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Which faction do you like the most?

The Loyalists (Led by Pan)
The Revolutionaries (Led by Grimnir)
The Radicals (Led by Brewster)

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Author Topic: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.  (Read 49642 times)


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2012, 06:22:10 pm »

If no one else wants to go, I'd be happy to.

Brewster is up - he might be a little delayed is all, as far as I understand.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2012, 09:31:22 pm »

Yeah! Can't an overseer have a few beers and play some games of darts without a Zombi trying to replace him!? Anyways, starting now.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2012, 04:24:02 am »

just ptw, sadly
Going backwards in reversed time (just like everybody else).


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2012, 08:45:58 am »

Scroll 4 - Rise of the Blackdiamond

The day has oddly come were Grimnir is stepping down and handing the leadership reins to another. I was selected to lead Hammerscar! Unexpected as this event is, I accept the challenge and, as in a hunt, must adapt to the change. As I thought the immense task of leading this band would be difficult, they manage just fine, and each dwarf knows their duty.

First order I command is that I be set-up to hunt again. This is not for selfish reasons but that we have zero meat in our pantry. A flock of Giant Sparrows soon become our meals for many months ahead.

The event I hate the most has occurred, and I'm afraid I let my emotion take hold of me, as I shouted, shouted, at the messenger when I was informed two kobolds were spotted and escaped. Oh how I want to see the fresh corpse of a dead enemy with my bolt running through his skull, his brains and eyeball hanging on the head of my bolt. We must remedy this issue.

Quitely I search, search for our miners. I show them a crude drawing of the room I want them to carve into the rock. Shortly they begin their work. I admire their handwork a month later. This room will be a fine hall for the Blackdiamond!

Oddly enough Nix stopped his day to day work, and annexed one of our craftsdwarf's workshop. He gathered a gold nugget and dacite boulder. He silenty begins work, on what, the fort does not know.

I often times spend my mornings outside our enterance watching for all the signs, wind patterns, cloud movement, fish activity, and so on, to gather the news of the day. I notice a large shift in the bird flights, signs of something coming, and coming right for us. Migrants! 31 new faces to be perciese. We all introduce ourselfs and I note 6 are somewhat skilled with a crossbow. These 6 are soon recruited into an archery squad; known as what we're called today Blackdiamond!


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #49 on: November 21, 2012, 09:07:53 am »

Pan was glad to see a highborn face after months of roughnecks. The liaison seemed to think the same.

'Greetings to you, liaison. I am Pan, fortress broker.' Pan greeted him, formally friendly. 'You should have sent a raven of your coming. Hammerscar would have sent an escort, for the high roads and surrounding wilderness are less than safe as it once was, especially for a company as small as yours.'

'Greetings to you, broker. I am Asen, trade liaison of the Crown.' the liaison replied with cool courtesy. 'Indeed, we learnt that to our sorrow after we were waylaid by bandit greenskins. They harried us day and night with no quarter or rest, and we lost three guards and a mule of worthy goods.'

'Terrible. They have grown bolder of late.' Pan sighed. 'What news of the Mountainhomes, Asen?'

'The Crown's peace persists, and the honest citizen lives fat and happy. I am afraid I cannot say the same of your settlement, sadly.' the liaison replied, stroking his beard with a smile. 'What brings a dwarf of your stature to such a... rigorous venture?'

'A diversion from the ordinary.' Pan replied, a smile of his own.

'Counting coppers in the rough dirt and stone instead of the Mountainhome's luxuries?' the liaison replied, skeptical.

'See the world, they said.' Pan said jokingly.

'The overworld?' the liaison's replied, then lowered his voice. 'Take a cruise into the vast underground oceans. Peer into the second cavern layer. There are strange growths and beasts of all manners to sate the curious minded... Not out here, far from the high roads, while led by this radical. This... Grimnir. The lowborn dwarf is silent as a crypt. Half the Mountainhomes call him mad and laugh at him in their mugs.'

