Armor and weapon !!SCIENCE!!
A question that's been bugging me for quite some time is this: How exactly do quality modifiers affect armor and weapon effectiveness?
Specifically, is an ☼iron breastplate☼ as effective as a +steel breastplate+ when deflecting attacks from a *Steel spear*? Does an adamantine
low boot perform as well as an +iron high boot+ in terms of damage and penetration calculation? To find these answers, I have devised this scheme:
Effectively, it is a set of 168 danger rooms, with 24 for each dwarven weapon (NOTE: I am excluding crossbows from the test due to !!SCIENCE!!
already existing for them.), with each weapon trap having either 1 or 2 weapons each (I'm not decided on which would be easier to calculate.).
These will all be linked up to either a repeater mechanism powered by a basic minecart logic system, or an U.R.I.S.T type A.I.
Here are the questions that these tests will hopefully answer:
1. By how much does quality make up for poor material?
2. How much more protection is afforded with each layer of armor?
3. Just what exactly does the to-hit modifier do?
4. How much does weapon quality matter when fighting against different types of armor?
5. What are the To-hit modifiers for the armor intermediate qualities?
6. What are the To-hit modifiers for the weapon intermediate qualities?
The initial phase of testing will be a simple proof-of-concept to prove what we already know: That a no-quality iron spear on a no-quality iron
set of armor should miss about 50% of the time, assuming I'm reading the wiki correctly. Each test will involve at least 50 strikes per weapon type.
The next stage will be the testing proper: no-quality against no-quality, all the way up to ☼masterwork☼. Expect to see many an instakill
during copper versus ☼adamantine☼ testing.
The third and final stage will be the drop-testing. This stage will test the elasticity of the armor and how well it holds together dwarven
As this is to result in massive casualties, I will be making the following modifications to my game:
1. Dwarves will reach adulthood by age 1, and give birth in litters.
2. Invasions will be deactivated.
3. Dwarves will have [SPEED:0] applied to them so that testing will proceed at a reasonable pace (my computer sucks and can only handle ~10fps
for a 100 strong fort). This tag will be disabled during the actual tests.
4. All dwarves will have a natural ability with medicine (naturally proficient in all fields).
5. There will be one layer each of all metals and one layer of marble for steel.
6. I may enable [NO:EAT] and [NO:DRINK] on the dwarves, but I don't know if I should.
I realize that these mods go against the grain of DF, but otherwise these tests would be unfeasible.
If there's already been !!SCIENCE!! done in this field, then just point me to it. If someone more knowlegable than I in basic DF
mechanics can answer a few of these questions that I've posed for myself, then plese tell me. If you wish to help, then please by all means
do so; many heads thinking together is better than just one. I readily admit that I'm out of my depth here, so if I make a mistake and you
catch it please tell me.
Basically what I'm going to be doing here is answering some of the unanswered questions floating around the wiki, with some good-ol'
bloodshed thrown into the mix. It's an ambitious project for sure, but if I can't handle it then I'll ask you guys to pick up the torch
for me
I'll try and have my first update on the matter before Black Friday. For now though, I'm off to bed. Wish me luck!