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Author Topic: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!  (Read 79955 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2013, 03:56:39 pm »

The game now has a forum of its own, I'm just too lazy to register there I think. Some others might be interested!

I'm perfectly fine with that. In fact, posting here allows more people to learn about the game. It's the spike of visitors that always tells me somebody made a post here!

Vaccean, have you thought about refining the mechanics of a region being destroyed? I think it would be cool if, instead of removing it completely from game, it would turn the place into a new place called "Wasteland". You might have a few varieties of the ravaged wasteland, so there could be several in existence at the same time. Then maybe the player and/or a vote in the council could rebuild the place at a huge cost? Or alternatively, put something new in place.

I haven't quite made up my mind about wastelands. On the one hand, players could be allowed to either reconstruct wastelands or, more likely, lower the weariness of occupied territories with their units to prevent them from becoming wastelands. On the other hand, I like how a high weariness marks a sort of no man's land that no sane player should take the risk of fighting on.

Be that as it may, sometime in the future the destruction of territories will probably stir good old elder horrors rather than create new places.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #106 on: February 10, 2014, 11:52:39 am »

Here, have a release.

It's not as fun as previous ones when you get to do new stuff from the very start of the game, but at least there is difficulty escalation and there aren't duplicated territories anymore.

Let me know if you find any other broken stuff.

Change Log:

* Enemy Activity: Enemy units and lobbies will now create emplacements in enemy territories to further their goals. The emplacements are shown under the "Interests" screen and can be searched by your units by selecting a territory with suspicious activity in it.
* Rescuing Renascents: When renascents are defeated, they don't just disappear anymore. There will now be a very high chance of them turning up trapped in some manner in one of the colony's territories. They can be rescued by visiting that territory. Two or Three renascents will start each game lost inside the colony in this way.
* Useful Lovers: There is a 25% chance that, after each encounter with a lover, you'll get an additional outcome from the relationship. The chances of getting positive or negative outcomes vary each time you start dating a character and you'll be able to dump them after each negative event. Wooing characters will also slightly reduce your weariness. To make up for the advantages of having lovers, players "interested in none" will get small, steady reductions of weariness and local tension.
* Enemy Economy: The enemy has a finite amount of resources now that they'll employ in a variety of ways. Most often in creating new emplacements.
* Reusable Relics: Relics now have more flavour once they are completed and up to three of them can be sealed and stored to be used in the following journeys by the same player, at a very high reactivation cost in Arkhe.
* Corridor Diplomacy: Sometimes you'll be able to approach lobbies before a voting to try to earn their favours if you are perceived as having the same character than the lobby.
* Gifts/Bribes: You'll now be able to give your furniture as a present to any lobby in exchange for favours. You can also store up to 4 pieces of furniture instead of 2.
* Difficulty Escalation: Collecting the relic pieces will get progressively harder and failure to do it will increase local tension. Lobbies will now also detect negative immigration rates and react more aggressively against them. Enemy units will also eventually stop attacking you upfront if you prove to be much stronger and stronger enemy units will tend to be deployed in territories with higher Arkhe reserves.
* Focus on Conquest: When you have a Fortress or Dungeon, local tension will decrease much faster. Additionally, owning all of the colony's territories will give you 0.5 Merit each week.
* Belligerence Value: There is now be a local belligerence value influenced by the different types of lobbies in the colony. A positive value will allow you to get away with more violent actions, while a negative one will allow you to play more peacefully.
* Mini Tutorials: Very bare bones guidelines for players will appear at the start of each game for players other than outcasts.
* Lore Screen: The lore posts have been put into a new in-game screen for quick reference.
* Charging Tolls: When you confront and defeat an enemy inside your territory, you'll get a third option enabling you to charge a toll, that is, rob them. This money will vary depending on the unit's size and the total enemy wealth, from which the money will come.
* Expanded Appearance: Characters will now have 3 visible traits instead of 2. Players will also be able to re-roll their avatar's appearance as many times as they want at the start of the game.
* Unique Territories: You shouldn't be getting any more duplicated territories in the same game.
* 4 new lobbies, 1 new relic, 2 new units and 1 new territory were added.
* Several minor tweaks and bug fixes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #107 on: February 20, 2014, 08:38:19 pm »

Thanks for the new release. I've been playing this pretty much and I haven't encountered any crashes so far. I enjoy the new content. My previous suggestions still stand though, regarding wastelands and such. Plus I think there should be some synergy between renascents, factions, units and territories. So, for example, that having Alcrousse as an ally would give some power over House of his and the associated territory, plus the troops belonging to him. I know this would be hard to balance, though.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #108 on: February 20, 2014, 09:22:37 pm »

Thanks for the update !

