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Author Topic: Fallout: Equestria (v0.30c) Pinkie Pie is Watching  (Read 499332 times)


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1920 on: March 17, 2013, 01:33:19 pm »

I would just like to take a moment to say how much I love this modification.
The original Fan Fic was incredibly painful for me to read, because despite the fact that there was such a wonderful concept beneath it, with the 'perfect', happy world of FiM flipped on its head, adding depth via the revelation of prejudice, intrigue and a well thought-out  post-war society, it was all ruined by the damn main character, who I found insufferable because of her lack of faults and flaws beyond "She's addicted to intelligence-enhancing drugs that only show withdrawal symptoms when the plot deems so" and "She's too moral and kind!". I despised the first-person narrative too.

This mod strips all of that away, leaving just the best parts of the idea, and on top of that, it's on the Dwarf Fortress engine! Kudos to the mod creator; this is like the best thing ever for an adventure mode fan like myself, and I look forward to future updates. It's impressive to see such thorough detail and hard work put into a conversion mod.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:44:09 pm by Rocktomato »
Life, like most voyages, is more about the journey than the destination, wherever it may be.


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1921 on: March 17, 2013, 01:49:43 pm »

I like to crush raiders, they are the bloody icing on the wasteland cake. The strongest faction my stables faced until this day were the talon mercenaries. They sieged us and we shot them to bits. I have seen a steel ranger scout around Valentine's day, and a wing of unity alicorns in my very first stable. Both of those stables were dead by fps drop soon after. Nowdays I play a world where my stable entity is at war with the slavers, so I'm having fun with them. The distribution of the enemy difficulty is spot on, at least up until the talons. Above them i don't have much experience.
I'm trying to avoid the deathlands, as there is just too much salvage there. Getting rid of the wildlife is as easy as putting down a cage trap. Fighting an enemy instead of neutralizing it is arbitrary. So, I stick to savage areas with sparse trees.

There are fish in Project Horizons, and if i remember correctly they are not even that bad.

Hoof fitting modules... Rainbow Dash'es watch? Shackles for the slaves, maybe with a syndrome to drain them mentally. Some kind of weak shield charm. Bracelets with physical stat bonuses. If they only give one kind of bonus, then filling the four slots will be a no-brainer. If they give two or more, then there are a lot of combinations. There could be an enchanting system to produce them as another use for alchemy. Damn pipbucks have all the functions you will ever need. Oh some kind of combat enhancing system which would give different kind special attacks, or just bonuses to the fighting skills. Maklak's spreadsheet is going to be enormous when we finally have the enclave (joke) :D
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1922 on: March 17, 2013, 03:19:47 pm »

Is it a glitch for only one playable civ? Or is it just to avoid more complicated problems for now?


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1923 on: March 17, 2013, 05:29:18 pm »

> Salvage as the only way to get stuff.
I still disagree and I'll try to explain how I see this.

Humans are lazy and will almost always settle for "good enough". For example with high transport costs (the globalisation that we have now pretty much works only because bulk transport is cheap) local materials will have strong advantage over imports. Unless it is a bad idea for some reason, a house in a forest will be built out of wood, a house in the mountains out of stone and a house in the sky out of clouds. (That was a joke.)

Imagine you're one out of very few survivors in a big city, with no prospects of immigration. In that environment salvaging would be much more efficient that producing new stuff. As the resources dwindle, the focus of scavengers would shift from looking for exactly what they want to adapting what they can find.

Fallout is at about this stage; there are still some places worth salvaging, but most towns have been picked clean and any communities there are, have to provide and produce for themselves. Even in big cities that still have some ruins worth looting and "prospectors", there is also some production going on.

Third world countries are a good analogy to "post-apocalyptic world with salvage". They have governments and megaprojects and so on, but for the most part people fend for themselves. Some of them sort through trash from richer countries and reuse and adapt what they can. They also have their own agriculture and usually export some cash crops. (Note that this is a very inaccurate description).

Rich countries do have their scrappers, but for most city dwellers providing for themselves is more efficient by getting a job.

Gun Runners in Fallout were a gang who found a weapons factory with all kinds of plans. They started producing weapons, then selling them and eventually decided that it was more profitable than raiding.

