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Author Topic: Create a Planet  (Read 64143 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #330 on: December 11, 2012, 05:01:35 pm »

I suspect photosynthesis had a slight role in that...
Besides, for most organisms oxygen is still toxic.


Can we see the life-tree next turn?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #331 on: December 11, 2012, 05:03:01 pm »

Oh, I guess I accidentaly posted an incomplete post. Sorry! Here's the complete one.

There are many diseases caused by Prokaryotes! Food poisoning, Malaria! Typhoid!
Hmm. Is there a posion sphere? I think it would fit with mah charecter. Strength, and what takes it away.

Spheres can overlap, they just can't match with other gods too much. Also, I found out that all bacteria are prokaryotic... I feel stupid.

With the aggration of cells Eukayotes into tighter clusters, cells in the center of the group find a use supplying suplementary proteins while those closer to the edge form a mucous that loosely binds them together and those few layers on the edge specialize more in feeding/uptake mechanisms.  The result is an immobile amorpheous drifting colony of semispecialized cells that finds strength in numbers and specialization.

edit:  One problem colonies have is that there are too many of them together.  They can comsume all their food (and starve) or even suffocate the cells in the center by denying them a healthy environment.

Congratulations! You create a new branch of the cell colonies with semi-specialized cells! They aren't legitimate multi-cellular organisms yet though. I don't really think that this is worth a new place on THE TREE OF LIFE! though, no offense. This is only an improvement to the already existing organisms.

The poripinnans are my sponge-kinda-like organisms; I used the name a while back and mentioned it was my official name for them. Understandable that you forgot, though.

Diseases can be prokaryotic. See: Bacteria.


Some of the smaller poripinnans will grow smaller and begin to lodge themselves parasitically in the pores of larger filter-feeding creatures, such as Zanzetukhan's. They will filter out food which would have been pumped into the larger organism.

Meanwhile, some of the deep-sea poripinnans
(I thought the poripinnans were monophyletic?) will develop a type of cell which takes note of the chemicals being pumped through the water, as well as cells which form a better intercell communication pathway. In short, a primitive nose and very primitive nerves. Call these new creatures rhinasusans.

Finally, because those primordial-soup prokaryotes haven't been getting much love lately, some of the eukaryotic creatures of the aforementioned lineage will absorb some of the related poisonous ones, causing the latter to become poison-producing organelles.

Yeah, I probably wasn't paying attention back then... alright, doesn't matter. First parasites! Congratulations! And I agree with kaian, I also like the idea of organelles with the sole purporse of producing toxins. Unique from anything on Earth.

Some of the predator cells start to clump together, making colonies. These colonies have thre types of cells.

1 : Move cells = They're the "motors" of the colonies, having many flagellas.
2 : Link cells = These cells are tunnels and connections to the move cells and the breeder cells
3 : Breeder cells = These cells are the only cells in the colony capable of mitosis. They produce link cells and move cells, as well daughter blobs, which mature inside the mother colony.

The fate of every colony is to die eventually, because the daughter colony rupture the mother colony.

Usually, these colonies have 50-100 cells. They form a ball, but only the surface are cells. The innard is filled with jelly, in which the daughter colonies mature.

They're prone to viral infections.

You create cell colonies out of the predatorous ameoba-like cells! These colonies have also semi-specialized parts. They consume other cells.

This time, I have to agree with the others. This is WAY too complex compared to the most complex things we have now: sponges with a few specialized tissues. The floating on gas is alright, the mobile sponge-like creatures descended from the deep sea organisms could develop bubbles of gas to float on water currents. Although the stomach is way beyond what is possible right now. The most advanced creatures have only separated chambers for filtering food and CO2 right now! You'll have to use a simpler version of the organism.

I have to ask, without the primitive version of the heart, how is the organism sending the nutrients to the cells far away from the stomach?  I had placed in the primitive version of the heart (only has a single chamber) there to cause pressure fluctuations to send the nutrients to the rest of the body, but since it is not there, what is sending along the nutrients?

Nevermind, bacteria evolved for that purpose (aka. smaller) would be the better solution to the problem at the current time.  Could also have another kind in the stomach as well.

Was going to post this to help in the decision of what would be needed instead of a heart, but I thought of the solution above.  It took so long to make, and I am not going to delete it.
Spoiler: the Yisfjlelh (click to show/hide)


>Promote population increase in the Yisfjlelh species.
>Promote cell specialization in the Yisfjlelh species.
>Promote symbiosis between macrophages and Yisfjlelh species

The organisms are small enough not to need an organ that pumps the nutrients around the body. The membranes are also quite thin and not exactly entirely solid. Quite slimey. But alright, you create this new species! The macrophages help them digest stuff and they take the stuff the Ysfjlelh can't use. Both sides benefit! Well, that's the point of symbiosis...