I noticed a minor typo when you create your character, after selecting it, the "interested in Female" lead into " intrested in females" with the e missing.

On my governor attempt, i decided to get an expensive Stallian Chasseur squad that i got for 3600 arkhs after negociating (they were above 4000).

My first notable event came and it was a Nivharian Fruit Corporation that wanted to organise some "truly decadent" party for aristocrats only.
I agreed to vote their way, thinking it would always help with the arkh side as aristocrats are usually rich enough, the vote passed in favour of it (to help i convinced some of the voters against 1 favour to vote for), still i lost a merit point and saw no arkh coming from the debauched aristocrats :(

Later after visiting a location in which i failed to find the corpse of a renascent that was thrown in the waters, i decided to get an expedition with everyone to take over the place.
There was some odd deformed 6 meters tall renascent named Rhodegass, that was rather mad of rage and was blocking our way, and i decided to attack the beast to clear the path.

Unfortunately it seems i overestimated a bit my army as Rhodegass took very few damage but annihilated all my troops by hurling debris and rocks at them.
Then still mad it continued to attack the now immobile and dead guys.

Retreating i had the bad surprise to see an Ogre warband coming and besieging, my defending "army" simply scrammed , i managed to escape again but my fortress was destroyed and razed.

My game isn't finished, but i wonder if it's possible to make a come back after such losses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #109 on: February 21, 2014, 04:33:05 pm »

I do love to see that the game is starting to generate interesting stories like that. Thanks for reporting the typo, I just finished uploading a small release, fixing it and working some other things.

Thanks for the new release. I've been playing this pretty much and I haven't encountered any crashes so far. I enjoy the new content. My previous suggestions still stand though, regarding wastelands and such. Plus I think there should be some synergy between renascents, factions, units and territories. So, for example, that having Alcrousse as an ally would give some power over House of his and the associated territory, plus the troops belonging to him. I know this would be hard to balance, though.

I did make a note about the wastelands, and I've been considering a few options. The one I like the most for now is allowing the repair of territories in some way before they are completely destroyed. This should give players more options and also allow me to add fun stuff in wastelands.

Synergy between wide-ranging elements, on the other hand, is more problematic because of the balance and also because everything would have to be revised almost each time new content is added.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #110 on: February 21, 2014, 04:46:56 pm »

I got a good laugh at my partner, that was female on another run, she apparently liked to rant and complain about everything, throw insult at everyone or even question my sexuality because i wouldn't try to seduce her :D

At some point i managed to get a part of the item (in my game it was a piece of a sword) from a territory i got some G-Men squad to conquer for me, i needed to examine the object but i decided to assign the task that very noisy partner.

I don't know if she missed the roll, but along her usual conspiracy theroy rant she claimed that it was a part of a giant bomb waiting to explode, making everyone sleeping unwell in my domain.

She's really something :D


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #111 on: February 22, 2014, 07:05:18 pm »

I've been playing this game, and I quite like it.

An observation on Wastelands:
They're only lost to the player.  The opposing faction seems to used a single wasteland as the staging point for one of it's unit, although that may only happen with territory that I lost to the opposing faction and was destroyed in that loss.

I actually view the game as much like Liberal Crime Squad: There are two factions, the player and the opposing faction, who play by different but relatively equal rules.  Essentially, in both games the player is the insurgent and the opposing faction is the establishment.  So while the establishment has more stuff, they don't have the central control of the player.

I also see the lobbies as "mostly neutral".  They generally attend to their own affairs, and only once one faction's lobbies get a superior position do things start turning for one faction.  And truthfully, whether or not a faction's lobbies work together seems more based on similarities in interest rather than any overriding goal.

Am I the only once who thinks the game is geared for towards killing off all opposing colonists rather than bringing more colonists to my side?

EDIT: Also found out that there is a cap of five ongoing projects.
EDIT2: Either colonial population is random between eras, or it's affected by the artifact of the previous age.  Probably random.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #112 on: February 22, 2014, 08:17:00 pm »

So... giving this a try after awhile.

All my what:
Abilities: Telling people's clothes sizes, Playing an obscure collectible card game, Removing stickers without breaking them, Calligraphy, Putting clothes on really fast, Pointing other people's errors, and Giving backrubs.

Suggestion: Maybe outcasts should have some sort of consistent way to lower weariness?  Else, it is kind of a race to get 100 arkh, before you get randomly attacked by something and fail at hiding...  Cause it is pretty random if you go somewhere that lowers weariness.  Which could also be that some places, you can't make much if any money.
Another thing is to be able to review your fighter's stats when you are asked to hide or confront.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...  This is the truth! This is my belief! ... At least for now...
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #113 on: February 22, 2014, 08:24:25 pm »

So, I sealed an artifact and entered the next age, but the language wasn't clear that I won.  It seems more like I didn't lose.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #114 on: February 22, 2014, 10:16:08 pm »

From my current and long governor run (managed to gather 10 pieces for now) it seems that the decoys are more efficient than the barricades at keeping your fortress safe.

