That's the problem with the masculine = giving, feminine = receiving tropes combined with evopsych. By their powers combined you end up with "all women are whores."
I think most guys tend to look for masculine girls but they reject this because they don't know what masculine means. I mean, what the fuck am I supposed to do with a dumb girl who wants constant attention and can't stand up for herself?
I'd also suspect that you don't really know what feminine means. Plenty of feminine people are made of fucking iron, because what feminine classically means is setting aside your own desires to serve those of others in a very particular, dawn-to-dusk sort of a way. The creation of a space in which all of the difficult parts of the world don't exist, which is instead filled with a charming, nurturing, elegant atmosphere, a cultivated naivete in which others can feel safe relaxing and showing their true colors. If you're doing a good job of it, then no one knows that you're suffering at all--but it's very difficult to learn to do that, and it usually doesn't feel fair.
There aren't all that many men who are archetypes of masculinity out there, either, to be frank. Most of y'all can be pretty annoying.
There ought to be girls looking for nice fellas but what kind of a girl would want nice guys? Probably like my ex-girlfriend. How and why a girl would like a nice person I don't know though.
Well, for example, people who have previously been in abusive relationships have a strong reason to prefer niceness over anything else. There's also women who are more low-key and simply don't want to deal with aggression in general (because it's boring, or because it's irritating). There's women who are really dedicated to a refined atmosphere, and politeness! I know a number of couples like this, which are very well-matched despite being composed of two very Yin-y people. Basically, what I'm saying is that there's a lot of different possibilities.