While Tepony Tower, Steel Rangers and the Enclave technically count as factions who rely on constantly patching up old relics, there was some industry going for them as well. In FoE there was also a place that exported water purifiers.

In Fallout 2 there were all sorts of production going on. One town had Uranium mine, one exported drugs (mostly jet) and alcohol, the village that your character starts in produces food, gecko hides and healing powder and other places have agriculture, production, trade, salvaging and whatever combination of these seems to work best for them.

In Fallout 3 there is a steel mill in Pitsburg.

New Vegas is something of an oddity, because it's economy is based primarily on gambling at The Strip. The income from it trickles down to the surrounding communities who provide various services. NCR is mostly there to secure clean water and electric power for itself and it's soldiers and other personnel spend money in New Vegas, but there are also farms and factories (and I'm not talking about the robot-infested ones).
* NCR Sharecropper farm close to camp Mc Carren produces food for the soldiers and enough surplus for trade.
* There is a smaller community farm, north of The Strip.
* Quarry Junction is a cement mine / factory, temporarily disabled by a Deathclaw family.
* Powder Gangers were prisoners and workers building a rail-road and possibly mines.
* There are the Gun Runners, who make their weapons and ammunition locally.
* Work and Reloading benches are scattered everywhere, indicating that every community has some kind of workshop to produce / adapt what they can and need.
* Great Khans make and export drugs, but otherwise are a tribal people, having crops, hunting and all.
* Jacobstown (The super mutant town) herds bighorners and exports meat. Presumably also leather, milk and cheese.
* Boomers rely on the army cache they found, but they estimate it will only last them about 5 years and I think they have a biofuel refinery and a workshop.
* You can help the Followers of The Apocalypse by making them help produce alcohol for a bar in exchange for some medicinal supplies.
There are "prospectors" too, but they are only a part of the economy, not the base of it.

In general people/ponies adapt in Fallout/FoE do whatever works for them.

Agriculture under the could cover is inefficient, but it is definitely going on in all the Fallout games I played, in FoE and in Project horizons.

Even Raiders and Gangers aren't in "Stone Age". Their settlements at the very least forge metal weapons for them.

Even Ditzy Doo, while relying on salvage to a great extent, had a workshop and produced things like armour. Not from ore of course, but she didn't have to.

> Think in general terms. Does every community in the wasteland live from uranium mining? Has every citizen in the NCR all new shine concrete houses?
No and no. They get by however they can. NCR is a relatively nice place, but it's houses are mostly made out of whatever is locally available, be it rubble, planks or whatever.

> But the following is true, most of the population live from scavenging and not from the fruits of production.
Hard to say really. Salvaging is definitely a part of it, but so is production, adapting and trade.

I'm not saying that everything was rebuilt and salvaging as well as repairing old relics are negligible compared to production, just that rebuilding is slowly going on.

> [Red Eye] is not the rule but the exception. The oddity in the survey data.
Sort of. He decided that rebuilding was too slow with peaceful methods (NCR-style) and went about doing it as fast as possible, while fending off powerful forces such as Steel Rangers. Much of his resources were dedicated to arming up, but that was a necessity. Of course the fastest way to do kick-start the industry was by sacrificing the lives of tens of thousands of slaves, which gave him a bad reputation, but overall he had the right idea and his plan would work.

> Of course he counts if I look at the wasteland from some removed objective point, but from the average citizen's viewpoint he is just a threat of slavery, and not the shining example of sharing wealth around the wasteland.
Well, if New Appleloosa is any indication, the threat is there, but he is also considered a good trading partner and some sort of fanatic.

> His faction in Philidelphia has every kind of industry available, but the only products leaving the compound are equipment for slavers.
Some of industrial output of Fillydelphia had to pay for all those slaves, so he has exports, but most production was spent on megaprojects, such as the Everfree Farms, the Schools, the Army and the Cathedral.

