that, you leave with two bodyguards in tow.

You have an idea about getting to the bottom with Lynx and Nero, and though it is hardly a method befitting a woman of your class, you have always been known for your amazingly orthodox, yet effective methods. You tell the bodyguards to leave you and observe the pits while you call for your personal maid.

Your servant, Caelia, has been part of your retinue for as long as Bascus has. She hardly flinches when you tell her your plan, but helps you prepare. In less than an hour, you look the same as her, your beautiful features smudged by the careful appliance of makeup and artificial grime. You feel dirty and somewhat insignificant in these peasant-y clothes, but you will never know the true nature of those two if you came to them as Ursula.

No, for now, you are a peasant. You and Caelia leave for the cells, where the gladiators have recently retired to. You feel somewhat afraid, despite the watchful eyes of the guards and trainers watching the beasts that dare be called men. You utilize that fear in order to more effectively fit into your disguise.

Caelia grabs a bucket, and you grab a sponge, and the two of you head to where three of the gladiators; Lynx, Nero, and Aquila, are having a discussion. Within earshot, you two set about cleaning the floor, though Caelia is a much bigger help in this than you.

Lynx seems to be berating Nero. "How could you enjoy being here? This is a deathtrap for us, and we will do nothing but satisfy the thirst of the blue-blooded Roman fat-cats that watch us die upon those sands!"

Nero actually seems withdrawn with his answer, "I accept the fact I am here. They caught me, as it would be about time. Now, I have a new future, and my blade works just as well in daylight as it does at night." He seems to relish the idea of spilling a man's blood, not in a guttural, brutish way, but in a more homicidal/child-consumer sort of way. "The feel of dragging your steel through someone's flesh is amazing. It gets the adrenaline pumping once that crimson drop has hit the floor."

Aquila and Lynx seem to be taken aback at this.

"Killing is not for sport, it is for honor!" Aquila states, a look of disgust upon his face. "To kill just for the sake of it is disgusting."

"Being here is disgusting. I will not hold a blade while there is one poking into my back, telling me to run mine through someone else." Lynx states.

Nero shrugs. "See it as you will, you have two choices. Fight, or die. We all have different motives, and in the end, it all comes down to a heaping pile of intestines strewn across the sand, no matter how much pride you take in spilling them, nor how honorable it is." He gives a toothy grin that makes him seem almost demented.

Lynx holds his hands up, pointing at Nero. "You, you're crazy, a vile abomination. I'm the only sane man here, and I swear..." And by now, his voice dropped to a whisper after a quick look towards the guards, who are busy comparing the size of their swords. "I will escape this place." And with that, he leaves. Aquila, also having enough with the conversation is saved by the bell as Bascus calls him and Isith into the yard.

You think you've had enough eavesdropping, so you tell Caelia you want to head back, and you two quickly leave back to your room, where you quickly make yourself more presentable. You hate those itchy, rough clothes. It felt as if you were wearing a sack.

No, this gown you have is much more ornate, and you pity Caelia for her own dress while she removes the artistic grime from your body. You'll remedy that, years of close companionship and service has earned her more than sack-cloth clothing.

Dressed as Ursula the noble once more, you call over a pair of bodyguards, telling them to bring Brutus to you discreetly. They eye you awkwardly for a moment, and you feel a twinge of irritation. It soon passes as they leave to go fetch him however.

Brutus stumbles into your room, giving a toothy grin. You notice he is actually missing a few teeth. How horrid.

"Ya' wanted somethin', Ma'm?" He says, his voice is very reedy, and quite annoying to listen to. He is clearly impressed by the wealth you display, and seems almost awed.

"You want another chance for glory, dear Brutus?" You say. He eagerly agrees with an over-enthusiastic shake of his head, sending his loose hair flying everywhere.

"Then, I have a couple terms for you..."

You tell Brutus that in order to attain glory once more in the arena, he has to help teach the other gladiators how to fight. He hesitantly agrees, because no gladiator is happy to give up his secrets, especially to those he might one day fight upon the sands. But he agrees, and you notice he is desperate to hold a weapon in his hand once more.

You inherited a bunch of crazies. And it will be a long, long three weeks to get these foolish men into fighting machines.

Though what Lynx stated when you eavesdropped worries you. You could kill him, and be rid of the trouble, or you might find another way to make him fight for you.
You grin, feeling self-satisfied that you now hold a major bargaining chip. The man does not want to die, the fact that he is here makes that certain. And he desperately wants to breathe fresh air again.