GUys, keep in mind that on the grand scheme of earth, Microbes arose early, then stayed like that for a billion or so years. If you could compress earth's histroy into a day, microbes woudl rule for 16 hours. I think more. By comparison Dinosaurs holdswayy for about a half an hour. Humans are a few minutes.

Turns take quite some time at this stage. They will of course slow down, as we progress. Also, this doesn't have to be like on Earth, now does it? I should really be saying how much the turns take, but right now... I'm too lazy... And I lost track.

There is one source of materials that each and every one of us has overlooked when providing benefits to these growing species.

Lord Draken reaches into the cells that comprise himself and from them pulls their DNA coding to survive in oxygen rich environments and grants each of the races this resisitance to the gas as he starts to turn the Sulfur Dioxide into Ozone and removes the sulfur to Tranquality where he stores the sulfur in a solid mass.

*Draken's DNA grants increase oxygen resistance to all currently alive races*

I don't see a way how to create oxygen from sulphur dioxide... Not through photosynthesis that's sure. All organisms currently alive, that aren't incased in an anaerobic environment are adapted to oxygen anyway.

Didn't see any reference to Sulfur eaters yet... if there are some I shall not keep their food from them.

However the fact that I point out that ANY God/Goddess that wants to speed up evolution can sacrifice a little bit of themselves for a praticular evolution and all of a sudden i'm called a Cheater?

its not like i'm creating a flying serpentine being thats a cross between a boa and a paraot and telling it to rule the world.  I'm just giving all  the little guys a little bit more protection from the Oxygen I'm making to defend them from radation.

However I intend on adding two new things one i'm going to go find a source of Carbon Dioxide somewhere nearby and get it into a slowly sinking orbital so that it causes minimal damage and provides maximum collection (to replace the CO2 i'm using to create the oxygen layer)
Then i'm going to find a nice looking comet and change its orbit to pass by Genesis once every 5 Years  (and its orbit will not plunge it into one of the other steallar bodies)

There are photosynthetic organisms that currently are creating oxygen. The levels will not be significant for quite a while, until they evolve into more complex organisms. The most complex photosynthetic organisms we have, are cyanobacteria-like things, and Algae. The byproduct of oxygen is ozone, and the ozone layer is significant enough right now, so the organisms can withstand the radiation. The comet is a nice touch.

Azeroth will make sure a few poripinnans get washed into a tidal pool with some photosynthetic prokaryotes. The prokaryotes will evolve to be able to live upon the poripinnans, although without harming them.

They get washed quite far inland when the huge tides come! What happens to them now, is up to you... If they won't die, that is.

At that size, and with both movement (the jets which make them more than mere sponges) and smell, the nerves would actually be pretty useful.

Some of the rhinasusans (the critters with scent and nerves) develop a series of chambers near the surface of their body, capable of detecting vibrations (similar to ears or a fish's lateral line system). True tissues start to develop among them as well.

They develop stuff that will definitely help them! They can sense vibrations, nice! And the first true tissues.

*Takes the Spheres of Ice and Stone*

*Goes and finds a comet made of solid Dry Ice, breaks it into small chuncks(that will not reach the ground) and sends them toward Genesis. They should arrive in two turns.*

*Starts pushing as much water as I can into the verious faults, in order to start up the plate tectonics engine.*

*Expands the Ice sheets to within 29° of the equator on either side, then lets nature take its course. Snowball Genesis anyone?*

Plate tectonics already work here... Snowball? Do you want a mass extincion?! About time...

((Can I join in? I am only posting a comment for now just so I ca find this later, I do not know how to favorite things yet. would all this stuff create room for new divine niches eventually? I am jsut not sure how to enter this X3))

No limit for players, as I said many times before.

The amorpheous cell blob develops chemical means of communication and specialized cells to secret/uptake them.  These cells cluster into small groups.  This has the effect of promoting/inhibiting local cell growth and altering the mucous producing cells so they make secrete a mucous destroying compound.  The communication cells respond mainly to each other and chemical proximity, but trigger a split if toxic levels get too high.

Whole groups of the blobs may now split from one another, although shape is not nesscessarily constant.

First inter-organism communication! Congratulations!

