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Author Topic: Fallout: Equestria (v0.30c) Pinkie Pie is Watching  (Read 501080 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #600 on: December 14, 2012, 08:11:54 pm »

For enemies in cages, I typically disarm them and let them out for military practice, either in an arena or behind some fortifications for gunners.

Regardless of the Khan's fate on the Fallout canon, the buffalo themselves haven't played a role in FoE either, so if they're in I'd rather link them to something Fallout-based, and the Khans make a good candidate. They're not going to be implemented anytime soon though.

I've changed the feral dog tag to [PET_EXOTIC] rather than [PET], as I think that's what's causing them to overbreed into the hundreds in some biomes. Black radscorpions are also spawning more than they should, but they're a bit more manageable than waves of feral dogs.

P(ony)SI: Love the artwork! I concur with Crazy Cow on commending the artist.

Minigun and flamethrower turrets only target dangerous enemies like radscorpions or hostile ponies. Minor wildlife like radrats, radroaches, and bloatsprites pass under their radar undetected. This is the same for battle saddles; ponies won't waste ammo on insignificant targets. Ordinary security turrets should shoot at them though...let me know if this isn't the case.

I think I have a good concept for power armor; it'll remain as wearable armor, but with each suit will come a under-armor upgrade potion that will provide the drinker with the power armor bonuses like minor radiation protection, enhanced strength, etc (Kind of like the recon armor worn by Brotherhood of Steel knights). Ponies who haven't taken the drink can still wear the power armor, but won't be very effective with it. Think of it as the Power Armor Training perk.

Steel rangers will wear power armor as part of their creature.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 08:16:40 pm by Lycaeon »
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #601 on: December 14, 2012, 08:38:10 pm »

My fort continues.

Bloody Steak, Evening Talks and Laurel get to be the new hammer squad. The chainsaw and ripper squads did quite a bit of sparring and in a year or so should be able to survive a real combat.

A few Steel Ranger Scouts pop up, shoot and flee.

  A caravan arrives and shortly afterwards there is another Steel Ranger ambush. The entrance isn't ready yet. Everypony is recalled inside and the traders are on their own. They race the Rangers towards the gate. Or rather the Traders race and the Rangers shoot miniguns at them. The caravan guards engage. While most ponies don't waste time in getting to safety, the soldiers are still having demonstrations or are picking up equipment. I order them to move inside. The caravan guards die quickly. Bloody Steak decides to disobey the order and charge the Rangers with a Kinetic Sledgehammer, shield and one boot. He is relieved from command for his stupidity, reconsiders and runs back to safety.
  The last of the melee guards buy the caravan some time, while the three gunner guards shoot the Power Armours with BB guns. A few Rangers are stunned, or get minor wounds. The BB guns are answered with miniguns... with predictable results. The traders with wagons make it inside, but those with brahmins spread out and run away.
  Three of the Rangers chase what's left of the traders around, while their leader and one lackey go inside and... they have [TRAPAVOID]? Not fair! How the heck can they be so nimble in those bulky armours? I wanted to capture and strip them, ugh. It seems that whenever I think of a way to cheese in this mod, you're a step ahead of me. Well, I have one final plan for The Rangers, but it requires a ridiculous amount of bronze menacing spikes, so I need to find magma first. 
  The Rangers roam free to wreck stuff and kill the remaining traders. I'm going to build another large door, encompassing the depot, so in the future we can still trade if something like this happens. Meanwhile Warm Smile is taken by a fey mood.
  Laurel and Evening talks somehow managed to get stranded outside and is so wounded that the Rangers don't even bother finishing them off. Oh well, the newbie soldiers die often. Some of the Rangers turn out to be quite severely wounded, but what do I have to throw at them? Two glass cannons, one blind and one semi-competent gunner and a bunch of newbie melee ponies. Even if this goes our way, there will be dead and wounded. Opening the gate is simply not worth the risk.

Fleur finally finds the time to talk to the diplomat. Ten combat rifles are ordered from the forges, but not all are made. They are surprisingly made out of steel and two ot them are above average quality. My Armourers are legendary, but my weapon smiths are beginners. Oh, and there aren't enough chainsaws and Rippers for the rifles I want my soldiers to get.