How will you deal with him?


Lynx: Healthy, unhappy
Isith: Healthy
Aquila: Healthy, missing hand
Brutus: Healthy
Nero: Healthy

Denarii: 10,000. (Monies)

1 training yard
10 cells
1 mess hall
1 commons area
1 small pit
I need to put something interesting here.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 03:16:54 am »

Ask Lynx if he thinks he has any useful skills that he could to help us.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2012, 03:21:18 am »

Alright. Plans for everybody for the next three weeks.

Bascus: Most of his time should be spent training Isith and Aquila. He should give Brutus a few private training sessions as well to keep him contented. He should force Lynx to try and train with Isith and Aquila if he catches the man idle.
Isith: Once he is comfortable with his club, focus the majority of his training on strength and conditioning. Should train in a group most of the time with Aquila.
Aquila: Focus on getting him used to both the Scissor Arm and the Spear. Throw in a touch of sword and shield training to keep him from getting rusty. Should train in a group most of the time with Isith.
Brutus: Keep him contented for now with occasional training sessions with Bascus, if his spirits drop inform him that he will get his turn at the next event that the school is invited to. Have him train Lynx and Nero in the art of net and trident combat, and basic grappling if he is proficient himself. Encourage him to take out any frustration he has on Lynx.
Nero: Train under Brutus with Lynx as a sparring partner. Eventually test his loyalty by approaching him as 'the maid' and offering to help him escape. Should he accept, lead him to your bodyguards who will give him a firm beating. Should he decline send him a nice piece of jewelry, a high quality dagger, and a note congratulating him on passing your test and implying that you may call upon him for acts of violence outside the arena should you ever find the need to have somebody killed.
Lynx: BREAK HIS SPIRIT AND RENDER HIM A SHELL OF HIS FORMER SELF! When he is not training with Brutus and Nero, he should be forced to attempt to keep up with Isith's workouts or Aquila's weapon training. Don't let him get more than four hours a sleep a night, and demand everybody under your employ treat him like scum. Keep a close eye on his reaction. If his desperation to escape increases, kill him.

You should personally seek out military officers to take to bed. See if your dates can pull strings and fill your empty cells with deserters and prisoners of war.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2012, 03:38:20 am »

Lynx will simply be the first one to die. Give him no training, keep him underfed and never let him leave his cage for exercise. When the arena fights are to begin, he will be the warmup match.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2012, 03:58:08 am »

Why don't we just make a deal with Lynx? If he manages to win 10 consecutive fights then he earns his freedom and becomes a free man, much simpler, and less likely to back fire on us.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2012, 04:03:02 am »

((Oh lawd, Lynx is fucked.))

Over the next three weeks, the school is busy with activity. Bascus spends most of his time teaching Isith and Aquila how to use their newly acquired weapons. Aquila has actually shown deadly accuracy with the throwing spear, his throwing arm able to put the pointy end within an inch of his target at most distances. Bascus had the scissor permanently attached to Aquila's right arm, and he has found it a great tool for both blocking and stabbing and slashing strikes. In short, a great parry weapon.

You assign Brutus to train under Bascus occasionally, but his main duties is making sure Nero and Lynx understand the art of combat in the arena. Nero might be a good killer, but he is in no ways a warrior, and Brutus has been molding him into one pretty well. As for Lynx, his life is a living hell, hoping that once you break him, you get an unstoppable killer. He rarely gets sleep, his back has felt the lash multiple times, and he has began to hate everyone in the arena, you especially. But he has a strong spine, and it has been hard in your attempts to change the man. But lately, you think he has began to crack. His anger is starting to vent towards his combat, and he is no longer sulking, but is a seething ball of rage. He beat Nero nearly unconscious, though you doubt it was a square fight. It doesn't matter, because your techniques are working. You stirred the pot even further, however, by hinting at his freedom if he can endure this suffering. If he can survive what you throw at him, than the promise of freedom will not matter any more once he gets the taste for blood on the arena.

You also decided to test Nero's loyalty somewhere around the third week. He hasn't seen your face in any extreme detail, and Caelia is a brilliant make-up artist, disguising your face so that it is almost unrecognizable. So unrecognizable, in fact, Bascus nearly whipped you. You gave the condemned assassin a chance to escape, and he actually declined, giving a very, very odd smile. You wonder if he saw through your subterfuge. Worrying.