'We'd prefer 'stoic', and tell that to him and you'll realize just how much the floodgates can open up.' Pan replied, smiling at his own wit. The liaison shook his head.

'The other half of the Mountainhomes, however...' Asen paused and glanced about a second. He had the look of a dwarf in a secretive mood, and suddenly, Pan was sure Asen isn’t here just to gossip about Grimnir or banter with Pan. He is right, as Asen continues.

 'The other half buzz with the radical's ideals. Rumor has it, this dwarf would use this fortress strong point and gather a radical army to strike out against those who expect it the least. These fools... plebian, unwashed fools... seek to join him and champion his cause of resistance to the Crown's will. Every day, the whisperings grow.'

 'The Overseer Grimnir...' Pan tried to cut in. Asen did not flinch.

 'Such resistance would be a great hindrance to the Crown and the Empire, for the unwashed masses to rise up to seek power not meant for them. The Empire who faces dangers in the day fears for the daggers in the dark.' Asen paused again and glanced about for stray ears, and continued when he was absolutely sure there were none. ‘As one of noble standing… you understand the nobility’s worry. Such a revolt of any calibre, could undermine not only the Crown’s political stability, but the very semblance of Dwarven rule and hierarchy should it succeed. The Crown will not tolerate any hint of rebellion or threats to the King’s peace. Such rotten internal strife is unacceptable, and must be rooted out, helmet, stalk and all, least it corrupts the entire crop.’ At this, Asen discreetly handed Pan a pig tail envelope. 'You understand how it is, former arsenal dwarf of the Mountainhomes.'

Pan took it. It bears the King’s wax seal, unbroken.

Pan was at a loss for words. ‘Just… who are you? What are you here for?’

‘Why, I am merely the Crown’s trade liaison,’ Asen smiled that arrogant smile of his again. ‘And I am on a trade mission to make sure his vassal fortresses and settlements pay their tributes, and I am here to do my duty and my part, and making sure that my job to the Crown and realm is done by hammering the fine details of trade, tributes, prices and various counting of coppers out with you right now in this corner!’

Asen’s smile dropped and he looked straight at Pan, stoic and stone sober. ‘The Crown expects me, and all dwarves, to serve them loyally, wherever they are. Such is our duty, is it not?’

‘…Yes.’ Pan replied uncertainly.

‘Good then!’ Asen exclaimed loudly ‘We’ve concluded the trade agreement! The caravan has goods straight from the mountainhomes. You may speak with my assistant there and arrange for an exchange of goods. Our fortunes rise and fall together!’


OOC: Dammit! Ninja'd! Well, anyway just fyi to whoever cares, Pan's political scheming with the trade liaison happened in Grimnir's turn, not Brewster's. Was busy recently. Also, made a reference to the Arsenal Dwarf. These guys used to exist in Dwarf Fortress, as sort of a logistical, weapon assignment guy. They're removed now by Toady, but I thought why not incorporate this for some flavor? Pan's gotten economical hardships as a noble cuz he was so useless, and I think that just fits in so well with the Arsenal Dwarf, who also deals with military logistics.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 09:32:59 am by Pan »


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2012, 09:35:22 am »

Well done Pan. The use of Arsenal Dwarf is great!


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2012, 09:44:27 am »

Right back at ya  :) Giant sparrows for Thanksgiving, hurrah! Shame we don't celebrate it here.

I do question your need to save those spare, unstack-able bolts, through your specially designed ditch+archery target.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2012, 10:00:15 am »

Entry XI - The Second Cut
"Come gather 'round people/Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters/Around you have grownz
And accept it that soon/You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you/Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'."

- Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin'

Grimnir had stepped down as politician, but he would most certainly not retire yet.  In the halls, his heavy footsteps were heard, and in the fields, he worked daily. There was an insistant force in his work, as if he laboured to work himself to death. Reaver had commented on this, but Grimnir had not answered.

Reaver had protested when Grimnir had made him the next Overseer of Hammerscar. He was busy, he had insisted, the fortress needed both him and Grimnir in other places then the administration. At least for now.