> My biggest concern at that moment was chemistry. Adding a badly implemented feature, is like adding none. (by bad i mean one i won't use because of the reasons i listed two posts before.) So i said something before it happened.
I'd say adding a badly implemented feature can be worse than not adding it at all, if it changes the game too much in some wrong direction. From what I've seen so far, no worries. It looks like chemistry is going to be inefficient and not really change much.

> Getting rid of the wildlife is as easy as putting down a cage trap.
I need hundreds of tiles of walls to make this method work... Ah, I finally realised why my animal stockpiles are so inefficient. I need to add wheelbarrows to them. Gah!

> Look here is what happens in most of my stables:
That's very different from my experience.

> By the end of first year food and booze production has been secured, and there is nothing to do with it for the rest of the game.
For the first year or two I have occasional food and drink shortages, but nothing major and is no one outside of hospital dies of thirst or starvation, I just sometimes have to slaughter animals of gather plants. After that I can export food by the truckload. I get enough alcohol, but it's not abundant. Any surplus is also useful for biofuel and coke. Lavish meals are always my main export, but I might switch to bronze serrated disks or maybe jumpsuits eventually.

> The core of the military is already in training and they are almost fully equipped.
My military tends to get wounded and die, but they do get decent equipment eventually.

> The stable have been fully mined out, and the miners have nothing to do anymore.
I never stop mining before FPS death, so your fort designs must be much more compact. I tend to have lots of unused space, though. Surprisingly, I also sometimes run out of stone, which is really easy with rock grinding.

> I can bring all the necessary gems at embark to have all the apprentice spells in the game, (or just grind a hundred rocks) and by the end of the second year most of my unicorns have already learned them.
I haven't though about bringing gems on embark, even after the reactions to un-polish them were added. Ponies learning spells are still problematic for me and require a lot of attention. It's probably easier now with gem trading, but before it was possible, Ponderplanned barely got any spellcasters. 

Well, maybe you're just better at playing this game then me and most of the rest of us. The consensus is that despite all the stuff from salvage, it is still harder than Vanilla. As Splint mentioned, if you get bored, you can try an eviller, savager region or some self-imposed challenges.

For me personally the difficulty is a bit on the challenging side of things. I'm having most fun when my Stable thrives despite all the attacks. There is also much to do in this mod with late-game industries and I barely ever got there.

> I am thinking about removing fish however…they don’t really make much sense and shouldn’t even be edible given the supposedly irradiated rivers they thrive in.
> There are fish in Project Horizons, and if i remember correctly they are not even that bad.
I don't fish, so I don't know, but I think Replica likes them. In any case, fishing is purely optional. I would have to actually fish for a while and see how efficient it is, to be able to say if removing it makes sense or not.

> Removing metal mining
I've noticed the reduced metal and gem abundance and I'm against nerfing this further. On most embarks you'll only get copper anyway, which just helps a bit to save some scrap on bronze and brass production. Getting iron is pretty rare, but to me is a welcome bonus when it happens.

> The water fountain does provide a wasteland water drink that’s stored in barrels.
Wait, I can actually build a fountain and biofuel refinery close together, add a drink and barrel stockpile and break biofuel and coke production? Good to know, but I don't think I'll go that far.

> The whole point of developing advanced technologies is to face the threat posed by the Rangers and Unity
The joke here is that Unity is immune to all spells, even by Magic Masters (well, except Time Dilatation, Shield and other self buffs).

Some of the things that could be made from plastic are wheelbarrows, buckets, bins and barrels. I just never have enough wood. Of course metal buckets from salvage and the increased efficiency of plywood do help.

This is pretty awesome, running dfhack scripts from evaporating rocks from workshops:

As to hoof accesorries, pipbucks and stealthbucks are the only things that come to my mind. Well, maybe jewellery that makes ponies "look pretty" by raising their social skills, but who would want tat anyway, especially in the military? Canterlot transmitters would just turn their users intu siucide bombers. Drug autoinjectors could work.
My advice is that you don't go overboard with this, just put in pipbucks and stealthbucks for now and move on to other things. If someone has any good ideas, go for them, but I would prefer a shield with a shield charm to a breacelet. Also, spell amulets would be better as "hats" rather than "socks". 

