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Author Topic: Fallout: Equestria (v0.30c) Pinkie Pie is Watching  (Read 490407 times)


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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #300 on: December 02, 2012, 07:44:27 pm »

Make sure he's carrying a riot shield, otherwise he'll be burned by his own flames.
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #301 on: December 02, 2012, 07:44:50 pm »

1) Ponies don't have cave adaptation.
2) They can't go without clothes, they need shoes and a shirt.

They can be cave adapted, but I don't think it'll cause vomiting.


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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #302 on: December 02, 2012, 07:57:10 pm »

My fort continues. Man, those dogs and ghouls are brutal. I got some more migrants, but nopony suited for the militia. Besides, making armour and weapons takes me some time, but at least I have finally some steel from ore I brought on embark. I'm making security barding, security helmets, security boots and matchettes. This should work fine. Unfortunately my Weapon / Armoursmith died, so I'll get only normal quality.

Extra Caps started a brawl with Dishes, killed him, calmed down and went on a meeting with Fleur. He has been waiting for months so far. She worked during that time, mostly mining, but he is very persistent.

A caravan of wastelanders visited, killed a ghoul, chickened out and went home. I didn't get to trade with them.

Radrats stole most of my food. I moved what's left underground. "Luckilly" feral dogs left me some meat and tallow and I still have alcohol. Seeds are becoming a problem, though. For some reason I can't cook them.

Caduceus, my doctor / hunter shot a dog with a BB gun so hard, that his teeth scattered around like confetti.

Two unicorn ghouls came to my camp, killed a feral dog, killed Caduceus, then chased away some ponies. Caduceus was my best hope for a working hospital.

I brought two toolsets on embark, built a Salvage Yard, Supply Depot (opens crates) and Workbench (works with electronics) and still have the toolsets. They don't appear to be useful for anything so far.

Scrap metal appears to be ore of some kind. I think it produces various metals, but mostly copper. I think I can make brass directly from it, which is good. I may be able to make some pellets eventually.

Giving ponies their own rooms (a bed with 3x3 room and no walls around it) calmed most of them down. So did making coffins, I think.

I'll play on, I guess :)

« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 01:39:41 am by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #303 on: December 02, 2012, 08:18:51 pm »

Ghouls are actually weaker and slower than the average pony...but they can't feel pain or get tired, and often show up in numbers. Glowing ghouls are dangerous, as their radiation bursts severely weaken ponies caught by it.

Seeds are uncookable for the time being, as that would result in an easy (and unreasonable) source of food.

Toolkits are used for opening advanced crates, crafting various weapons and technologies at the workbench, and a variety of other things. I suggest looking through the lists of reactions in the workbench and checking out their reagents, as well as the components for many of the new buildings in the workshop list. They're all neatly labeled, and should help you figure out what to do with the components you find in your crates. Gradually you'll find the right parts to build computer terminals at the workbench, which are themselves used to build several other buildings, each of which has its own set of reactions that require unique components. All of the workshops are described in some way or form on the first page. Eventually, you be able to do things such as upgrading robots at the RobronCo maintenance station, training pre-war skills at the Stable-Tec terminal, outfitting battle saddles at the armory, manufacturing chainsaw rifles at the gunsmith's forge, and many other advancements that will ensure your eventual prosperity in the wastes.

That is, if you survive first... ;)
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”

Crazy Cow

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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #304 on: December 02, 2012, 08:30:45 pm »

The raiders attacked for the first time and were destroyed. Six sawponies in the squad; a gunner shot one through the neck and spine the moment he saw them. Four stepped on my weapon traps and died instantly (barbed wirex3 in all of them, absolutely brutal), and the last two were torn up by my swordsponies.

My military is six strong; three legendary swordsponies (star metal barding, steel helm/boots/shield/machete, war dog), two expert gunners (leather barding, steel combat rifle) and one experimental flamer (star metal barding, steel helm/boots/shield). Here's a shot of my entrance, sans most of the blood, gore and spare bits:

And for your pleasure, one of the poor sods who tried to crawl away through the barbed wire:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #305 on: December 02, 2012, 08:32:38 pm »

Personally, I would change some names: "Chainsaw" to "Ripper" and "Nurse Redheart" to "Autodoc".

