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Author Topic: BYOR 11 - Day 6: Game Over. Mafia Wins  (Read 110076 times)

Jack A T

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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #285 on: November 28, 2012, 02:27:29 am »

This is some high-grade bullshit. Lynching a survivor (especially with a kill) brings LYLO closer by causing the deaths of two non-scum (one survivor and one person NK'd, assuming no blocks and so on), with absolutely no new information gained.
Dariush: Except it doesn't bring LYLO closer: survivors, if their vote will make mafia win by killing someone else, and that is the quickest way to win, vote with the mafia.  Because that means they win.

Everyone voting UI: name one good reason not to follow UI's plan: lynch LS, he kills the town's chosen target, if both are town, we lynch him. Worst case scenario: he manages to kill one town, we lynch confirmed scum UI. Best case scenario: he follows through with the plan, we nab at least one scum D+N1 and confirm that UI is indeed a survivor (because he wouldn't kill his scummate and it's pretty obvious LS and UI can't both be scum).
One good reason: Redirects.  Seriously, is there any more attractive scum redirect bait than a guy who is explicitly going to use a nightkill in a given night?

Really?  Really, Dariush?  Is calling Bookthras gay really a good rhetorical strategy?

Dariush didn't have any back-and-forth with Leafsnail before voting either.
Tylui: So, just to be clear, the following Dariush posts are not part of some back-and-forth with Leafsnail before voting: post 1, post 2, and post 3?  They sure look like they are, at least from my perspective.
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #286 on: November 28, 2012, 02:52:04 am »

Erp, I guess I'll have to request a replacement due to RL setting in and a hard limit on most of my time here. DX


zombie urist

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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #287 on: November 28, 2012, 02:55:16 am »

I can replace in but I will probably be busy this week and the second week of December.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #288 on: November 28, 2012, 07:02:32 am »

If Leafsnail is so scummy, why don't you keep asking him questions instead of just throwing a vote and shifting your attention to others?
...The fuck? Did you really just accuse him of not blindly tunnelling?
He was blindly tunneling you. Then he drops that, votes Leafsnail and doesn't even throw a single crap question at him to pretend he is trying.
Wait-wait-wait. I'm an idiot. For some reason I saw 'do' instead of 'don't' in your original question, which made it look scummy. Un-FoS.

Just to be clear, that's not how I thought that conversation went down. For one, it was MrCelt, not LS.
Oh really? So you were accusing me of not scumhunting at some distant point in the past while you were lurking your ass off, while somehow knowing that Mr. Celt was town?
I was pointing out the absurdity that you'd criticize RVS questions when you yourself had posted zero "RVS" questions. Notice the lack of the word "RVS" before the bolded "question"
And that matters how? To resort to the most obvious example: I've never nailed a... well, nail in my eye, but I freely critisize nailing nails in eyes. Following your logic, I'm not allowed to do that. Am I right?
Dariush didn't have any back-and-forth with Leafsnail before voting either.
Liar. Why aren't you reading the thread, you liar? Assuming you 'somehow' missed the three posts helpfully quoted by Jack, why weren't you bothered in the slightest when you saw that I voted LS with but a short quote in the same post?
Now, Deathsword, although you have me in your sights, what do you think about the Leafsnail vs UI sitch. Who would you vote for, and why?

Dariush: Except it doesn't bring LYLO closer: survivors, if their vote will make mafia win by killing someone else, and that is the quickest way to win, vote with the mafia.  Because that means they win.
If we lynch a survivor, we're more or less teleported into the next day with one less survivor and one less non-scum (ignoring other actions) while if we let him live to the LYLO he may doom the town by casting the vote the wrong way (thus making LYLO happen one day earlier). Either scenario ends with one day lost down the drain, but the latter has at least a possibility of survivor hitting scum.
One good reason: Redirects.  Seriously, is there any more attractive scum redirect bait than a guy who is explicitly going to use a nightkill in a given night?
You're assuming scum have a redirect, which isn't a terribly common action. In any case, in my opinion a situation where two kills by scum happen and a survivor gets lynched is extremely unlikely compared to one of the more favorable outcomes which I described earlier.
Really?  Really, Dariush?  Is calling Bookthras gay really a good rhetorical strategy?
Why else would a man ask another man to blow him?


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #289 on: November 28, 2012, 10:53:01 am »

Hi. I'm back, was lurking a little due to something I had to do, but that's over now, and I'll do some re-reading and probably vote someone.