Grimnir himself had complete trust in Pan, but had with short consideration chosen Brewster as the next overseer. He was a warrior, and he was it to his bone. There was an honest flash in Brewsters eye, something raw and bestial, and Grimnir would rather have a hunter in charge of Hammerscar, the young and ineperienced fortress.

He went to Pan, to discuss the appliance of some of Tirions designs, and while Pan readily discussed the ideas, and seemed friendly enough, something weighed him down. Probably the following year, Grimnir thought. Kobolds had shown up at the gates, Brewster had told him, just as the new constructions were begun.

Something made Grimnir thoughtful and slow today, but then he saw the smiles of a poor, peasant family. In Hammerscar, they had their own beds, work, food and drink. In Hammerscar, something went their way. If only one other soul than Grimnir felt like this, it was worth it. Every battle was worth it. Every cut would be worth it.


Pan was glad to see a highborn face after months of roughnecks. The liaison seemed to think the same... [etc]

OOC: Dammit! Ninja'd! Well, anyway just fyi to whoever cares, Pan's political scheming with the trade liaison happened in Grimnir's turn, not Brewster's. Was busy recently. Also, made a reference to the Arsenal Dwarf. These guys used to exist in Dwarf Fortress, as sort of a logistical, weapon assignment guy. They're removed now by Toady, but I thought why not incorporate this for some flavor? Pan's gotten economical hardships as a noble cuz he was so useless, and I think that just fits in so well with the Arsenal Dwarf, who also deals with military logistics.

That was outstanding. Brilliant. It makes Hammerscar much more polluted, much darker, more edgy. The political mess surely brews by now...

Brewster, could you redwarf Zombi as someone older? It seems unfitting that he's just 16. Also, you'll have to let out exactly what is at some point! Looking forward to your designs, however.

Anyone is free to use Grimnir in their RP. He's intense in his idealism, perhaps a bit naive, and rather, yes, stoic.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2012, 10:48:45 am »

Well, I appreciate the positive feedback!  :D I'd like to thank Game of Thrones for supporting me with such inspiration. Great series.

Brewster, might I ask for a complete screen of the entire fortress?


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2012, 10:52:34 am »

"Intruders!" Brewster shouted. "Elf merchants will be with us shortly. Reaver! Grimnir! Nix! Nav! What thoughts have you?"
"Bash'm!" Nav bellowed.
"Slice'em!" Reaver grunted.
"The Blackdiamond recruits are still young saplings, they are not fully mature yet," admitted Brewster "but what better training then live targets!"
Pan stormed into the impromptu meeting "No! The elfs are our allies. We have trade agreements, and treaties in place. You can not throw all that away. You must follow the laws set by the Crown."

At those words Nix finished and lifted his creation above his head. "Kacothbobet" Nix said (which translates to 'The Confining Trifles'), it was a native gold crown. The crown shined surprisingly bright in the dim cave light. All in attendance stopped and stared in awe at the amazing relic. At this Grimnir stepped forth from the shadows, his face only showing from the glow of the golden crown. "Looks as if there is a new crown." Grimnir said coldly, a short smirk grew on his face.

Brewster nodded in agreement. No one spoke after this, except Pan in protest. All in attendance knew what Brewster's next actions would be...


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2012, 11:46:57 am »

I do question your need to save those spare, unstack-able bolts, through your specially designed ditch+archery target.

7 dwarfs non-stop training, every spare bolt is helpful.


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2012, 02:03:20 pm »

Tirion's Personal Log

Entry 5

This is the first anniversary of Hammerscar's foundation, and the day Grimnir steps down as a leader for now, just as he said he would. A dwarf of his word, Grimnir is.
I'm new to politics, but it appears to me there was a brief succession crisis, with more than one of the upcoming leaders excusing himself. In the end, Brewster took the position of Overseer, may he lead us to glory and prosperity. I'll go speak with him, see if there are any changes in our defence plans.