Warm Smile has made a perfect tsavorite(I2). Whatever that is. She is now a Legendary + 4 gem setter.

Fishing Rod and File Cabinet are told to train Armouring at the terminal. At least this won't waste any metal. A training session nest 5 XP. Meh. I may try later, but my hypothesis for now is that to gain good XP you have to make items that have quality.

Trigger Happy is outside, but... how? The door is locked. He has no wounds, but no ammo either, and his armour lacks boots and helmet. Looks like another good soldier is going to die. The Steel Rangers are inside and camping the Trade Depot.

Once the depot is destroyed (again), what's left of the trader wagons leaves and the Rangers proceed to wreck the barracks and the outer layers of the door. Trigger Happy tries to go inside, so I tell his squad to station where he is unlikely to meet the Rangers. He picks a few bullets and goes to "pickup equipment"... right to where the Rangers are. He fires three bullets, but they fire back, rendering him unconscious. He wakes up and the shooting continues. Amazingly, Trigger's rifle shots pierce the Power Armour. It may have something to do with him having steel ammunition. A headshot even knocks one of the Rangers unconscious.

Trigger Happy wounds another Ranger and the one shot in the head is still unconscious, but eventually he runs out of bullets and luck. After the Rangers are done wrecking the barracks, two of them charge past him, to wreck some doors. This may be a chance to recover the wounded. The two hammer soldiers are recovered, and Trigger Happy kills the unconscious Ranger. Then he naps on the floor, while the two remaining Rangers wreck the door to the trash compactor. This might be the tactics against them: give them some doors or a statue to damage and send the shooters to snipe them. Or drop a boat on them. Or perhaps a bridge. After some fiddling with the burrows, all three soldiers are recovered. The Stable Door gets quickly closed again.

Lauerel and Evening Talks are in the hospital and seem bugged. They occupied the same spot until I de-constructed the bed under them. Afterwards one was moved to another spot and may be saved. The other just stands there with "No job". I think the problem may be that they were both lying wounded in the same spot and both were taken to the hospital at the same time, by the same pony. This is the second time this happened.

The remaining Steel Rangers come back to wreck the outer layers of the vault doors. I let them.

I make the squad of Short Bursts inactive and tell her to install a Pipbuck. She just ignores it and does individual combat drill. (( I really hope SATS shows up in pony's description. I want to know if it was installed or cancelled or failed once the job disappears from the terminal. ))

  Just as the jobs inside get done and there are idlers, the Rangers leave. Good, now we can go outside and finish the gate. Just when the ponies go outside the wall, the last Steel Ranger appears and wounds Hive, the best plant gatherer. Civilians are ordered inside again. The Ranger rushes after them, so the lever is pulled again. Hive is wounded outside, while Apple Leaf is caught outside too. He fights with the Ranger. You know what? I'm tired of this. It is time we take the fight to the enemy! The door is open and all soldiers told to engage. If we can't take on one Steel Raider with what we've got, what chance do we have in the long run?
  The Ranger wounds Apple Leaf and... leaves? No, he goes outside, but comes back when Apple Leaf regains consciousness. After knocking Apple Leaf unconscious again, the invader heads straight for the now opened entrance. He knows that the door may close at any time and that he will be rewarded if he manages to kill us. It is on! The Ranger manages to wound Library Card in the leg, but is pressed by our Security: Brass, Strong Hoof, Bloody Steak and a Protectorpony chase him around, while the rifle soldiers provide covering fire. The Ranger accumulates wounds quickly and is taken down without inflicting any more harm on anypony. He leaves an iron chainsaw, steel power armour and an iron power armour helmet. The secret to fighting them might be overwhelming numbers. In any case, the ponies can go outside now. A victory!

Ah, I need Mechanics enabled to install SATS.

I have no idea how to replicate this, but Short Bursts took restocking on ammo to her heart. She has 12 recycled medium bullets and 5 stacks of 28 bullets. Once she gets that SATS and some defensive skills, she can just stand behind some meat shields and shoot without danger of running dry. Perhaps he should get Power Armour and a minigun once she installs SATS. Another good candidate is Brass, but he got so good with shields that he doesn't  even learn dodge from sparring.