> Maklak's spreadsheet is going to be enormous when we finally have the enclave (joke)
??? I have a spreadsheet? I dislike spreadsheets.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 06:48:47 am by Maklak »
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Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1924 on: March 17, 2013, 09:53:08 pm »

Maklak pretty much said everything I was going to. I'll expand a little more, but not much. First village you go to in the initial Fallout has farms, and you can get experience if your Int is high enough by introducing them to crop rotation. First town you go to in Fallout 2 is a community of trappers. The only area that gets by exclusively on scavenging, which I think has tarnished your perspective, is the Capital Wasteland of Fallout 3 where the only things that are produced are small batches of ammunition, small batches of hydroponic vegetables, brahmin beef and milk, and only recently fresh water. Damn near everything in Fallout 3 is unrealistic in terms of settlements. 200 years of high levels of radiation should have depleted all the local resources, given DC's fairly high population once you take into account that the supermutants and centaurs are all locally produced.

Also I don't care for the DF Hack utilities. They get more in my way than help, and the bane of my existence is the mouse query tool.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 09:56:03 pm by Indigo_Surprise »


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1925 on: March 18, 2013, 12:24:16 am »

Rocktomato: Glad you enjoy it! :D Unfortunately, all the features developed so far are for fortress mode. There’s a whole host of reactions that need to be ported over to adventure-mode, not to mention fluff like creature sounds and NPC lore. I’m pretty swamped for time so I can’t give an estimate on when I’ll start.

Gzoker: When did the Rangers arrive for you? If your population or trade is rising rapidly enough they should arrive before the fifth year. I’m surprised that fps is still dropping after all the tweaks dfhack has you know what could be causing it? I’ll also keep fish for now.

Drug auto-injectors will provide the stat-boosts you mentioned, but otherwise I’m trying to avoid hoof-modules that only provide a single stat-bonus or other generic boost.

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Iceblaster: What do you mean by a glitch for only one playable civ?

Maklak: Your explanation on how salvage serves as the foundation for post-apocalyptic industries makes sense. Equestrian wastelanders subsist on salvage to an extent, but they also worked to become self-sufficient, whether from reclaiming abandoned factories or putting together makeshift forges for guns and ammunition. Red-Eye would be the most dramatic example, but Friendship City was able to operate its harbor guns against the Enclave invasion, implying some manufacturing capacity. I wouldn’t be surprised if most large wasteland towns had production lines for one or more goods – they would need them in order to trade with the other communities.

I may still decrease salvage amounts though, depending on input before the next update.

Wasteland water isn’t classed as an alcohol drink, so it won’t be used by the biofuel refinery. ;)

I’ve noted the dfhack scripts. Siren may be useful, but otherwise many of the commands (Like reveal, weather, and vein designation) are too overpowered to be explained by the currently available technologies.

Spell amulets are actually worn on the head, underneath helmets, with a maximum of one per unicorn.

Thanks for the input! :)

Indigo: You can delete the mouse query tool in hack>plugins>mousequery.plug.dll. Otherwise, the advantages dfhack adds (From autosyndromes to syndrome items) are too game-changing to ignore.
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1926 on: March 18, 2013, 12:55:31 am »

I like the syndrome items. I don't necessarily like the rest of the fluff crowding up my interface. I'm probably going to delete everything but the syndrome items.

Nah, just the mouse interface and search.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 02:30:03 am by Indigo_Surprise »


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1927 on: March 18, 2013, 02:54:24 am »

My fps problems are caused by the old computer I'm using. I start around a 100 on a 2by2 map, and after years of constant fun and salvaging it plumets down to 30. I should atomsmash every item we don't need, but most of the salvage is useful for something, and i sit on huge piles of robot parts, scrap metal and bars.
The steel rangers came after i hit the 30k export limit in that fortress, but then high quality salvage was a lot more expensive, and i traded a lot of it. Otherwise I'm careful with trade, so I don't hit that limit too often.
I have problems with dfhack so I'm not using the included one.
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1928 on: March 18, 2013, 11:17:13 am »

Can raw and processed fish be made inedible?
Just wondering because instead of getting rid of it you could rename fish as water salvage and have a reaction to turn cleaned "fish" into useful items.


