Atmospheric pressure: High enough that a human sized bird would be able to glide. ((Since I believe the planet had lower than standard gravity, this suggests a slightly lower than Earth pressure)) Retgonned
9.Atmosphere composition: 29.946% oxygen. ((A bit higher than normal oxygen level. More active and larger creatures?)) Yes
10.Length of a year 400 days (Nice round number
11.Length of a day 30 hours((Idem)
12.Moon-planet rotation time 30 hours ((This means that the moon would be tidally locked, and as such, would remain above the same place all the time. Hence there would be no tides. Unless the moon rotates against the sense of the planetary rotation, but that would be weird.)) rotating the opposite way is hilariously dumb. it has to be done.
13.Eccentricity of solar orbit: Enough so that there are three seasons: medium, wet, medium, dry, in that order. Each lasts 25% of the year. ((This actually suggests more of a moesson mechanic than an actual distinction in seasons. Wet would be the hot seasons, and the dry would be the colder season. So probably a low excentricity)) right low eccentricity
14.Eccentricity of lunar orbit: Medium. ((Interesting))
15.Planetary axis aligment: The axis alignment is standard. However, the planet is unable to support an arctic circle due to a high geothermal energy.
16.Lunar axis alignment: Standard.
17.Amount of variation in the above: Varies heavily.((This implies that the planet can have sudden geologistical shifts)) exactly.