A thief wounds Plow and runs away. We may need more beds at the hospital. An Earth Pony Elite Operative makes it inside the camp. Maybe the military should protect the workers? The Operative runs away. A raider tries to make it inside, but is caught by a cage trap. Lol. Another Ranger scout appears, wounds two ponies and runs away. An another. One of them even manages to sneak in the middle of the camp. Soldiers are told to go outside and deal with the problem. Jumpsuit is shot at by another one of them. Another one appears. Civilians are ordered inside. The military is told to engage. One of the scouts is wounded by a bighorner, but another Scout joins the fight and the bighorner soon dies. Compost gets wounded, but a Protectorpony clashes with them and distracts them.

While the protectorpony gets damaged by the wounded Scout, Brass joins the fray. After a few slashes with his =steel chainsaw= (And where the hay did he get it? Did recharging a chainsaw bump it's quality, or what?) Brass finishes the enemy with a buck to the head. He and the protectorpony engage the last enemy, before the rest of the troops even manage to show up. Another Ranger comes to the gate, but quickly runs away.
Brass fights the last remaining Scout and wounds him, but is stunned in return. The fight is joined by Bloody Pike and later Short Bursts. Bloody Pike kills the Ranger by hitting him in the head with the handle of his steel ripper.

What do you know, our melee guys seem ready. Well, except for the Sledgehammer squad that died. So that's it, civilians can go outside again, and the military is moved to train in the middle of the compound... An ambush, curse them!. Steel Rangers again. You know the drill: everypony inside.

The Rangers Follow some wasteland pony, who falls into one of my traps. Marble Statue is still wounded outside, but it is too late to carry him to the hospital now. Another Wastelander leads in a second Steel Ranger ambush. I'm not coming out now, except maybe just behind the gate to recover Compost. Marble Statue and some animals get killed by minigun fire, but otherwise the Rangers mostly mill around. Or rather one squad of them chases Jumpsuit around and the other just stands around the caged wastelander.

Jumpsuit is killed and a third squad of Steel Rangers comes along. Apparently what I thought to be wastelanders were their leaders. All three got captured in cages and the Rangers just walk around them, unsure what to do.

Short Bursts goes about installing SATS. Wow, he is slow. Inspection of his equipemnt reveals that Bronze Combat Armour weights 159. I check the other items and *Bronze Security Barding* weights 95, while a copper power armour 277. Those armours are very heavy, but the weight is probably worth the protection. It will slow the soldiers down a lot, though, especially gunners who don't train much strength. There was some kind of explosion at the terminal, but otherwise nothing happened. There was no announcement, and Short Bursts description hasn't changed. I'll try again.

Some migrants have arrived despite the danger. Well, sucks for them, but at least they are bugged and one of them stands on the edge of the map, far away from the Rangers. By the time he dies of dehydration, they might actually leave. I suppose this could be explained by migrants noticing the Rangers and deciding to retreat and wait it out, rather than take risks.

With all the wounded ponies in the hospital... Splint decides to attend a party. The number of idlers is increasing. I may start prospecting rocks after all... Or maybe just move some stockpiles around. Let's start with furniture.

Another ghost appears, probably from one of the dead traders. A slab is engraved for him. Meanwhile the new catacombs are finished and ready to be filled with coffins. The migrants decide to take their chances with the Rangers. It ends badly, but none have useful skills anyway.

Hm, another explosion when installing a pipbuck and... nothing. No announcement and Short Burst's description is still the same. I'll try again... Short Bursts was taken by a fey mood. she claims a mechanic's workshop, which was probably triggered by experience from trying to install those pip-bucks. This is useless as I want her to be a soldier anyway.

Trueblood joins Brasses squad. Hopefully this won't slow down their training much. Short Bursts needs rough gems. Too bad all were carved into spell gems and lenses. Additional room in the marble layer gets commissioned.

We prospect some more rocks and hematite is found as well as some gems.

Evening Talks dies of thirst. Well, she was bugged.

Short Bursts made a mechanism. He is now a Grand Master Mechanic and goes on a break. Maybe he will install SATS with his newfound skills. Oh, there's another ghostly merchant. I engrave a slab and order more slabs.

