Got this recently. Finally.
So let me as this perennial question, which must have been uttered by countless inductees to the game mechanics: holy shit mother of cow on a stick how do you even combat?
I had trouble with the first tutorial combat mission, and the second is completely beyond me. The bloody Eagle keeps out-turning me no matter how I fiddle with the engines and power, and I don't see much room for improvements there.
I tried playing with turning off course correction, but then the roll and yaw go completely crazy and I can't even hold the general direction towards the target (I'm on mouse+keyboard), let alone hit anything.
I fucken hated the roll controls back in Elite 2 & 3, no matter how cool they seemed on paper, and would always turn them off - and they weren't even this sensitive. But it doesn't look like switching to a more arcade-y mode is doable here.
Is there some sensible (whatever that means) remapping of controls, some ease-of-life options hidden somewhere, a proper tutorial video discussing best way to fly with a mouse or combat manoeuvres (the one on their site is basic crap), or is it just one of those games that ain't not gonna work right without a joystick?
Or is it something that you git gud at after bazillion hours of failing the tutorial, and then act all smug about on the interwebz?
Tell me, prithee, how did you git gud.