What I don't like is the bandwagon on UI, he claimed survivor, yes, and while that may be detrimental to town in the future, there are many other things we should focus on instead of lynching someone who's only win condition is not to be lynched.
♫♪ Hitler has only got one ball ♪♫
♫♪ Göring has two but very small, ♪♫
♫♪ Himmler is somewhat sim'lar, ♪♫
♫♪ But poor Goebbels has no balls at all. ♪♫


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #290 on: November 28, 2012, 11:37:40 am »

What I don't like is the bandwagon on UI, he claimed survivor, yes, and while that may be detrimental to town in the future, there are many other things we should focus on instead of lynching someone who's only win condition is not to be lynched.
Because he's either a role that will vote with scum 90+% of the time at lylo, or scum.  Any other player in the game could be town.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #291 on: November 28, 2012, 12:33:50 pm »

I think being trigger happy with the rolefishing accusation (which I am getting tired of seeing every damn game)
Shakerag: Please clarify.  Is it Leafsnail using this accusation every damn game, or just assorted players generally using it?  Do they tend to be scum?
It's just something I almost always see come up at least once per game.  Which usually devolves into an argument as to what is or isn't rolefishing.  It's not always Leafsnail, though.  I couldn't tell you off the top of my head whether it's usually scum doing it or not.

To recap: Urist I is 100% not-town.  Shakerag hilariously contradicted himself while voting me and defending said not-town.  Tylui just performed a blatant bandwagon while ignoring my response to him.
How did I contradict myself? 

While I do question leaving a survivor run amok for the entire game, I still fail to see the downside of lynching Leafsnail today, and then hitting UI D2 or D3 at latest. 


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #292 on: November 28, 2012, 12:48:28 pm »

Can you see what you did wrong here?  I'll point it out for you.

stating hanging Dariush would be a "mislynch"
If we somehow happen to not bag scum D1 or D2 (or whenever would be appropriate), then we can lynch UI before he could be a potential asset to the scumteam.
Why are you so sure UI's a survivor, Shakerag?  Your logic only works if you assume he is.

You've provided a new quote to add to it too
While I do question leaving a survivor run amok for the entire game, I still fail to see the downside of lynching Leafsnail today, and then hitting UI D2 or D3 at latest. 
Have you worked out the problem here yet?


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #293 on: November 28, 2012, 12:55:59 pm »

Meh, feels like a legit claim to me.  I'd want to see him dead either way in the next day or two.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #294 on: November 28, 2012, 01:16:56 pm »

Meh, feels like a legit claim to me.
bulletproof reasoning here

I'd want to see him dead either way in the next day or two.
Me too, that's why I'm voting him.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #295 on: November 28, 2012, 01:34:45 pm »


Sorry folks, it's been a hell of a couple days.

Going to go ahead and put my vote on Urist Imiknorris. While I don't think Leaf smells like roses (though I'm having trouble following the different cases against him), lynching a Survivor (or potentially worse) isn't a bad move. He's an unreliable ally at best and a scum asset (or some hostile 3rd party) at worst.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #296 on: November 28, 2012, 01:53:13 pm »


Sorry folks, it's been a hell of a couple days.

Going to go ahead and put my vote on Urist Imiknorris. While I don't think Leaf smells like roses (though I'm having trouble following the different cases against him), lynching a Survivor (or potentially worse) isn't a bad move. He's an unreliable ally at best and a scum asset (or some hostile 3rd party) at worst.

For this reason, Urist Imiknorris..
♫♪ Hitler has only got one ball ♪♫
♫♪ Göring has two but very small, ♪♫
♫♪ Himmler is somewhat sim'lar, ♪♫
♫♪ But poor Goebbels has no balls at all. ♪♫

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: BYOR 11 - Day 1: Flavorless
« Reply #297 on: November 28, 2012, 02:55:06 pm »

And fuck you too for hammering.
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: BYOR 11 - Sign-Ups [FULL!]
« Reply #298 on: November 28, 2012, 10:50:47 pm »

It was just after lunch. Recess had just begun, and the kids began to pour into the blacktopped play area. Alduous Webadict looked down at his watch, and then up to the sky. It was going to be a long day, and he knew it. If only these kids weren't so much trouble. He was lucky he wasn't that late.

Several of the kids were grouped up, among them were several of the kids that were always up to no good.