If this fort falls, there is always then next one. Still, I should get by. I'm just always slow and not much good at making an army. In my first forts I used migrants to make crossbow ponies and they kept using my bolts for training. I needed plenty of coffins.

Crazy Cow, thanks for telling what's barbed wire for. I have lots of it.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 08:34:11 pm by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
Dropbox referral


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #306 on: December 02, 2012, 08:40:52 pm »

There's already a ripper; it uses the knife skill and is built from a combat knife, wiring, spark battery, mechanism, and chain. The chainsaw itself is uses the axe skill and is made from a hacksaw and similar components. Both are made at the workbench.

Nurse Redheart is more of a's not actually as effective as the Autodoc was in Fallout. You still need doctors to diagnose the patient and perform any necessary surgical procedures. The Nurse Redheart keeps them alive in the meantime and speeds up their recovery.

Ranged weapons training is easier, at least. BB pellets are cheap to make, and don't do much damage, so your gunners can spend their days shooting at some poor raider trapped behind fortifications. :)

Edit: Nice Crazy Cow. :) Are the slave ponies proving helpful in your expansion?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 08:48:13 pm by Lycaeon »
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”

Bacon Pants

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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #307 on: December 02, 2012, 09:11:27 pm »

Well shit. My fort finally fell.... sort of.

I was having a pretty decent set-up going on. I was sitting on more silver than I could dream of and I think I created a new holiday because most ponies would go to sleep and then wake up to find five new silver armor racks cluttering up their room, and a tin coffer just to add some flavor. In all, happiness was rather high, even though I was going through a starvation epidemic... even though I had stockpiles of prepared brahmin gullet stinking up the place.

Turns out that if you go into a bed in a designated hospital with three ponies dedicated to healthcare-related tasks, you might as well start opening some important blood vessels, because my ponies avoided feeding any patients like they had the plague, even though his only injury was a broken leg. So all of my patients starved to death, except for a pony named Beard, he passed out just outside the main courtyard and was pecked to death by some buzzards.

After about a month of fairly calm, but still pretty damn shaky, problems, I get the wave of thieves. After killing off five petty crooks, three snatchers jump out of nowhere and smash two of my turrets and decommission my militia commander. I kill them off, only to be greeted by a wave of both thieves AND snatchers, then out of nowhere:

An ambush! Curse them!

I gear up my troops to fight them. A couple spear ponies, nothing too bad.

An ambush! Curse them!

Maceponies. Shit. I'm fazed, but I keep cool and split my forces. A fairly decent battle rages on on two fronts, a few soldiers are lost, but I'm still-

An ambush! Curse them!

Are you kidding me! I was doing fine against the spears, so I send them to deal with... Gunners... fuck everything. Thankfully, I draft a nearby miner with no experience whatsoever and he gets into a martial stance and cracks half of those fuckers down, only to be stung by a stray black radscorpion.

After a brutal three-front war (and I wasn't as lucky this time, two groups bunched into a death ball and smashed right through just about anything, eventually colliding with my turret wall, and eventually pulling back for round two) I managed to beat the fuckers back and gazed on as my group of inexperienced conscripts make the final raider choke on his friend's broken teeth as an 8 year old filly "lodges firmly into the wound" an iron sledgehammer.

So, it seemed pretty bad in all. We were fairly beaten, down to 17 of my original 40, but we kept on. I think this would be a good less-

An ambush! Curse them!

.......I give up! I conscript every pony I got to take on swordsponies with full shields/armor/weapondry and I watch as the last of the tiles that weren't red, white or green with blood, icor or vomit turn not-not red, white or green.

In the end, I had nine ponies walk away from that bloody battle. Right now, I have five as I type this: two foals, a heavily injured slave, a melancholy-stricken engraver, and the Hero of Breachtower, Morning Riverruler Angeltwist Wavy (he put a ring on it... many times), who bascially was the only person to fight in the last ambush, everyone else was too injured to walk (gotta love martial trances). I don't think I'll abandon quite yet. I'm banking on the fact that some migrants are well overdue, but I have a smidgen of hope.