A few wolves get caught in our cages. The rangers leave and the hospital is emptied. A caravan arrives, but they bring no wagons, because the depot isn't ready yet.

Tasty scraps tries to tame the first wolf with some buzzard meat. He is watched over by a protectorpony. A foalsnatcher appears and is chased away by robots. The wolf isn't tamed. Tasty Scraps tries again.

A slaver ambush comes along before any of the important work is done... again. They have chainsaws. The military is stationed outside, while civilians ordered inside. Hopefully cage traps will thin out the invaders. Brass rushes into melee, while Short Bursts provides fire support. Too bad he didn't install that SATS. Short Bursts wounds them, so they drop unconscious and Brasses kills them with his =Steel Chainsaw=, leaving bloody smears They are destroyed in no time. A major victory! More soldiers join the fight and finish the last one.

Another ambush, this time slavers with revolvers. One has steel ammo. This is risky, but the soldiers engage. The slavers focus on a Sprite-bot, so the security can approach safely. Stronghoof is the first to arrive this time. He blocks some bullets and rips one of the slavers, than attacks another and claims the first victim of this clash. The fight is soon joined by Bloody Steak, Apple Leaf and Brass. Apple Pie shots in the melee from afar. The Sprite-bot is out of commission, but it served its purpose. Otherwise there aren't even any wounded. The last of them tries to escape, but Strong Hoof catches up to him.

One of the wolves is -trained-. Too bad I don't have feral dogs, woolfies are tame and the dogs rage. In any case the wolf is trained for war.

The depot finally gets rebuilt and the traders arrive. They have some salvage, wood, tough chitin and food. What we need is worth 1500, so we give the traders a big profit as a small compensation for not defending previous caravans. They leave happy.

A wolf has reverted to a wild state. That's OK, they are all still in their cages.

Eight migrants arrive despite the danger. There is a miner, a farmer a clothesmaker and a mechanic among them. Things are looking up. Well, unless more Steel Rangers come. Once the surface is manageable, the soldiers are ready for cavern exploration. Oh, and the gate got finished, but I haven't tested the bridges yet. Maybe I should add another one to close off the long route.


Can you please make the Pipbuck reaction either 100% or pause the game when successful? Or change the description of the pony? I get tons of announcement spam and would hate to waste a pipbuck by missing an announcement and installing another SATS after one was successful.

All the bows and ladles in crates are a bif confusing, but maybe you could include normal toys and crafts in civilian crates instead? That way we will know what they are and that they are useless.

Training programs for the military have good in-fluff names, that are nonetheless confusing. You could change them to "Marksponyship (Archery)", "Gunnery (Crossbows)" and "Sniping (Bows)". That last one is useless in this mod AFAIK, so maybe remove it entirely.

Pressing oil out of Synth-Reeds produces useless "seeds" that aren't stored in the seed stockpile and aren't planted.

I haven't been successful in building a chainsaw in 0.88. You said it requires a mechanism, but AFAIK it doesn't and instead wants this: [REAGENT:E:1:TRAPPARTS:NONE:NONE:NONE][REACTION_CLASS:WEAPON_METAL] Whatever that is.

So, the minigun turrets won't detect or shoot minor enemies at all and I need to mix in some normal ones? Meh, I should still get either a battle saddle or a turret and maybe a flamer turret for the gate. I can buy more turrets, but upgrades need lots of gunpowder and steel, which I have few of.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:13:30 am by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #602 on: December 14, 2012, 09:13:48 pm »

Steel Rangers have TRAPAVOID so they can't simply be neutralized with a couple of cheap cage traps. They're not supposed to be fast though...I'll lower their speed in the next update.

The (I2) tells the gem type (That one's a high-quality illusion gem) so you'll know which rough gems are required by which lens or hologem cutting reactions.

SATS doesn't show up in the pony's description (I'm working on a way to fix this), but you do get a reports announcement and a flashing pony if installation is successful. SATS in its current form is only used by ponies in close range combat.

Crates don't yield bowls or ladles (Those only come from salvage, and I've lowered their frequency for 0.88e).

I'll keep fluff names as is for now, and sniping/marksponyship (bows) is used by anti-machine rifles.