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1929 on: March 18, 2013, 12:00:33 pm »

@Maklak: About the wasteland water. No, it can't be used as alcohol for the biofuel. Lyc thought of that and added a reaction tag so that only actual alcohol gets used, not just drinks. You also can't use carrot juice or celery juice for alcohol.

EDIT: My scientists have isolated the spell matrix design for Enclave PA. Now if only I could find one more box to figure out the actual armor design, that would be just ducky. I think that PA matrices will be my major export now, because they're really easy to make.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 12:03:48 pm by tahujdt »
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1930 on: March 18, 2013, 06:20:50 pm »


I had to join the forum in order tell you how much I'm enjoying this mod, Lycaeon. Its truly amazing what you've accomplished here. I admit I'm not much of a fan of FoE, but a mod that combines ponies, DF, and a post apocalyptic wasteland is impossible to pass up. I'm on my second stable. My first died seconds in due to my ponies embarking right next to hostile protectaponies.

I know this is pretty far down the road, but I would like to see friendly military factions. It would make sense to be able to hire mercenaries and make deals with the Rangers in exchange for resources and space.

I don't know if Dwarf fortress would allow it, but I think a ransom system would make a lot of sense, where Steel Rangers will promise to not attack if you surrender whatever high tech goods they desire. Similarly, allowing Unity to take particular foals in peace. It would give poorly secured forts a way to avert destruction, while still at high cost. Its just an idea.

My ponies aren't collecting salvage anymore, I keep getting a cancellation message saying the item is inaccessible.

Maybe its just my particular world, but I can't get saltpeter on embark or as something to request.

Is there no way to make stone spikes for placing at the bottom of pits?, that doesn't make much sense to me.


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1931 on: March 18, 2013, 06:26:10 pm »

Inter-civ relation mechanics are hardcoded into the game. You can change the actual creatures and the ethics but there's no way to add new ways for civs to interact with each other.
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1932 on: March 18, 2013, 06:46:43 pm »

Gzoker: DFhack is going to be an integral part of the mod in the next version, so I recommend finding a way to get it to work. DFhack r3 was just released; maybe it won't have the problems you experienced with r2.

Neowulf: Transforming living creatures into salvage has its own difficulties. It's a novel idea, but not one I have the time for at the moment.

Thirtyeight: Glad you enjoy it! :) Friendly militia factions are possible (The slave traders are an example), and hiring Talon mercenaries is on the development list. However, as Graknorke mentioned, there's no way to alter an existing hostile faction's mechanics (Apart from diplomats, but they can't be modded to set the terms you described).

> My ponies aren't collecting salvage anymore, I keep getting a cancellation message saying the item is inaccessible.
You're going to have to be more specific, though it sounds like there's a blockage between the salvage and the hauling destination.

> Maybe its just my particular world, but I can't get saltpeter on embark or as something to request.
Perhaps. I'll look into it.

> Is there no way to make stone spikes for placing at the bottom of pits?, that doesn't make much sense to me.
Ordinary stone can't be made into traps or weapons. IIRC obsidian is the exception.

Thanks for the feedback! :)
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1933 on: March 18, 2013, 07:18:29 pm »

There's no blockage I can see. The salvage logs just sit outside while I have 20 idlers. The logs get retrieved when I use the salvage yard, but its not getting put in piles within my stable walls. I must have done something, because the ponies used to haul them, but the salvage was also a lot closer to the piles then.

Is there anyway to decrease the frequency of irradiated dust storms? Sometimes it seems like I'm playing whack-a-mole.

Also, on the tips on the first page, you say " Hunting and anti-machine rifles use the markspony skill, while combat rifles and pistols use the gunnery skill." This confused me, as markspony and gunnery aren't classes in the game, so I didn't know who did what. Could you put the DF class in parentheses so people will know?


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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1934 on: March 18, 2013, 07:25:57 pm »

Have you zoned a wood stockpile for the salvage logs?

There's no way to decrease the frequency of the dust storms, apart from embarking in a region that doesn't have them.

Markspony and gunnery equate to bows and crossbows, respectively. I've edited the first post accordingly.
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”
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