Nonetheless, you award him with an anonymous present. A fancy little jade pendant that has a poisoned spike that is nearly unnoticeable, a slim and masterly crafted dagger, and a note stating that you might have need of his special skills one day.

And meanwhile, you have been providing many, many prominent military men with the night of their lives, earning small tidbits and promises of favors, promises of fresh blood for your trainers to beat into shape. The most valuable prize you gained from this, however, was a guaranteed entry in the city's Animal Pit games. The officer you bedded with spoke of lions and tigers, and some creatures that have never been seen. A gladiator that walks out of there is guaranteed to make a ripple. You only have one spot, however, and if your chosen candidate screws it up, it will take years before you get a chance like it again.
It was a tiring, yet fruitful few weeks, and the pit fight draws near. It will happen tomorrow night, and you need to decide what gear to equip your star gladiators with, for the training weapons they use will not cut it.

You tell Caelia to go out and acquire some weapons and armor. But what kinds do you want to equip the two gladiators with?

Light Armor - 100 Denarii (Not very restrictive.)
Medium Armor- 250 Denarii
Heavy Armor- 500 Denarii (Makes the wearer quite burdened, but offers much protection.)

Bronze Helmet - 200 Denarii (Cheaper, lighter, but not as sturdy.)
Steel Helmet - 550 Denarii (Heavier, more expensive, but sturdy.)

Iron club - 150 Denarii
Steel club - 200 Denarii
Wooden Club - Pretty much free.

Bronze Javelin - 50 Denarii (Lighter, good for a quick throw.)
Iron Javelin - 100 Denarii (Heavier, can be used for a melee weapon in a pinch, unlike bronze.)

Bronze Pila - 100 Denarii (Pila are heavier than Javelins, and are made to bend upon impact and stick inside the victim, so limited melee use, exclusively throwing.)
Iron Pila - 200 Denarii

Iron Sword - 200 Denarii (An average, balanced sword. Lighter than the steel one.)
Steel Sword - 300 Denarii (Heavier, does more damage.)

Iron Gladius - 150 Denarii (A shorter sword made for stabbing, and light, quick movements. Very agile.)
Steel Gladius - 250 Denarii (Sturdier, more expensive, more heavy.)

Iron Sabre - 300 Denarii (Heaviest sword type, very good for cutting/slashing. Has a very long reach.)
Steel Sabre - 500 Denarii


Lynx: Mildly bruised, Numb to the world,
Isith: Healthy, Content
Aquila: Healthy, Content
Brutus: Healthy, Happy
Nero: Mildly bruised, minor concussion, Content

Denarii: 10,000. (Monies)

1 training yard
10 cells (2 per cell)
1 mess hall
1 commons area
1 small pit
I need to put something interesting here.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2012, 04:12:12 am »

For Aquilla:
Steel Gladius
Light Armour
Bronze javelins x2
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 04:23:23 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2012, 04:27:37 am »

Shake things up a bit.

Have Brutus, Aquila, and Isith compete in a footrace across the grounds; the winner earns the honor of representing the School at the Animal Pit Games.

Should Aquila or Isith win, replace them in tomorrows contest with poor old expendable Lynx at the last moment so they don't get injured before the beast games. Let him fight in light armor, a net, a Steel Helm, and with the most expensive trident you can get.

Should he fight Isith gets a Steel Club, Bronze Helm, and Medium Armor. Instruct him to send a message by crushing his foe's legs should he win.

Should Aquila fight he gets a steel sword, steel helm, and medium armor. Give him a bronze javelin. Using a Pila sounds needlessly lethal, and I'd rather not tempt the one armed man into using a spear as a melee weapon.

Get Brutus some respectable clothes and invite him to attend the games with you and your party. Ask his opinion of things and act like you value what he says. Later on ask Bascus if the man knows what he is talking about.


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Re: You own a Gladiatorial School!
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2012, 04:30:56 am »

lions and tigers

I suggest heavy armor and light weapons. Our gladiators will not be outrunning jungle cats, and when a lion is on you I think you want a short, fast weapon rather than a long weapon. For example, good luck trying to stab a lion with a spear when the lion is gnawing on you.

Isith's club is probably a poor choice since it requires a swing. Brutus's trident is too long range.

and some creatures that have never been seen.

...probably better do gladius + trident or gladius + melee javelin then. Don't want to be stuck with only a short sword if they decide to throw a hippopotamus or something at us. Want to pair the gladius with a long weapon that can act like a pike for big heavy things to impale themselves on.

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