Good catch on the synth-reed oil...I forgot to make a name change in the reaction, so I fixed it for the next version.

WEAPON_METAL means the TRAPPARTS (mechanism) has to be made of a weapon-class metal like iron or bronze. It should be in the reagents list when you check the reaction in the workbench.

Much enjoyed the narrative as always Maklak. Thank you. :)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 09:23:05 pm by Lycaeon »
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #603 on: December 14, 2012, 09:39:41 pm »

Steel Ranger Scouts are pretty fast. Their Power Armour versions are about average speed. Oh, and they aren't wearing Power Armour boots, but I believe the goblins have the same problem. I just didn't expect them to have TRAPAVOID. Their squad leaders didn't have it, though.

Good to know about SATS. In that case Brass and Stronghoof are the best candidates for it.

Good to know about AMR's too. I already have one and was waiting for another to give them to my best gunners. You saved me a nasty surprise. This still sucks for me, though. If I don't want to train by burning expensive ammo, the only option is a Stable-tec terminal. Well, it is time to build a second anyway and I have the parts.

Up until today I didn't know mechanisms could be made out of metal, just rock. Good to know, with a magma or prismatic forge the process would actually be more efficient than using rocks.

You haven't clarified this:
> > So, the minigun turrets won't detect or shoot minor enemies at all and I need to mix in some normal ones? Meh, I should still get either a battle saddle or a turret and maybe a flamer turret for the gate. I can buy more turrets, but upgrades need lots of gunpowder and steel, which I have few of. I thought a turret keeps it's normal attack, but can switch over to its primary weapon if the need arises.

Would a minigun battle saddle be best used on a melee pony too? The Steel Rangers all seem to have chainsaws, rippers and kinetic sledgehammers.

Speaking of "Kinetic Sledgehammers", I think they should be renamed to "Super Sledge."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 09:44:50 pm by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #604 on: December 14, 2012, 09:43:08 pm »

My normal turrets will shoot bloatsprites and radroaches, but not the rats.  I think it's something similar to ponies/dwarfs not going nuts on racoons and other "nice" critters that like to wander in.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #605 on: December 14, 2012, 09:47:07 pm »

Well, if I have trouble with "nice" creature wandering in, I'll consider replacing the first row of cage traps with barbed wire traps. They can even kill radscorpions.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #606 on: December 14, 2012, 09:57:54 pm »

Yes Maklak, minor enemies including feral dogs, bloatsprites, radrats, and other generally non-dangerous creatures that a single armored melee pony can handle won't be targeted by miniguns or flamethrowers.

Battle saddle ponies will rush into battle when reloading, unless they're in a ranged squad. Miniguns are actually more effective close up, so I would suggest them for melee ponies, unless you want to make a fortification-lined killing hall (They'll shoot through fortifications).

Super sledges were called kinetic sledgehammers in FoE.

Khenal: It's the [BENIGN] tag that does it...I've removed it from radrats for the next update. Thanks for pointing that out.
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #607 on: December 14, 2012, 10:25:03 pm »

Let me rephrase the question. If I were to upgrade a turret and place it in an isolated room, with a bunch of feral dogs in-lever operated cages, then pull the lever, it would just do nothing and get owned, correct? I wouldn't ever use it's normal small calibre bullet attacks? Also, do upgraded turrets loose some of their observation?
If the answer to any of those questions is "yes", then turret nests should have at least one or two normal ones to scare away animals. I thought I could just place a network of turret towers with one minigun turret each, but it is now evident that those nests should have 4 turrets each: minigun, flamer and 2 normal. That's a lot of turrets. The intent is to spot thieves and ambushes and repel  all minor threats.

Do minigun soldiers shoot through fortifications when they aren't adjacent to them?

Since I can't mass produce miniguns due to lack of iron ore and saltpetre on the map, I'll try to use them most effectively. At the moment I don't have a schematics and can only make one, so either Brass or Stronghoof gets it. This also makes giving them chainsaw rifle and ripper rifle, respectively, less useful as the upgraded rifles are weaker in melee then the weapons themselves.

