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The Loyalists (Led by Pan)
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Author Topic: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.  (Read 49617 times)


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #495 on: April 02, 2013, 07:20:37 am »

Scroll 11

How do we become good hunters? Comrades, it is not hard, simply view the situation from the other side of the coin; we must think like the prey. While I was coy and alluded most of the fortress, there are those who want power, our power, and will attempt to defraud us of that. So I fixed the problem, but as drowned rats attempting to save themselves they kept coming back, scurrying towards us and our power once more. A drowning rat will do incredible feats to not perish. I had not thought Pan and Tirion to persist in finding our hidden escape. I hid it in the most dangerous of spots, yet they did. I will not admit I had the timing planned perfect, often Lady Lucky helps, when I shot that bolt, in the very tip of that giant stalactite we had weakened weeks ago to sink Reaver in his glowing red tomb, I did not know I was saving our beloved Halls secret.

What happened to my simple days of hunting and foraging? I traded them in for the Blackdiamond!


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #496 on: April 02, 2013, 07:22:44 am »

Good luck NAV making anything as cool as Pan has.  :o


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #497 on: April 03, 2013, 08:08:25 pm »

Quote from: Bronze's journal -an elk bird leather book covered in sawdust
There is something off about news recently. Now Reaver is dead.
There was nothing hinting at any animosity against Reaver, he seemed to be a well loved citizen. Yet he lies dead without even a body we can see, they say it was not only crushed but also burned in a magma pipe. I fear that Pan may be forcing us to turn to the crown. With only Brewster left he seems like the only wall between us and murder by the legions of goblins.
This is not the Hammerscar I came to.
OOC: All this killing and conspiracy reminds me a bit of Julius Caesar.


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #498 on: April 07, 2013, 12:58:34 pm »

Good luck NAV making anything as cool as Pan has.  :o

 :-\ Be nice? Haha...

Update coming up in 48 hours. Some of the situations need some designations and burrows and what not. Also need to ask some people about stuff included in one of the updates.

OOC: All this killing and conspiracy reminds me a bit of Julius Caesar.

Desired effect acheived  :)

AWinter, sup?  :)


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #499 on: April 08, 2013, 07:08:56 pm »

Keep it up Pan!


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #500 on: April 09, 2013, 08:20:43 am »

A word, a coin, a dagger in the dark

I'll break him, roared Grimnirs inner beast. I'll show him what Hammerscardwarves are made of! And when I'm done with Shinn, I'll have Brewster hanged for the traitor he is.

Of course not, another voice within him said, softly and almost impossible to hear. Of course you won't. Blood will have blood, Hammerscar must endure the storm, if it is to last the winter. Every winter.

Grimnir was no mad-man. He was scarred, of course, and there was times when he would flare up, or out, and sometimes, when the darkness crept in, and he would feel betrayed, and remember the Goblin Wars, the blood, the weeping of Dwarves, whose hearts were as of stone, then he feel a shiver down his spine, and the insanity that Dwarvenkin always fears would almost grip him.

But it was no coincidence that Grimnir organised the expedition that would become Hammerscar. Madness was just another monster to restrain, and Armork know, Grimnir was no novice at restraining monsters.

"Tirion!" he yelled, and the hectic mastermind was sent for. He arrived shortly after, a nervous flare in his eyes, a look of intelligence and concern. "Yes, Founder?" Grimnir did not approve of that title, but it had become impossible to wrestle himself free from it. He had accepted it, with reluctance. Sometimes he worried, that this would be the first step on the ladder of Tyranny. He found comfort in the fact that he was still lucid enough to realise this.

"Send for Brewster. Ask him to see me, alone. None of the Blackdiamond, none of the Cuts. Just us. Tell him Grimnir wants to see him. Not the Founder, not the First of Hammerscar, just... Just Grimnir."

A flash of surprise in Tirions face. The sudden vulnurability of his Founder clearly shocked him. He nodded, and swept away, always thinking, analysing, thinking. Sometimes, Grimnir thought, he had a suspicion that Hammerscar would be reduced to rubble and anarchy were it not for Tirion. But then again, Hammerscar was an effort of the many, was it not?

Of course it wasn't. Pan had clearly hinted otherwise, and Grimnir was no fool. He knew how Pan thought, how he made things happen, with a word, a coin, or a dagger, so subtle it was as if no one saw it. Just whispers in the dark. Depressing, Grimnir thought, how true power manifests. He'd prove it lies - there was strength in unity, strength in flesh and in agreement. Hammerscar would forever be open.