"Well, well, well..." Leafsnail says with her hands on her waist. "Look what this dummy is even wearing!" Several of the kids around her laugh.

Urist Imiknorris looks at his clothes. "It's not dumb! Captain Olimer could beat you up!" Urist tries to push her, but slips and falls. More laughter ensues.

Several other kids had gathered around them at this point, some of them starting to start the chant of "Fight!" but not working. The surrounding group of 11 others watched as Leafsnail and Urist had what could only be described as 'the dumbest fight of all time' before Urist was sitting in tears.

Suddenly, Webadict rushed over.

"What are you kids up to now?!"

"Nooooothing," replied Leafsnail, who skipped away. Webadict gave her a nasty look. Urist was upset. He threw his hat and ran off, muttering about how dumb everything was.

Webadict picked up his hat, which had a bunch of little plantlike creatures on it, and brought it to the lost and found. He'll probably want it back eventually.

Vote Count
Toaster -
Urist Imiknorris - ToonyMan, Leafsnail, Jack A T, Toaster, Bookthras, Hapah, MrCelt,
Tiruin -
Hapah -
Dariush -
Tylui - Deathsword,
Leafsnail - Urist Imiknorris, Dariush, Shakerag, Tylui,
Bookthras -
Deathsword -
Shakerag -
MrCelt -
Jack A T -
ToonyMan -
No Lynch -

Not Voting - Tiruin,

7 To Hammer. Day Ends Wednesday 9 PM Central.

Urist Imiknorris has been lynched!

Urist Imiknorris was a Swarm of Pikmin (sk).

It is now Night.

Urist Imiknorris - A Swarm of Pikmin

Alignment: SK
Wincon: You win when all other players are dead.

(Night) Pikmin Toss [target]: You throw one of your Pikmin of your choice. The auto ability for that Pikmin is then lost.
(Auto) Red Pikmin: You are unblockable. If thrown, you block the target.
(Auto) Yellow Pikmin: You ignore abilities that render a player untargetable. If thrown, you delay the target.
(Auto) Blue Pikmin: You revive once when you are killed. If thrown, you protect the target.
(Auto) Purple Pikmin: You may self-target with Pikmin Toss. If thrown, you kill the target.
(Auto) White Pikmin: This Pikmin cannot be thrown until all others have been thrown. If thrown, everyone else dies. This action cannot be stopped and all other abilities fails.


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Re: BYOR 11 - Sign-Ups [FULL!]
« Reply #299 on: November 30, 2012, 09:48:07 am »

Webadict took off the sunglasses that he wore, wiped his forehead of sweat, and replaced them. It was a rather hot day out, and if that didn't make children unhappy, well, then he didn't really know what could. Mostly from lack of trying.

As he walked about the playground, he heard a child crying. Why, it was the little girl Leafsnail. Webadict walked up to her, knelt down, and said, "What's wrong little girl?"

She only began to cry louder.

"It's *sob* not *sob* true!" Her words caught between sobs.

Webadict was confused. "What's not true?"

"I'm *sob* not *sob sob* a girl!!!"

Webadict went red in embarrassment. He had not realized that this little girl was actually a little boy.

Whoops. He wasn't sure what to do here.

So... he backed up. Slowly. He figured that's it's probably best that he didn't make the situation any worse than it already was.

Leafsnail has been killed!

Leafsnail was a Conspiracy Theorist (mafia).

Voting System Changed to Public Forum Debate!

Players publicly choose a representative who then chooses whom to lynch.

Vote Count
Bookthras -
Dariush -
Deathsword -
Hapah -
Jack A T -
MrCelt -
Shakerag -
Tiruin -
Toaster -
ToonyMan -
Tylui -

Not Voting - Tiruin, Dariush, Shakerag, Tylui, ToonyMan, Jack A T, Toaster, Bookthras, Hapah, MrCelt, Deathsword,

7 To Hammer. Day Ends Monday 9 PM Central.

Leafsnail - Conspiracy Theorist

Alignment: Mafia
Wincon: You win when your team equals or outnumbers the remaining players and all other killing roles are dead.

(Auto) Dust For Prints: You learn the number of non-Town players that target you at Night.
(Night) Investigate [target]: You learn whether the target is non-Town or Town.
(1-Shot) Conspire: No one can die during this Phase.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 03:05:44 am by webadict »
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