Entry 6

31 new migrants came, I just hope there will be enough food and booze for everyone. Our pastures are huge, but they may be too much for our limited number of farmers. Brewster is hunting non-stop to fill our larders with meat.
Nix became obsessed with a chunk of native gold and some dacite, and locked himself into a room with them. We hear him muttering and chiseling inside, on what, I don't know. Gotta be pretty though, made of gold.

Entry 7

Nix presented his work, Kacothbobet, a native gold crown. I... can't find the words to describe it adequately, I've never seen something this beautiful. It's a crown fit for a king, but we sure as Hell won't send it to the Mountainhome.
And just like that, kobolds were spotted. At least I think they were kobolds, I've never seen one. But I heard what they can do, picking locks without breaking stride, running over tripwires as if they weren't there, these sort of things. Good thing is, none of the stories claim they are immune to an axeblade in the brain. Nevertheless, I think we should place the crown in a secure vault deep inside the fortress.

Entry 8

Elves are coming. I heard Pan claim they are allies and trade partners, but all the others say they are to be killed. I can't argue with that, we all heard the stories about the wars of ancient days, where they feasted on our ancestors. These knife-ears are ageless, one of them may be a dwarf-eater himself.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2012, 10:08:38 pm »

Grimnir's Second Declaration

So they come here with soft words, and clothing, to buy our loyalty? Hammerscar will be a smoldering ruin before we let down our guards, and let the Corpseeaters into our midst. The Mountainhomes suffer from its "leaders" weakness, and every piece of silk they bring in from the forest further corrupts their souls. We will show no such mercy, no such softness. Like steel, we are hard, yet strong. Like fire, we are burning, yet cleansing. Like the mountains, we are cold, yet we do not bow. Our pillar will not crumble or wither.

For every suffering dwarf on the bottom of the lavish temple that is the mountainshomes, he shall be avenged in blood. For every forgotten hero fallen in an ancient war, smoothed over by softskinned diplomats, ten of them in unmarked graves! For every piece of silver the nobles have pocketed, one cut on their feet of clay.

And no empire of sin, no matter how strong, can stand a thousand cuts.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #59 on: November 22, 2012, 07:46:04 am »

Pan saw he was alone, in the crowd of dwarves hungry for blood. His protests had fallen on deaf ears, and the wild dwarf Brewster that had been placed in command while Grimnir sharpens his skills had stirred them up. The murderous crowd of dwarves screamed for the blood of the elves. 'Death to the corpse-eaters', was chanted, 'A thousand cuts!'.

 Madness! Can't they see? Pan had little love for the Mountainhome and their policies, but to openly assault and break the Crown's oldest treaties would bring the wrath of the Mountainhomes down upon us! A revolt with a population of a few dozen? These plebians must see this! Pan must appeal to the one dwarf who can sway this crowd back from the point of no return.

 Pan turned to Grimnir, and his appeal to Grimnir crumbled in his mouth as he saw a soldier dwarf, handing a golden rock crown to Grimnir, and upon this crude coronation, the fire within Grimnir and all the dwarves' burned in their eyes like wildfire, burning away all doubts.

 Wordless, Pan watched, despairingly, as the Blackdiamond marksdwarves filed out the room, cold murder set in their eyes, crossbows loaded and unsheathed. One of them, the brute Nav, grabbed Pan by the arm, and tugged him towards the trade depot to lure the elves to their doom.


 Best kill the elves in the trade depot. It'll make for good RP and less need to haul around a ton of stuff from the wilderness. For a cool screenshot, best station your marksmen in a circle around the trade depot, and them open fire at once, like an ambush scenario.  :) If anyone's seen The Walking Dead, I'm talking about that scene the Woodbury militia
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 Also, I'd prefer Pan have no direct quotes, although I'm okay with them if you do feel the need to. Controlling my emotions and actions are fine, but I'd prefer putting words in my mouth to be kept to a minimum, since I'd prefer to expand on it.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 08:01:18 am by Pan »
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