Consider adding Saltperte 2% to rock grinder reaction, regardless if it makes any sense.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #608 on: December 14, 2012, 10:38:42 pm »

Upgraded turrets have steel plating and can make a close-range "push" attack that can bruise and break bones. I know that last part doesn't make sense, but that's how DF works. I wouldn't worry about them. All turrets have the same observation skill, though sprite bots make better sentries for catching ambushes and thieves.

Miniguns need to be adjacent to fortifications to shoot through them. And minigun equipped ponies still need a melee or ranged weapon for when they're reloading.

Saltpeter for the grinding reaction would be nice...I'll add it in.

Edit: I believe flamethrower turrets can attack all enemies though, unlike the flamethrower battle saddle.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 10:41:53 pm by Lycaeon »
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #609 on: December 15, 2012, 05:00:59 am »

"Nice" creatures WILL be targeted however if you harass them with your soldiers.

New packs will begin to show hostility (job cancellations), and get targeted by turrets and robots.
Quote from: tahujdt
I don't know about unicorns, but back in .95, one of my PA soldiers was diagnosed with power armor. I drew a fairly good picture about it, but my science project (a bunny) pissed all over it.
Fallout: Equestria - Index of Stable Reports x Fallout: Equestria - Orange


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #610 on: December 15, 2012, 12:09:28 pm »

On the Buffalo Khans: It's enterly possible for them to be the Buffalo Khanate's for the sake of of quieting the arguments. Large, possibly marauding, and having a distinct culture from the rest of the wastes could have given them the time to evolve into something akin to a genuine force of plain/steppe brahman hide-wearing nomades, and besides, it would be odd if a single large gang got it's own civ.

Edit: I believe flamethrower turrets can attack all enemies though, unlike the flamethrower battle saddle.

They do, as the melted raiders on my vault's doorstep can attest.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #611 on: December 15, 2012, 01:38:32 pm »

The buffolo's could play a bigger role on adventure mode than in Stable Mode.
for instace we can have them as a playeble race.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #612 on: December 15, 2012, 03:02:44 pm »

The prismatic smelter reactions for smelting silver, copper, gold, and iron from ore only output 1 bar each. The other reactions for alloying from ores produce the correct 4 bars per ore.
Is that on purpose? Kinda hurts to make a prismatic smelter and only get 1/4 the bars from my gold nugget stock.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #613 on: December 15, 2012, 04:05:39 pm »

Good point on that Neowulf. I've changed them to 4 bars for the next version.

The steel ranger revamp is complete. Only earth ponies will wear power armor, and will have three varieties; heavy gunners (the most common), demolitions experts with incendiary rockets, and close-quarters combat specialists. Dead rangers will drop power armored corpses that can be salvaged for damaged pieces of power armor, scrap, and ammunition.

Unicorn scribes will occasionally accompany steel ranger patrols, and, being well-versed in pre-war technology, can cast a shutdown spell that will temporarily disable robots. They are otherwise unarmored and rely on the rangers for protection.

Now onto ghoulified stable ponies. The new version will probably be ready in about a week.
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout Equestria: v0.88e beta (Phoebus Graphics)
« Reply #614 on: December 15, 2012, 04:45:54 pm »

Good point on that Neowulf. I've changed them to 4 bars for the next version.

The steel ranger revamp is complete. Only earth ponies will wear power armor, and will have three varieties; heavy gunners (the most common), demolitions experts with incendiary rockets, and close-quarters combat specialists. Dead rangers will drop power armored corpses that can be salvaged for damaged pieces of power armor, scrap, and ammunition.

Unicorn scribes will occasionally accompany steel ranger patrols, and, being well-versed in pre-war technology, can cast a shutdown spell that will temporarily disable robots. They are otherwise unarmored and rely on the rangers for protection.

Now onto ghoulified stable ponies. The new version will probably be ready in about a week.


Also, a idea to spice up the northern area: Crystal Ponies.

Or whats left of them, anyway.

In essance, the crystal empire was bombed, the crystal ponies, rather than being obliterated like they should have, reacted to the whole "balefire" thing like they did with the Crystal Heart's wave.

Basicly, think of transparent Glowing Ones, with the physical qualities of rock and probably with "sharper" (more deadly) bites and hooves where they have chipped from wandering blindly around in the north. "Crystal Ones" have a nice ring to it.

A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
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