When a monster come it's not unusual for it to destroy nearly all the walls if you decide to use them instead of the decoys, letting you with not enough percentage (and repair project are only improving it very few) to have it resisting another monster.
Not a problem when it's a weak one that your troops will annihilate in actual combat, but when it's the the Terror from the Deep , that's your fortress that's going to be lost.

While the decoys are losing fewer percentage, and so you can then repair them reasonnably enough for the next monster in line, i managed to fend off even the Terror from the Deep with the decoys after having been besieged a turn before by another monster.

And don't let you or your companion weariness building up too much, be sure they're standing by instead of training each week when you see they have high weariness to lose some, they're important to help with the item recover and with weariness they're going to lose most of their rolls.
But weariness only go down little by little, for my 100 INT companion that reached more than 100 weariness after me overusing him in the item retrieval  it took my character a lot of weeks to get him into managable levels.
The good side is that he sometime wanted to debate with me, and during those debates sometime your own INT can increase

I couldn't stop laughing at the guys that were owning one of the part of the item, they wanted to play the item at a tabletop wargame with my team, at some point tension escalated between the groups and trying to calm them down i got knocked out with some rulebook :D
That's some hardcore tabletop wargaming there :D
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 10:24:07 pm by Robsoie »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #115 on: February 23, 2014, 01:36:25 am »

I've found the same with decoys vs. barriers.  Generally, most scary monsters have greater resistance than intelligence.  Although, if you're playing as the Influence, then some of the human order troops have more intelligence than resistance, plus big guns.

Special forces vs. Monsters, basically.

Decoys also make more sense for two other reasons:
1) Minor, but decoy uses intelligence to make, which free partners have in abundance, whereas barriers take resistance, which is generally found in the more-expensive (more expensive than free and no upkeep, anyways) leased or owned units.  Although prisoners are a good workaround, having prisoners attracts even more attacks.
2) Major, the very purpose of intelligence vs. resistance in battle.  Barriers deflect low resistance units, but since resistance is hitpoints, low resistance characters are usually easier to beat in combat anyways.  Decoys deflect low intelligence units, but since intelligence only determines battle advantage (it can essentially reduce enemy hitpoints, although it might affect how a unit actually fights in combat), high levels don't necessarily make a unit dangerous in combat, at least not in the clear way that resistance does.

The easiest way to quest successfully (in my opinion) is to have one big unit that can win most fights and the other six characters as companions, although I can see logic in going all companions + tons of Decoys.  Multiple high-intelligence characters do a better job carrying the load than one, especially since you can only use each companion once per artifact piece search.  Plus the other stats are vital, such as resistance, terror (although I usually had to use a merit on terror rolls, even with the painter guy that makes everyone insane), and mobility.  I've also occasionally seen combat attributes (short medium long range attack values, short range most often because of the arena territories in my personal experience) pop up.

I'm curious if any attributes increase the number of spontaneous actions from units.  Observation seems to rule out any specific stats and favor the hypothesis that only some units have spontaneous actions programmed, thus only some conduct spontaneous action.  I'm still wondering if experience factors into it, but I don't have enough research to support that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #116 on: February 23, 2014, 03:08:30 am »

This looks pretty neat.

I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
Jizzar sounds some kinda celestial object made of jizz~
Like a quasar or something~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #117 on: February 23, 2014, 04:04:44 am »

This looks pretty neat.

I'll give it a try and see how it goes.

It's hard.
I am surrounded by flesh and bone, I am a temple of living. Maybe I'll maybe my life away.

Santorum leaves a bad taste in my mouth,
Card-carrying Liberaltarian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #118 on: February 23, 2014, 05:31:36 am »

After losing one of my renascent allies to a vicious hatchet mauling, I can agree to that.
Jizzar sounds some kinda celestial object made of jizz~
Like a quasar or something~


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: Anamnesis, text-based RPG TBS awesomeness!
« Reply #119 on: February 23, 2014, 12:33:49 pm »

Since some time, when i click on the screen during a text that require me to click to display more, from time to time i have the log page popping up (as if i clicked on Log button), i have to click on the return button to get back to the text.

edit with a minor display problem : as i just managed to complete the game after collecting every parts of the item and sealing it away (as none of my companions or myself had a terror high enough to success in the "remove the retrovirus" action from the rest menu) , on the endgame message i noticed the buttons were over the text

« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 12:56:12 pm by Robsoie »
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