>Promote population increase in the Yisfjlelh species.
>Increase size of Yisfjlelh.
>Promote creation of primitive organs within the Yisfjlelh, or, if the cells are not specialized enough for that, promote further specialization.
>Promote further symbiosis between multi-cellular, colonial-based macrophages (from here on out refered to as virovores) and the Yisfjlelh species.

No objections, all that is done.

Planet: Genesis
Mass: 0.95 Earth masses
Diameter: 11858 km
SMA: 2.4 AU
Atmosphere: Nitrogen (85.5%), Carbon Dioxide (10%), Oxygen (3.5%), Other gases (Argon, water vapor etc.) (0.8%), Sulfur dioxide (0.2%), 1.0 ATM
Axis: 48°
Water covering: 60% of the surface, quite unstable climate, warming
Geology: Active, Earth-like
                       Mass: 0.012 Earth masses
                       Diameter: 3446 km
                       SMA: 403 000 km
                       Orbital inclination: 28°
                       Atmosphere: None
                       Geology: Dead
                       Mass: 0.007 Earth masses
                       Diameter: 3177 km
                       SMA: 151 000 km
                       Orbital inclination: 87°
                       Atmosphere: None
                       Geology: Volatile, Io-like

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #332 on: December 11, 2012, 05:10:54 pm »

And looks like my more recent posts were missed...
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #333 on: December 11, 2012, 05:14:28 pm »

Holy clusterfuck of alduin's great balls of fire. We barely reached the jellyfishes/sponges part and the TREE OF LIFE already look like a small forest.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #334 on: December 11, 2012, 05:20:45 pm »

Well, if we divide these groups of cells into the individual kinds of cells, we have a even greater cluster fuck.

I'm also quite proud of my meteor cells.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #335 on: December 11, 2012, 05:50:30 pm »

Mobile Sponges == Poripinnans
One less thing to clutter things up.


Azeroth does several things.
The tide pool poripinnans undergo rapid evolution in this strange new environment, and small population. They become symbiotic with the photosynthetic prokaryotes, exchanging various vital nutrients for glucose. They also develop a waxy coating and proto-muscular tissue to close their pores in times of drought, at which point they also go into hibernation. Some of the larger ones lose their motility, instead digging into the soil and sticking branches around. Some poke out of the water, although this is more by accident than design. The smaller ones retain motility, and either feed on each other or the larger ones, developing sharp "claws" controlled by the same kind of proto-muscles that seal their pores during droughts. They diverge into two new groups: The motile predators are the Protovenators, while the immobile ones focusing more on photosynthesis are the Viridipetrans.
Some rhinasusans begin to increase in size further, up to almost 5 meters across. By this point, their tissues have increased in complexity somewhat, almost to the point of having dedicated organs! They also have a primitive circulatory system in the form of a secondary set of canals which connect to a central pumping chamber, as well as a chamber specializing in digesting larger food particles. The proto-circulatory system is connected to the original canals in a few places, but the digestive chamber is only connected by an excretory hole for waste, having a larger orifice which pumps in these larger particles. This new group, much different from the ancestral rhinasusans, is the Neocolonians.
Some of the parasitic poripinnans develop "spikes" that let them rip into the body of larger beings, extending the range of what they can feed on.
Some of the poisonous eukaryotes develop into colonies.
Some communicating cell colonies increase in size and develop "tentacles" so they can latch onto certain porripinnans, eating any parasites they come across.
Finally, Azeroth contemplates throwing an asteroid into Genesis to see what would happen, before just shifting the orbit of a gas giant further put into the system, causing some bodies in its Langrage (sp?) points to become destabilized, causing a chain reaction which ends in a large cloud of partial comets and meteors orbiting the stars around Genesis's orbit, leading to frequent small collisions. This was less impressive than Azeroth hoped, but it would at least spread some rarer elements into the crust and add a little more water to the world.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #336 on: December 11, 2012, 06:09:42 pm »

While I can see what your plan is, it comes several turns to late. We already got surface life and multicellular lifes. We're on our way to fullblown photosythetic and oxygen life.

