This should be done in a separate thread, but I wanted to bump up the last hours of this bundle for great justice.
Yesterday I Hegemonised some more. I thought the Illyrians were all but done as I crept up to the southern borders of Dalmatia... it turns out they weren't. There's still two more cities I need to take. I already started moving many resources all the way back to my capital in central-eastern Greece. Flocks of sheep congregate from all the kindgom. I will be making a push south to Athens, I think, and perhaps to the east. I'll try to keep my truces up for as long as I can.
The Illyrians really beat me up. I am using massive amounts of mercenary forces from conquered cities. Because they are not native to your tribe, they cannot be upgraded... which means their morale is crap. In other words, I was sieging what I thought was one of the last Illyrian cities with three siege engines, and three mercenary hoplite companies. As it turns out, their city was massively garrisoned, so they kept killing people in the sieging force... This dropped their morale a bit too much, and all three companies routed. Fortunately I had some cavalry not too far away that managed to drive back their peltast counter-attack on my catapults. I brought back some other regiments, and that is now finally mine.
I think I've got enough people there to take care of Dalmacia now. That should finish the Illyrians right up. Because all of these are non-native cities and they have unrest, that means I've got tons of garrisons in these bordering regions. These keep away the occasional raid as I move my main force (with sheep! There's precious little food up there...) to finish off the last two cities in the great northern expanse. That takes a long time, so I am thinking of initiating my strike down south... or perhaps I will wait and set up my supply routes so that food starts flowing to the south. I'll need it to feed the massive armies gathering there.
Decisions decisions...