Always and forever, if he had to die to ensure it.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 08:26:00 am by AustralianWinter »
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #501 on: April 09, 2013, 12:11:40 pm »

Hurrah! More material to work with! ;ALKSDFJA;LSKDFJ

More excuses. Sorry guys. Prom's a big thing for high school kids, and I kind of just blew 4 hours with a girl, which is a good thing for me but bad for everyone else here. Do write some stuff on the recent events, or email me any actions you want to do!

Actually, I think my update will be much more interesting if I let Brewster and Grimnir have their exchange first  :) Unless there isn't going to be one. (Mail me, guys. What's the story?)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 12:14:45 pm by Pan »


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #502 on: April 09, 2013, 12:45:15 pm »

Oh and Tirion, I'd appreciate it if I could know your disposition to Grimnir's new orders. You better remember what we've been through as allies! (would make for good story - loyalty to your revolutionary cause or to your friend (me  :) )). Best update your journal  :)

Lambcake, you seem interested in this. Can you please mail me any thoughts? Thanks.  :)

Skyfire, where in the heck are you? Shinn is an integral part of the story ::) Time for a PM.


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #503 on: April 09, 2013, 03:28:08 pm »

Tirion's Personal Log

Entry 25

Madness. It is as if Brewster is always one step ahead of us. Why? Not that smart. Luck? More like bad luck for us. Heard rumors of curses, in far away lands, dark deities and restless human dead causing bad luck.
No. Not supernatural, rather mundane. Is popular, has spies everywhere. Masses think he's right, support him. Stopping Brewster through diplomacy likely to be ... problematic. Alternatives should be considered.

Worried about Pan. Alliance dissolved, no military protecting him, likely to be blamed for failings. Strange - should consider him an enemy, still pleasure to work with. Patience, competence, knowledge hard to find in Hammerscar. Can be reasoned with, willing to compromise. Embodies most of nobility's virtues, almost none of the vices. Can't let him be harmed. Need to make sure Grimnir won't do anything permanent to him, should be relatively easy- Founder sees enough reason to think two-front conflict undesirable. Still think a deal could be made, degree of autonomy to satisfy both Founder and King. Both need to face realities: Hammerscar small, not self-sufficient, yet half a world away from Crownlands. Should be made a Barony, with local leadership, not some pampered aristocrat sent here. Need someone trustworthy for that.

Good news in tragedy, found Magma. Should secure some, build smelters, forges. Copper and silver ore supply plentiful, wood presently a production bottleneck, should be eliminated by free heat. Prospering economy would also help keep population content.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #504 on: April 10, 2013, 09:56:31 am »

Smelters... at this time... ever the pragmatist, eh?

Gonna wait a little while, make sure tie up all loose ends and for Brewster to come and perhaps reply to AWinter.

Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #505 on: April 10, 2013, 04:37:53 pm »

Sorry! I'm a lurker at heart, and yes I have been following this. Since there's nothing I can come up to say you're doing good, I'm just going to go with *Generic praise*.

Oh yes where was I...

Shinn's report
Entry 1

Events have been rather... dire. It would seems as if fate is conspiring against the Crown. Attempts of negotiations were in vain; the dwarf, Reaver, the one I was able to reach consensus with has perished. Blows have been traded between Grimnir and I, and there is no chance of reconciliation. The Overseer Pan is on the side of the Crown, but I fear I might have alienated him when I let my anger get the better of me.

As for the merchants, it would seems Grimnir is not behind the death of the humans, but rather the hunter Brewster. He currently leads an elite squad of marksdwarfs called the Blackdiamonds and they are the ones responsible. Their aim rivals that of our finest markdwarfs.

My brigade will try to assist in matters of defense of the Colony. Seeings as how little chance of survival we have against the Founder, I'll try to replenish the ranks of the Brigade, and ensure the memory of the Crown is not tarnished. Pan is a vital ally, I will make sure we are on good terms again before the end.

Long live the Crown!
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #506 on: April 11, 2013, 07:00:25 pm »

"Of course I'll see my dear friend Grimnir" Brewster spoke after listening to Tirion's invite. Tirion gave a nod and walked away. Brewster sat thinking then a slow grin grew across his face and he stood from his usual throne in the Guild Hall, pulled a dagger that was plunged deep in a wooden post and slide it within the folds of his cloak and walked out the Hall...


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #507 on: April 15, 2013, 09:32:25 am »

You two gonna negotiate or what? I can't go ahead now that this is all RPed out here.

Gah. Awinter is away for 4 days or so now. What should we do? Press on without? I could dictate his actions for him... But   :-\ ...


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #509 on: April 16, 2013, 09:29:59 am »

Meaning...?  ???
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