I Dont see what you're talking about... I'll just explain. Sunlight hits the icesheet, breaking the H2O dwon into H2O2. This then decomposes into more H2O and... Drum roll please... O2!!!
BULLSHIT. The heat required to break water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules is the surface temperature of the sun. SCIENCE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #337 on: December 11, 2012, 08:25:16 pm »

>Increase size of the Yisfjlelh.
>Develop the primitive organs further.
>Affect the movement of the comet to the planet in such a way that it mostly evaporates before striking the planet, or it becomes a new moon of the planet.
>Promote further symbiosis between Virovores and the Yisfjlelh species.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #338 on: December 11, 2012, 09:03:28 pm »

Pleased that the parasitical were making a mark on this world, Illemine looks at the symbiotes. Mutalism, commensalism, it made her sick. Time to bring on the strength she thought. The Yisflejlel, or whatever. They look awfully, soft. Weak. With all their precious hard-earned nutrients flaoting around unguarded. Shw would fix that.
Under her gaze, a few of the quickly evolving and compicating creatures, begin to hunt the numerous Ysflejlel istead of fighting for thinning resources. Far simpler then the complex creatures, they only require a single hard edge as a weapon, and a method of breaking down and retrieving the nutrients. They are smaller then they are, but as the Ysflejlel have never been forced to avoid hunters, they manage.
Body: Just a slightly more complex sponge really. Off of Zanzetuken's design in terms of air, they are simply a Spongy creature with slightly harder edges and a large internal chamber for digestion. Hunting is accomplished by three simple sharp "teeth" formed by secretion of a similar-to-keratin compound. They ram into the prey, teeth first, and wait as the feeble creatures die. Then they slowly consume it through a hole in the middle.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
% = Digestive enzymes.
# = Spongyness. Not really important.
<---- = Poorly rendered psuedo-teeth.
II = Mouth flap.

The main point of this is I'm not changing up their internals much, they're still simple-ish. Most of their mass is now devoted to eating to keep them simple, with perhaps a lung system in the greater wall of the thing if that's desperately needed.

I dub it, the Foracome. The Foracomi is plural. Now judge away!
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #339 on: December 11, 2012, 10:26:34 pm »

In case it gets missed, my earlier turn.
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Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #340 on: December 11, 2012, 10:51:58 pm »

Heh, I can't resist! If nobody's claimed Light and Plants, I'll be Mazor!

Some of the photosynthetic Algae wash onto the rocky shoreline and enventually evolve thick cell walls that allow them to better be able to stay out of the water for extended periods of time, and specialized cells that excrete a sticky protein that allows them to cling to rock. Eventually the products of photosynthesis and decay from dead algae will start to erode shorelines into more sandy beaches
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #341 on: December 12, 2012, 07:58:56 am »

While I can see what your plan is, it comes several turns to late. We already got surface life and multicellular lifes. We're on our way to fullblown photosythetic and oxygen life.

I Dont see what you're talking about... I'll just explain. Sunlight hits the icesheet, breaking the H2O dwon into H2O2. This then decomposes into more H2O and... Drum roll please... O2!!!
BULLSHIT. The heat required to break water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules is the surface temperature of the sun. SCIENCE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.
thought so. we wouldn't be spending large sums of money in designing complex mechanisms to break down water in hydrogen and oxygen (for fuel) if mere sunlight could do that.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #342 on: December 12, 2012, 08:14:41 am »

While I can see what your plan is, it comes several turns to late. We already got surface life and multicellular lifes. We're on our way to fullblown photosythetic and oxygen life.

I Dont see what you're talking about... I'll just explain. Sunlight hits the icesheet, breaking the H2O dwon into H2O2. This then decomposes into more H2O and... Drum roll please... O2!!!
BULLSHIT. The heat required to break water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules is the surface temperature of the sun. SCIENCE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.
thought so. we wouldn't be spending large sums of money in designing complex mechanisms to break down water in hydrogen and oxygen (for fuel) if mere sunlight could do that.
Actually, this thing is correct. H2O2 will naturally form from water under using normal sunlight, and will then break down into water and oxygen. I just don't see why it would need ice. (If anything this would slow the reaction).

Also, I don't think we're spending giant sums to create hydrogen and oxygen from water. Making it happen is as easy as plugging the water into the grid. (Electrolysis is pretty efficient)

Besides the oxygen level will soon cause a mass starvation. Or maybe it won't because someone decided magicking resistance to oxygen was a good idea.


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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #343 on: December 12, 2012, 09:56:41 am »

Sunlight cannot break the bonds between the oxygen and the hydrogen in water. Basic physics.
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And that is how Jbg97 saved dwarfmas


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Re: Create a Planet
« Reply #344 on: December 12, 2012, 10:12:47 am »

In small amounts it can, I thought.  small.  But then again I think the hypothethisis on the stablity of a proton is 8×10^33 years.  But then again, the number I'm using is maybe 20 years old, and I'm no genius.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!
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