Just thought I'd let you guys know of this interesting tale. Time to see what a 36 year old war hero, who lost all of his bloodline in under a year, can really do with a fortress infested with ghosts, vermin, and lots of vomit. So much vomit!
When in doubt, BLAME THE TITANS!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #308 on: December 02, 2012, 09:22:57 pm »

Unfortunate, Bacon, but pretty entertaining all the same. :)

I'm concerned about the lack of hospital feeding/water...those ponies were exclusively assigned to give food/water to patients, with no other activated labors, right? Has anyone else seen this problem or have any problems with healthcare? You may need to deconstruct and reconstruct the bed and have the healthcare workers recover wounded and bring them back to the beds.
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”

Bacon Pants

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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #309 on: December 02, 2012, 09:36:25 pm »

Eh, it was all for the best I guess. Anyways, this lucky bastard might actually make it if nobody invades until the next migrant wave, because this stubborn likes to do two things: meditate and mine. And there's more than enough military rations to last one single pony quite a bit...

Is it me or does this sound ever-so-subtly like a zombie apocalypse? Think about it.
When in doubt, BLAME THE TITANS!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #310 on: December 02, 2012, 09:52:15 pm »

Eh, it was all for the best I guess. Anyways, this lucky bastard might actually make it if nobody invades until the next migrant wave, because this stubborn likes to do two things: meditate and mine. And there's more than enough military rations to last one single pony quite a bit...

Is it me or does this sound ever-so-subtly like a zombie apocalypse? Think about it.

Zombie apocalypse, ghoul apocalypse, raider apocalypse, there all the same. :P
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.

Crazy Cow

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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #311 on: December 02, 2012, 10:01:16 pm »

Edit: Nice Crazy Cow. :) Are the slave ponies proving helpful in your expansion?

Indispensably so. An extra five sets of hooves is making everything faster and smoother.
As for healthcare, I have run into all of zero problems. I've had several ponies in the hospital for broken bones and such over the course of the game and never have I had them die on me for lack of attention. Did you do something funky in the 'o'rders screen, Bacon Pants?

Bacon Pants

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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #312 on: December 02, 2012, 10:12:19 pm »

Not that I could really tell. I'd delve deeper into what screwed me in the end, but I'm tired as all hell. Night.
When in doubt, BLAME THE TITANS!

Crazy Cow

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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #313 on: December 02, 2012, 10:31:45 pm »

Root Pinebrush, mud pony Flamer, has engaged his first opponents: a trio of black radscorpions.
All three dead with machine-like precision. Bam, bam, bam: three dead bodies which were quickly reduced to ash. It was beautiful. Root may be a mud pony, but his skill in combat comes close to that of a unicorn.

The second anniversary of our reclamation project has come. I think that, in order to celebrate the occasion, I'm going to put some effort into making rooms for everyone.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 11:33:10 pm by Crazy Cow »


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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88 beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #314 on: December 02, 2012, 11:51:06 pm »

So, found an interesting embark.  I like embarking on peninsulas and/or places that are cut off by rivers.  So imagine my smile when I find a peninsula with a river across the base.  I've seen a few like this, and they always have a little bit of room between the river and the lake.  Except this one.  It looks to be a major river (40+ squares across), and I am stuck in a little corner instead of in the middle of a nice secure bit of land.  I start wondering how to build a bridge across it... then realize I could do a tunnel instead.  Hopefully I get everything set up on the other side before anything nasty shows up.  I am enjoying the new ways evil and savage areas work.  Little bits of good salvage scattered among the angry dogs and radscorpions... and occasional ghouls.


So, don't mess with giant radscorpions.  My stable is still alive, thanks in large part to being on a different corner as this giant radscorpion who has been destroying every ghoul that tries to mess with it.  Taking on groups that include glowing ones and kicking ass and taking names.  I really hope I can get sealed off on my island quickly, before ghouls or giant radscorpions show up on my corner.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 12:27:16 am by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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